Определите, кто обычно выполняет следующие действия на

Занятии по иностранному языку, заполните таблицу.

(does homework, gives homework, marks homework, makes mistakes, corrects

mistakes, looks up words in the dictionary, checks homework, gives tests,

writes things down in their notebooks)


Student Teacher
does homework  


Прочитайте рассказ Кристины и составьте 10 вопросов к нему.

Kristina teaches a class of university students. They meet for three hours a week, and there are about twenty-five students in the class.

KRISTINA: We think it's very important for the teacher to use English as much as possible and only to use the students' language when it's really necessary so the students can hear as much English as possible. The teacher should always give homework. After every lesson there is some homework, but not too much, something quite short, and, of course, I have to correct the homework and give it back quickly so it's good for me if there isn't too much homework! Of course, the teacher should always try to make the lessons interesting. Sometimes it's not so easy, but it's important always to make the effort! Yes, we think that the teacher should always try to answer the students' questions, but it can happen that you don't know, so the teacher shouldn't be afraid to say, 'Sorry I don't know but I'll try to find out for you and I'll tell you next lesson.' You should use the course book, but maybe not every lesson. It's a good idea to bring in other materials from time to time. About correcting mistakes, well, some students say the teacher should always correct all the mistakes, but in fact, if you do that, the students never get to the end of their sentence! I think the teacher should just correct the important mistakes myself.

 (Pre- Intermediate, p.159)  

Назовите 6 правил, которых придерживается Кристина на уроках иностранного языка. С какими из них Вы согласны, какие правила вызывают возражения?

Составьте список правил для студентов на занятиях по иностранному языку, используя таблицу.

We should do our best to… We should always/never... Everyone should try to ... People shouldn't be afraid to ... Everyone has to ... We think it's very important to ...   arrive/finish on time interrupt each other/the teacher listen to each other/the teacher use our own language/English make/correct mistakes do/give/mark homework work in pairs and groups give/do tests chat


Making requests and asking for permission


Прочитайте диалоги по ролям и выберите фразы, обозначающие просьбу (making request) и просьбу дать разрешение (asking for permission).


Conversation 1

А: ... and one of the things that you can also do is ...

в: I'm sorry. Could you speak more slowly, please?

A: Sorry. And one of the things that you can also do ... is that OK?                                                            

в: Yes, I can understand much better now, thank you.


Conversation 2

A: I'm sorry, if I leave the class early today?

в: Yeah, I suppose so. Is there a problem?

A: It's my younger sister. I have to take her to the dentist's.

в: Oh, I see. Sure, go ahead. Thanks for telling me.


Conversation 3

A: Joao, do you have an English-Portuguese dictionary?

в: Um ... yes ...    

A: Can I borrow it, please?

в: OK, Here you are.


Conversation 1

А: Do you mind if I change seats?

в: Yes, all right. What is the problem.

A: I can't see because of the sun.

в: OK, then. Why don't you sit over there, next to Andrea?

 (Pre- Intermediate, p.29)


Установите соответствие между просьбами (a-d) и ответами (1-4) в таблице.


a) Could you open the door, please? b) Do you mind if I smoke? c) Can I borrow your copybook? d) Is it OK if I use your computer? 1) No problem, go ahead. 2) Sure, here you are. 3) Oh, no, I’m sorry, it’s out of order. 4) Yes, of course.



Составьте короткий диалог по предложенным ситуациям.


1. You don’t feel well, you need to go to the doctor.

2. You're very hot and would like to open the window.

3. You need to make an urgent phone call.

4. Someone's mobile phone is always ringing during the lesson.

5. The teacher isn’t loud enough speaking to the students.

6. You would like to borrow another student's pencil.


Используйте слова и выражения.


Could you please… -May I ... - Tell me please... -Let us... -Would you lend (give) me... - I have a request to you... -Be so kind as to (get) (give) me... - I’d like to ask you... - I’m sorry, I can’t - Thank you, thanks - Thanks a cot - Don’t mention it - Never mind! - Don’t worry! - OK!





Предложение с однородными членами Сложносочинённое предложение Простые и составные сочинительные союзы


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Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 208; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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