The grammatical categories of the English verb.


- of tense - of voice - of mood - of aspect

The question of the number and character of the gram. categories expressed by the system of verbal forms: e.g.: do-did-has done-was doing-shall be doing-has been done.

Different points of view:

1) all verbal forms are included in one grammatical category of tense. Within this category the grammarians distinguish absolute and relative tenses. Absolute – express the time of the action as related to the moment of speaking; relative – express the time of the action as related to some moment in the present, past or future. All the perfect forms are regarded accordingly as relative forms (Sweet, Jespersen, Postma). The engl.verb doesn’t express the category of aspect (it exist only in Slovanic lang-s). Continuous tenses should be regarded within the paradigm of the category of tense as expressing an aspective idea of a continuous action as distinct from other tense forms which don’t express such an idea.

2) The system of English verbal forms expresses both the category of tense (absolute and relative) and the category of aspect (American linguist Kurm).

3) Nestfield: the system of tense form is comprised of 4 categories: indefinite, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous (express the time of the action+different degrees of completeness of the action). Our practical grammars are based on this theory.

4) Prof-r Smirnitsky: the system of English verbal forms expresses three correlative categories of tense (present, past, future), aspect (opposition of continuous/non-continuos forms), and of time relation or correlation (opposition of Perfect/Non-Perfect forms). (the most popular theory). 

The grammatical categories of the English verb (finite and non-finite forms)

Finite Verbs: perform the function of the verb-predicate expressing time, aspect, voice and mood.

e.g.: I’ll keep the coins.

Non-finite verbs: verbals (verbids), perform different functions, don’t denote pure processes but present them as peculiar kinds of substances and properties, don’t express the categories of tense and mood, have mixed verbals and non-verbals functions

e.g.: The presented flowers are beautiful.



The category of tense.

- a verbal category which reflects the objective category of time and expresses on this background the relations between the time of the action and the time of the utterance.


1) 3 form categories: “linear”: past (the action preceeds the moment of speaking), present (the action coincides with the moment of speaking), future (the action in time following the moment of speaking) No place for future in the past.

2) 2 tense categories: of primary time; of prospective time.

The category of primary time expresses a direct retrospective evaluation of the time of the process denoted. Absolute time characteristics. The opposition: the past tense (the strong member) the present tense (the weak member).

The category of prospective time is relative by nature. Characterizes the action from the point of view of its correlation with some other action. The opposition: “after-action” – “non-after action”. The future of the present and the future of the past. E.g.: Jill returns from her drawing class at 5 o’clock. (вернется).


The problem of the Future and the Future-in-the-past.

There are different points of view and the category of tense is very disputable. The traditional school of theoretical grammar thinks that there are 3 tenses: past, future and present. The traditional school describes that there is no such tense as future in the past.

At the same time there is a different approach - two-tense categories - 1 = primary time and 2=the category of prospective time. The opposition between the past tense and the present tense. The opposition: past tense - strong member, present tense - the weak member. The category of primary time - expresses a direct retrospective evaluation of the time of the process denoted. Absolute time characteristics.  

 The category of prospective time is relative by nature - относительна по природе. Characterises the action from the point of view of its correlation (соотнесенность действия с другим действием - одно действие по отношению к другому действию - Present Perfect) with some other action.

The opposition: after action / non-after action. The future of the present and the future of the past - сюда оно вписывается. Gill returned from her driving class at 5 o`clock. I know that Gill will return from her driving class. I know that Gill would return at 5 o`clock - after-action. In the linear classification the future in the past is excluded.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 1166; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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