I. Употребите слова, данные в рамке, в предложениях.

social,  active, confusing, well-respected, sociable, hospitable  


1. Although he is 80, he is always busy doing different things.

He is still ____________________.

2. They enjoy spending time with other students.

They are ____________________.

3. Join the club in which people meet each other for pleasure.

It is a __________________ club.

4. These instructions are difficult to understand.

They are very _________________.

5. This system has a good reputation.

It is a _____________ system.

6. The local people are friendly to strangers.

They are very_________________.


II. Закончите предложения ( 1-8 ) , употребив выражения ( a-h ) .

1. The UK has a well-respected……………………………….

2. October is the busiest month in……………………………..

3. Universities have something called Freshers’ Week ……….

4. Don’t rush into anything that you’ll…………………………

5. Make sure you are aware of British…………………………

6. Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for……………..

7. Be……………………………………………………………

8. Soon you’ll be passing on your wisdom to…………………


a) …..the academic calendar.
b) …..social etiquette.
c) …..for next year’s new recruits.
d)…..higher education system.
f)…..their newcomers.
g)….regret for the next three years.
h)….your housemates and friends.



 Г рамматика для чтения

Задание 1.

Определите, н а какие вопросы отвечают выделенные члены предложения, ч ем они выражены и к каким ч астям речи они относятся?


1. Make sure you are aware of British social etiquette.

2. Universities have something called Freshers' Week for their newcomers.

3. The UK has a well-respected higher education system.

4. Don't rush into anything that you'll regret for the next three years.

5. Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.

6. The prospect of meeting lots of strangers in big halls can be nerve-wracking.

7. It's a great opportunity to make new friends.


Задание 2.

2.1. Определите, является ли определение правым (стоит после определяемого слова) или левым (стоит до определяемого слова) в следующих словосочетаниях.


1. the busiest month


2. slices of toast


new people, your door, start in making friends, some tips, research institution, next year’s recruits, lots of strangers, social life, the comfort of home, Freshers’ week, a great opportunity to join lots of clubs, cups of tea, clever planning, their room, something interesting


Произведите трансформацию по образцу, заменяя правое определение на левое.

a. my essay → an essay of mine

          his system → a job ……..

          her course →

          their friend →

б .  an important problem → a problem of importance

          a significant source →

          an interesting fact →          

в . Исправьте ошибки в подчеркнутых словосочетаниях , руководствуясь примерами. * Обратите внимание, что апостроф(’) используется, как правило, для обозначения родительного падежа одушевленных лиц, а предлог of - для неодушевленных предметов.

1. They bought a bar chocolate.

     They bought a bar of chocolate.

2. The boy name is Ben. →

      The boy’s name is Ben.

3. My neighbours room is decorated with flowers.

      My neighbours’ room is decorated with flowers.

4. My friend tips were good. →

5. Shall we have a cup coffee. →

6. He couldn't explain his lack motivation.

7. Students life is different. →

8. Would you like a glass wine? →


Дополните предложения, используя информацию таблицы.


1. the capital of the UK 2. a huge concert hall 3. the famous English crime writer 4. the street in Central London 5. the oldest and most famous university in Britain 6. the flag of the UK 7. the square in London


1. London, ______________was founded two thousands years ago.→

London, the capital of the UK, was founded two thousands years ago.


2. The Union Jack,_____________ , is made up of three crosses.

3. Piccadilly Circus, ___________, is quite small.

4. Whitehall,______ , stretches from Parliament Square to Trafalgar Square.

5. Another place of interest here is the Albert Hall, __________.

6. Oxford University,_____________ ,was founded in the 12th century.

7. Agatha Christie,________________ ,was born in 1890.


Задание 3.

   a. Определите тип прилагательного, являющегося определением, согласно схеме. Р асширьте словосочета ния, добавив прилагательное из столбца №1.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
цель opinion размер возраст цвет происхождение материал цель
wonderful                   nice great awful terrible how big? how long? how old? what color? where from? what is it made of? what for?


1. plastic souvenirs→ nice plastic souvenirs

2. green tea→

3. business journey→

4. British traditions→

5. a new club→

6. a big hall→


Б. Сконцентрируйте информацию, заключенную в нескольких предложениях, в одном предложении по образцу. Используйте таблицу из задан ия 3а.

1. T his game is new. It ' s for the family. And it ' s exciting. → This is an exciting new family game.

2. This computer is for business. It's Japanese. And it's powerful. → This is a ....

3. This a chocolate bar. It's new. And it's a big bar. → This is a ...._______.

4. These shoes are modern. They're for sports. And they're wonderful. These are …

5. He is a student. He is 21. He studies History. → He is a …_____.

6. I take a course at college. It lasts 2 years. →I am a _____.


Задание 4.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 335; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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