Task 16. Complete the sentences by translating the words and phrases in brackets into Russian. Translate the sentences into English .

В числе основных принципов (international cooperation) международного сотрудничества в сфере энергетики Россия выделяет следующие:

• признание неделимости (sustainable global energy security) устойчивой глобальной энергетической безопасности и взаимозависимости всех участников мирового (energy exchange) энергообмена;

• взаимная ответственность (energy producing and consuming countries) стран-потребителей и поставщиков энергоресурсов, а также транзитных государств за обеспечение глобальной энергетической безопасности;

• признание (security of supply) надежности предложения (поставок) и  спроса  (transparent and predictable marketing) (прозрачный и предсказуемый сбыт) в качестве ключевых аспектов глобальной энергетической безопасности;

• безусловный государственный суверенитет над (national energy resources) национальными энергоресурсами;

• обеспечение недискриминационного (access to global energy markets) доступа к международным энергетическим рынкам, их открытие и развитие их конкурентного характера;

• транспарентность всех сегментов международных энергетических рынков (production/export, transit, consumption/import) (производства/экспорта, транзита, потребления/импорта);

• (providing) обеспечение недискриминационного доступа к (energy technologies) энергетическим технологиям и участие в передаче технологий;

• обеспечение физической безопасности (critical energy infrastructure) жизненно важной энергетической инфраструктуры;

• повышение (production efficiency, processing, transportation) эффективности производства, переработки, транспортировки и использования энергоресурсов за счет инициатив, реализуемых на национальном и международном уровне;

• (promotion) стимулирование широкого научно-технического сотрудничества в энергетике, включая вопросы (alternative and renewable energy sources) альтернативных и возобновляемых источников энергии, повышения (energy efficiency and energy saving) энергоэффективности и энергосбережения во всех звеньях энергетической цепочки.


(Концептуальный подход к новой правовой базе международного сотрудничества в сфере энергетики (цели и принципы)


Task 1 7 . Translate the following text into Russian paying attention to the words and grammatical constructions in italics.

Security of energy supply is important for both consumers and producers. While consumers focus on guaranteed access to affordable and reliable energy supply, producers continue to face challenges brought about by dynamic and often volatile market conditions and geopolitical tensions.

As for any commodity, the balance between supply and demand for energy is of great importance for the industry to survive. A ‘win-win’ situation is required for all stake holders; an imbalance, if not restored quickly, will be detrimental to all.

Population growth is and will remain, the primary driver of future energy trends, underpinned by the process of urbanization. The current world population of 7.6 billion is forecast to reach about 9.2 billion by 2040. As the population continues to grow, so does the aspiration of the world to improve the quality of life and living standards.

It is observed that this population increase is accompanied by an exponential demand for energy. Global GDP growth currently averages around 3.4 per cent, growing to 3.7 per cent over the next two years. By 2040, global per capita GDP is estimated to increase by 80 per cent.

In order to meet this GDP growth, global energy demand is expected to grow at an average of l.1 per cent per annum and it is the secure availability of affordable energy supply which will drive this development.

Fossil fuels have always been the dominant component of the energy mix and they will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. Today they meet about 81 per cent of global energy requirements. Despite the efficiency gains, the global energy demand is forecast to grow by 25 per cent between 2015 and 2040 and fossil fuels are projected to still have three-quarters of the share in the energy mix.

Renewable sources — wind, solar and biofuels — will see a combined growth of about 5 per cent per year through to 2040, when the share of non-fossil fuels is expected to reach about 22 per cent of the total energy mix.

On the supply side, it is estimated that more than 80 per cent of new liquid supply is needed to offset the natural decline. Production is decreasing from mature fields, particularly in countries such as China, Mexico and Colombia. Without further investment, liquid supply will decline steeply.

It is natural gas that is expected to have the highest increase in demand, primarily to meet the increasing needs of the electricity and industrial sectors. The abundance and versatility of natural gas makes it a valuable, clean energy resource; it can help the world shift to a less carbon intensive energy sources, providing an ideal bridge to a low carbon future.

Consequently , natural gas is forecast to increase more than any other energy source. In the global energy mix, its share is etsimated to increase from 22 per cent in 2016 to 26 per cent in 2040.

(extract from the article Energy Security through to 2040 – Prospects and Consequences)



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