Check the knowledge of active vocabulary from this part with the help of “ACTIVE VOCABULARY” section.


Part II


Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following words:

technical drawing discipline clearly
technical drawings graphic communication provides
idea drafter drawing
Computer Aided Design engineering drawing design engineers

‘Technical drawing’ is the (1) __________ of creating standardized (2) __________  by architects, CAD drafters, (3)__________ , and other professionals. Technical drawing includes the various fields and technologies (such as electronics), which has in turn revolutionized the art with new tools in the form of (4) __________ . This system is known as CAD.

A technical drawing or (5) __________ is a type of (6) __________ and form of (7)__________ , used in the transforming of an (8) __________ into physical (9) __________. This type of drawing is used to fully and (10) __________ define requirements for engineered items, and is usually created in accordance with standardized conventions for layout, nomenclature, interpretation, appearance (such as typefaces and line styles), size, etc.

The process of creating a technical drawing is called drafting. A person who does drafting is known as a (11)__________ . Sometimes this person is called a drafting technician or a draftsperson. A (12) __________ differs from a common drawing by how it is interpreted. A common drawing can hold many purposes and meanings, while a technical drawing (13) __________ a clear understanding of all specifications of an object or objects.


Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following words:

product two dimensions Computer Aided Design drawings computer technology Drafting engineering drawn communication three dimensions improve

Today, the mechanics of drafting has largely been automated and accelerated through the use of (1) __________ systems. Computer-aided design is the use of (2) __________ in order to (3) __________ the design of a (4) __________ . It is both a visual (‘drawing’) and symbol-based method of (5) __________ among professionals.

(6) __________ can be done in two ways: (7) __________ and (8) __________ , known as “2D” and “3D”. Drafting is not only the way of communication by technical or (9) __________ drawings but is also the industrial art. In representing complex, three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional (10) __________ , these objects have traditionally been (11) __________ by three projected views at right angles.


Part III

(… адрес интернет-странички с видеороликами…)




1. Do you know the words:

“label”, “heading”, “capital letter” (“capitals”)?

2.    What drawing equipment do you know?


Listen to the whole text without video and answer the following questions:

3. The text is:

a. a list of drawing equipment,

b. instructions on basic drawing,

c. history of drawing.

4. How many parts can you divide the text into?

Listen to the parts of the text and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:22

5. What equipment is mentioned in the text?      

  What equipment is mentioned in the text but wasn’t mentioned by you in “2” and vice versa.

Can you guess what the word “compass” means?

00:22 – up to the end

6. What do the following figures mean? Match the figures with the following words:

     5mm, 10mm, 2H, 45°, 30/60°.

     labels, set square, pencil, headings, set square

Listen and watch the video, check your answers.

7. Fill in the gaps in the following  text:

(1)_____________________________ Technique   For this type of drawing you need the following (2) __________ : a sharp 2H (3) __________ ; and a (4) __________degree set square. You’ll also need a 30/60 degree set square and a (5) __________ . Using the(6) __________ : Make sure you put squares against the board, you can now (7) __________ using your (8) __________ and slide up and down across the (9) __________ , you can flip your set square to get the desired angle.   Labels and (10) __________ : The conventions we (11) __________ are as follows: our labels are (12) __________ mm high. We usually draw a 5mm high guide line, measure it carefully, so it is 5mm high, not 7 or (13) __________ .   We use only (14) __________without exception. I’m now going to put the (15) __________ down to show you the lettering that we use. We use plain, straightforward lettering. Whereas our labels are 5mm high, headings could be up to (16) __________ mm.  



8. What do the following words mean? Try to explain on your own:

compass, set square, to slide up and down

9. What are basic rules of drawing?



Part I


Have you ever visited a factory? Did you find out anything interesting there?

Read the following text. What is the name of the company?

A FACTORY TOUR 1. “Good morning. I’d like to start by welcoming you and your teacher to FK Industries. 2. The purpose of today’s visit is to show you our new CAM – or CNC – system. As I expect you all know, CAM means ‘Computer Assisted Manufacturing’ and CNC is ‘Computer Numerical Control’. Before I show you that system, I’ll just remind you what the two earlier stages in the process are: one, developing the design and two, the prototype model. When we’ve completed these two stages, the next step is to start making the items so we can start selling them. 3. Our CNC system takes the information from the CAD (Computer Assisted Design) system and gives it to the lathes in the factory. The system can be used for other types of machines but we use lathes so that is what you’ll see today. 4. Before we start our tour of the factory, I’ll tell you what I think the main advantages of CNC are: human error is reduced, the machines always work in the best way because they adjust their settings automatically and, of course, every component produced is identical. Maybe you’ll think of some more advantages as we walk through the factory. 5. As we walk through the factory, please stay with the group and walk behind the yellow lines on the floors. The tour takes about thirty minutes and there will be time for questions at the end of the tour. So, if you’ll follow me, we’ll start.”  

* (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 8, pg.9, ex.2)

Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 543; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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