Installation from the File Server of the Project

The installation is similar to the installation from the CD. Download the packages that match your Linux distribution, from, and install them.

Installation from a Repository

¾ Add the repository for your distribution as described below:

¾ for openSUSE and SLE, type in the console the line

$ sudo zypper addrepo ScratchDuino

¾ for CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, and ScientificLinux, add a file /etc/yum.
repos.d/scratchduino.repo, with the following contents:








¾ for Debian and Ubuntu, add a line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb /

 In all cases, XXXXXXX must be replaced with the name and version of your Linux distribution.

For Deb-based distributions, install the packages scratch, squeak-vm 4.0.3, and squeak-plugins-scratch from the added repository.

For RPM-based distributions, install the packages squeak-vm 4.0.3 and scratch from the added repository.

Post - Installation Configuring

After successful installation of the software to operate ScratchDuino.Lab, you will need to make some post-installation configuring.

¾ Arduino UNO is accessed via /dev/ttyACM<номер>. By default, the /dev/tty* devices are available to the users from the dialout group only. Therefore, the user who is going to work with ScratchDuino.Lab must belong to the dialout group.

Add the user to the dialout group!

¾ If your Linux distribution is either Ubuntu 12.04 and later or an Ubuntu-based distribution (for example, Mint), you need to check your windows manager (WM). By default, it is Compiz. Unfortunately, Compiz can cause conflicts with Scratch. That’s why it is recommended to install the package gnome-session-fallback (for Ubuntu 14.04 and later — gnome-session-flashback), so that the WM choice would be available at the login window (Fig. 6).



Fig. 6 . Login window.

When logging in, select the Metacity WM!

Connecting ScratchDuino.Lab and Selecting a Port in Scratch


Launch Scratch from the GUI or from the console. In the Scratch window that pops up, select the blue block Sensing, then right-click on the block Sensor and select show ScratchBoard watcher (Fig. 7).



Fig. 7. Right-click menu of the block sensor.


Then right-click on the grey background and choose select serial/usb port (Fig. 8).



Fig. 8. Right-click menu of the ScratchBoard .


Select /dev/ttyACM0 in the drop-down list.

Mac OS Family


To install the software for Mac OS, it is possible to use the CD, shipped with ScratchDuino.Lab, or to download the installation files from the file server of the project.

On the CD, the installation file is in the ../mac/Scratch.dmg folвer.

The link to download from the file server is

To install the software, just open Scratch.dmg and drag the Scratch folder into the Application folder (Fig. 9).



Fig. 9. The window looks like that .


Open Application in a file manager, go to the Scratch folder, and run the executable (Fig. 10).


Fig. 10. Running the executable.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 234; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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