Render the text in Ukrainian.

ІV. Vocabulary and Grammar Activator

1. Study the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

land use planning, transport planning, social environment, urban planning method, human settlement, concentrated land conservative manner, shopping facilities, employment facilities, productive surface, land surface, point of view, inner space, highly intensified manner, belt system, vertical conveyer, multistoried department store, there is no doubt, to play a role.


2. Study the text and give English for the following words and word-combinations:

зразок природної та органічної організації; багатофункціональний центр нового типу; тип, якому властиве тяжіння до центру; максимально заповнити замкнений простір; коли вдається об’єднати; проблема, з якою стикається група, що працює над розробкою центру; висока густота; з технічної та архітектурної точки зору; у цьому відношенні значне місце належить прогресу; створення умов для контролю за освітленням та вентиляцією; встановити перелік функцій використання в міському господарстві; багатоповерхові житлові будинки.


3. Combine the words from the left and right columns to make word-combinations . Translate them into Ukrainian :

urban settlement
social center
multifunctional type
natural activity
apartment density
human population
inner renewal
city air
omnifunctional environmental
center-conforming pattern
space light
center function
high point of view
productive team
land transportation
engineering surface
architectural space
controlled building

Match up these verbs and nouns to make common collocations. Translate them into Ukrainian:

to adapt methods
to undergo changes
to be due to the fact
to satisfy requirements
to combine functions
to succeed in combining
to face the problem
to supply with tools
to establish a listing
to assist designers
to make possible
to play a role


Give sentences using word-combinations from Ex.3, 4.


Study the text, and find sentences with the Gerund. Translate them into Ukrainian.


7. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. It is no use renewing this center.

2. It is worth adapting new planning methods to this city.

3. This city center needs restructuring.

4. Everybody understands the reason for establishing multifunctionality.

5. They are engaged in creating conditions for controlled light.

6. The architect is busy listing buildings which need renewing.

7. Town authority doesn’t mind changing the city center.

8. We enjoyed our city center’s having been reconstructed.

9. We don’t know the reason of architect’s changing mind.

10. After having combined different urban functions, they succeeded in building a new center.

V. Talking Assignment s

Divide the text into logical parts.

2 . Express the main idea of each part. Use the following phrases:

– The first (second, third …) part of the text is about …

– It describes (considers, deals with, informs) …

– The author stresses (points out) that …


3. Ask your friend questions in English about their content. Summarize his/her answer:

– Що включає планування міста?

– Якими міста були раніше? Які вони зараз?

– Скільки функцій повинен виконувати багатофункціональний центр?

– З якими проблемами стикаються планувальники?

– Які нові технології допомагають планувати міста?

– Які переваги контрольованого освітлення та вентиляції?

– Які переваги вертикального перевезення?


Explain the difference between the terms “multifunctional center” and “unifunctional center”, “productive surface” and “land surface”.

Pair-work. Role-play. You are a professor. You are examining one of your students. Ask him questions concerning Modern Urban Planning.


Summarize your students’ point of view. Do you agree with them? Give your reasons :

– To start with … ;

– If I am not mistaken … ;

– Frankly speaking … ;

– To tell the truth … ;

– Actually … ;

– I suppose.


Give a short summary of the text.

VI. Listening Comprehension

1. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

arbitrary; overlapping functions; seat of institution; resort town; dawn; temple; trade; raw materials; supply of labour; historical continuum; recuperation.


2. Mask the text “Types of Modern Cities” and listen to it attentively:

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 240; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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