Вопросы, выносимые на обсуждение

Points for discussion :

1. A general outline of the adverb.

2. Classifications of adverbs.



Exercise 1. Identifying adjectives and adverbs

· For the sentences below, underline all adjectives and circle all the adverbs.

· Classify each adjective as either attributive or predicative, and each adverb as either a modifier in a phrase or an adverbial.

1. They were cute invitations, weren't they?

2. That looks pretty good.

3. [From a discussion of the meaning of 'wild boar'] Can it be farmed intensively or should it be reared extensively?

4. Here there are eight shared electrons; therefore methane is uncharged.

5. The initial objective is to identify areas within cities which exhibit distinctive characteristics and which can be shown to be relatively homogenous.

6. The Russian airline was also interested in starting a transatlantic service.

7. The drive that motivates distinctive individual behavioral patterns (personality) is to a considerable degree subconscious.

Exercise 2: Formation of adverbs

The passage below describes a fictional train journey. Use it to find examples of the following forms of adverb. Some forms will have more than one example.

(a) a compound adverb

(b) an adverb derived from an adjective

(c) an adverb like an adverbial particle (e.g. off)

(d) a fixed phrase functioning as an adverb

(e) a simple adverb (excluding type (с) above)

(f) any other form of adverb.

Neither in the train to Kirkuk, nor in the Rest House at Mosul, nor last night on the train had she slept properly. Now, weary of lying wakeful in the hot stuffiness of her overheated compartment, she got up and peered out. Nothing to see, of course. Just a long, poor-lighted platform with loud furious altercations in Arabic going on somewhere. The train, with a terrific jerk, moved slowly forward.

Exercise 3. Identifying the syntactic roles of adverbs

Match each of the underlined the adverbs to the correct description of its syntactic role. Use each description only once.


(a) adverb modifying an adjective

(b) adverb modifying a noun phrase

(c) adverb modifying a predeterminer

(d) adverb modifying a prepositional phrase

(e) adverb as a complement of a preposition

(f) adverb standing alone

(g) adverb modifying a measurement expression other than a numeral

(h) adverb modifying another adverb

(i) adverb modifying a pronoun

(j) adverb modifying a particle of a phrasal verb

(k) adverb modifying a numeral

(l) adverb functioning as an adverbial.


1. You had the objectives right in front of you.

2. We have taken this event extremely seriously.

3. It did not seem odd to him that the subway held more compelling things than the famous city above.

4. Practically everyone knows the line, 'Play it again, Sam.'

5. Well, I think coming to the meeting is a pretty general requirement.

6. A: You can visit?     B: Absolutely.

7. For almost 200 years geologists have supported various theories of mountain building, volcanism, and other major phenomena of earth.

8. It [an answering machine] cut me right off.

9. Each of its workers gets a basic monthly wage of 360 pesos, almost twice the average pay.

10. So we'll give you a call later on or drop by and say hello. Until then, ciao!

11. 'Is he often angry?' I asked.

12. Similar data are available for the approximately one-fourth of Shang characters that have been deciphered to date.

Exercise 4: Semantic categories of adverbs

Each of these sentences comes from fiction, where adverbs often help give a story descriptive impact.

• Underline each adverb in the sentences below and identify its semantic category: place, degree (amplifier/intensifier, diminisher/ downtoner), time, addition/restriction, manner, stance, linking, or other.

• If you think an adverb combines two or more categories, or fits in an 'other' category, explain why.


1. They embraced lightly and carefully while Gwen made another set of little sounds.

2. It didn't really matter: everyone was insured when he bought a ticket, automatically.

3. Of course he understands perfectly well but wears that uncomprehending and pained look to establish he's not to blame.

4. Sometimes other people in the village glanced at him curiously, as though they could not quite place him.

5. The bank is so crowded nowadays that many people are moving away altogether.

6. We don't go there very much.

7. He tried to be offhand and not too obviously interested, but the fat boy hurried after him.

8. He too felt a mounting excitement.

9. Only the frightless gulls wheeled and soared and mewed their plaint over the place where it had been.

10. Hardly were we out of earshot, however, when Marcus said: 'I'm afraid I can't come with you this afternoon.

11. I felt he had some inner reserve of strength which no reverse, however serious,

would break down.

Рекомендуемая литература

Основная литература:

1. Худяков, А. А. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка : [учеб. пособие для студ. филол. фак-тов и фак-тов иностранных языков вузов] / Худяков Андрей Александрович. - 3-е изд., стер. - М. : Академия , 2012. - 255 с. - (Высшее профессиональное образование). - Библиогр.: с. 219-224. - Терминол. указ.: с. 245-250. - На обл.: Языкознание. - ISBN 978-5-7695-6145-0 : 391-60.

2. Bloch M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M., 2000. – p.6-26.

3. Блох М.Я. Теоретические основы грамматики – М., Высшая школа 2010.

Дополнительная литература:

1. Бузаров, В. В. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка = Buzarov, V. V. Theoretical grammar of English : workbook of Practice : учеб.-метод. пособие / Бузаров Владимир Васильевич ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, ГОУ ВПО "Ставроп. гос. ун-т". - Ставрополь : Изд-во СГУ, 2011. - 142 с. - Библиогр.: с. 135-140. - Текст на англ. яз.(2011).

2. Iofik L.L., Chakhoyan L.P. Readings in the theory of English Grammar

3. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1981. – с.9-13.

4. Хлебникова И.Б. Оппозиции в морфологии. – М., 1969.

5. Ilyish B. The structure of Modern English. –L., 1971 – p.27-35, 66-72


1. http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms глоссарий, содержащий более 900 лингвистических терминов с перекрестными ссылками и списком источников (SIL International). Ред. Е. Е. Loos, S.Anderson. D.H.Day Jr., P.C.Jourdan, J.D.Wingate

2. https://www.thoughtco.com/theoretical-grammar-1692541 информационный обучающий ресурс, посвящённый вопросам теоретической грамматики

3. http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/ информационный обучающий ресурс, посвящённый вопросам грамматики

Раздел 2. Синтаксис

Chapter 2. Syntax

Практическая работа №9

Тема “ Basic problems of constructive syntax”

Цель: рассмотреть понятия phrase, sentence, collocation, predicativeness, agreement, government, adjoining, enclosure, рассмотреть основные признаки предложения и словосочетания, типы фраз, сформировать навыки идентификации различных типов фраз и предложений в тексте.

Знания и умения, приобретаемые студентами: студенты должны усвоить понятия предложения и словосочетания, рассмотреть основные признаки предложения и словосочетания, типы фраз, уметь идентифицировать различные типы фраз и предложений в тексте.

Формируемые компетенции: ОПК–3.

Актуальность темы определяется тем, что в ее рамках осваиваются понятия предложения, словосочетания, а также рассматриваются их признаки, формируются навыки идентификации различных типов фраз и предложений в тексте.

Теоретическая часть

Within the domain of syntax two levels should be distinguished: that of phrases and that of sentences. We will term “phrase” every combination of two or more words which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word (the perfect forms of verbs). The constituent element of a phrase may belong to any part of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions). We should not narrow (сужать) the term “phrase” to the understanding it as containing at least two notional words, as is done in a number of linguistic treatises.

The difference between a phrase and a sentence is a fundamental one. A phrase is a means of naming some phenomena or processes, just as a word is. Each component of a phrase can undergo grammatical changes in accordance with grammatical categories represented in it, without destroying the identity of a phrase. For instance,

1) Write 2) letters: 1) the first component can change according to the verbal categories of tense, mood, etc. 2) according to the category of number Writes a letter, has written a letter, would have written letters- are grammatical modifications of one phrase.

With a sentence, things are entirely different. A sentence is a unit with every word having its definite form. A change in the form of one or more words would produce a new sentence. A phrase has no intonation. Intonation is one of the most important features of a sentence.

In Modern English there are different types of phrases:“noun+ noun”, “adjective + noun”, “verb + noun”, “verb + adverb”, “adverb+ adjective”, “ adverb+ adverb”, “noun+ preposition+ noun” (cup of tea), “adjective+ preposition+ noun” (Good for Michael), “verb+ preposition+ noun”, etc.

Phrases can be classified according to the syntactical relations between the components in it: agreement or ‘concord’, government; “attachment” (adjoining) – примыкание; “enclosure”- замыкание.

Phrases can also be classified according to the nominative value of their constituents. As a result three major types of phrases are identified: notional (consisting of grammatically connected notional words), formative (made up by notional and functional words) and functional (consisting of functional words alone).

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