Matching leader style to the situation

Situation is favorable:

• The quality of relationships between leaders and followers

• Degree of task structure

•  Extent to which the leader has formal authority over others


• Task-oriented leaders are more effective with high highly favorable or unfavorable situations

• Relationship oriented -in situation of intermediate favorability

Leaders should know

• His leadership style

• Situation ( favorable or not)

Substitutes for Leadership

Situational variables can be so powerful; that they actually substitute for or neutralize the need for leadership.

Substitute – makes the leadership style unnecessary

 A neutralizer prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors



Charismatic leader has ability to inspire and motivate to do more that people normally do


• Lofty vision of a imagined future

• Displaying the ability to understand and empathize with followers

• Empowering and trusting

Charismatic leader- skilled as visionary leadership

Vision- attractive ideal future

Transformational leader are similar to charismatic one, but distinguished by ability to bring about innovation and relationships with followers (made them believe in their own potential)

Transactional leaders clarify the role and task requirements, initiate structure, meet needs of subordinates

Types of Followers:

The alienated follower



Critical thinking

The conformist

Actively participate in relationships

Don’t use critical thinking skills

Pragmatic survivor

Use whatever style best fits for the own position

Minimization of the risk

Passive follower

Passive, uncritical, no initiatives

No sense of responsibility

Effective follower

Critical, independent, thinker

Power- capacity to produce effects on others

Influence- the change in attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior as a result of power

Sources of power: Legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, referent àPower over others

Contingencies of power: Substitutability, Centrality, Discretion, visibility



· Agreement that people in certain roles can request certain behaviors of others

· Based on job descriptions and mutual agreement

· Legitimate power range (zone of indifference) varies across national and organizational cultures


· Ability to control the allocation of rewards valued by others and to remove negative sanctions

· Operates upward as well as downward


· Ability to apply punishment

· Exists upward as well as downward

· Peer pressure is a form of coercive power


· The capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills that the value


· Occurs when others identify with, like of otherwise respect the person

· Associated with charismatic leadership



· Manipulating others` access to information

· Withholding, filtering, re-arranging information

· Reduces uncertainty

Coalition formation

· Group forms to gain more power than individuals alone

1. Pools resources/ power

2. Legitimises the issue

3. Power through social identity

Silent authority

· Following requests without over influence

· Based on legitimate power, role modelling

· Common in high power distance cultures


· Actively applying legitimate and coercive power

· Reminding, confronting, checking, threating

Integration/ impression management

· Increase liking by, or perceived similarity to, the target person


· Promising or reminding of past benefits in exchange for compliance

· Includes negotiation and networking

Upward appeal

· Appealing to higher authority

· Includes appealing to firm`s goals

· Alliance or perceived alliance with higher status person


· Logic, facts, emotional appeals

· Depends on persuader, message content, message medium, audience 

Source of power

Social networks

· Cultivating social relationships with others to accomplish one`s goals

· Social networks are important foundations of power for individuals and companies apply social network analysis tools to discover who has this power

· There are cultural differences in the norms of active network involvement

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 287; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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