How to Connect ScratchDuino.Lab via USB Cable

Plug the USB cable, shipped along with ScratchDuino.Lab, into the USB port of the PC and into the Arduino UNO cartridge. To ensure the communication between the Scratch and ScratchDuino.Lab, you need to know the number of serial port connecting ScratchDuino.Lab to the PC. For this purpose, go to Device Manager, usually found at Control Panel.

Fig. 3. A snapshot of Device Manager window, showing the number
of serial (COM) port, to which the device is connected automatically .

Remember the number of the COM port! It is the port you’ll need to select in Scratch. In Fig. 3, Arduino UNO matches the port COM9 .


Connecting Scratchduino.Lab and Selecting a Port in Scratch

Launch Scratch. In the Scratch window that opens, select a blue block Sensing, then right-click on the block Sensor and select show ScratchBoard watcher (Fig. 4).



Fig. 4. Right-click menu of the Sensor block.


Right-click on the grey background and choose select serial/usb port (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5. Right-click menu of the ScratchBoard.



Select the port, to which ScratchDuino.Lab is connected, in the drop-down list.

Linux OS Family


 There are three ways to install the ScratchDuino.Lab software for GNU/Linux OS family:

¾ Use the CD, shipped with the kit;

¾ Download the packages from the file server of the project;

¾ Install from a dedicated repository containing the installation packages for ScratchDuino.Lab software:

 It is not recommended to install scratch_1.4 and virtual machine squeak-vm via the official repositories of your Linux distribution or download from the developer’s website. In such a case, Scratch will not work with a serial port, and therefore, you will not be able to program ScratchDuino.Lab in Scratch. The version of the package for the virtual machine squeak-vm, based on which Scratch 1.4 operates, must be 4.0.3-2202.

Installation from the CD

The packages for installing the software under an OS of Linux family are on the CD in the ../linux folder. Installation packages are built for some of the most common Linux distributions (RHEL/CentOS, Fedora, Scientific Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, SLED), and found in a folder with the appropriate name mentioning the version of the distribution. If there is no distribution you need, select a distribution, closest to the desired. For example, to install ScratchDuino on Linux Mint 17, use the packages from the ../linux/xUbuntu14.04/ folder.

For Deb-based distributions, install the packages scratch, squeak-vm 4.0.3, and squeak-plugins-scratch.

For RPM-based distributions, install the packages squeak-vm 4.0.3 and scratch

 After the successful installation, you will find the launcher icons for Scratch (Cat) at your graphical desktop.

Besides you can run Scratch and ScratchDuino from the console; for this, type scratch at the command prompt.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 229; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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