Supply articles for the nouns modified by nouns in the common case it necessary. Explain your reasons for the use of the articles.

1. Once he passed close to ... troop truck and the lights flashed and he saw their faces fixed and sad in the sudden light. 2. Then they heard the noise of ... hand grenades heavy and sudden in the gay rolling of ... rifle fire. 3. He called ... observation post and he was not there. 4. This was how they were talking in the sawmill, while Anselmo waited in the snow watching the road and the light in ... sawmill window. 5. There was ... telephone line running along the road and its wires were carried over the bridge. 6. During the next few months the cub took every opportunity that came her way to harry elephants and there were many such occasions for ... elephant season was beginning. 7. ... mill hands said that Leslie kept them working all summer in order to be able to take their money away. 8. Then he comes back, crooks his finger, gives you ... cultured pearl necklace he's smuggled in, and you fall into his arms. 9. He came up the street bank by ... Dawson barracks with shivering heart and shaking knees. 10. Now, he drew two large wheels with circles around them and a short line for ... gun barrel. 11. It was necessary that ... Delaney cards should be filled during the third period. 12. "He might have been given ... Nobel Prize at one time," the man in the taxi thought. 13. Anselmo grunted. "I'm going for wine," he told Robert Jordan. Robert got up and lifted the sacks away from ... cave entrance and leaned them one on each side of ... tree trunk. 14.... school bell was Kenny Steams' secret love. 15. I had arrived early and had been taken upstairs to admire ... Hale children.


Supply articles for the nouns modified by prepositional phrases. Determiner whether the prepositional phrases are limiting or descriptive.

1. And if it comes to that, what's wrong with ... people in the hotel? 2. ... man at the control would not give the safe-conduct back. 3. How good to be like ... hand within a glove that stretches out and grows wonderfully cold in the hot sand. 4. When he came into the room, Smith went at once to ... woman in the uniform and bowed to her. 5. He saw ... girl with long hair springing back into two pigtails. 6. We ate in ... pavilions on the sand. 7. He was dressed in ... singlet without arms, and ... pair of duck trousers. 8. Then ... sniper behind the boulder a hundred yards down the slope exposed himself and fired. 9. Aunt Carrie and Julia’smother, Mrs. Lambert, lived in the morning-room, ... long narrow room with Empire furniture. 10. This passenger had come with ...ship from the Baltic state that owned her, but there was something about his appearance, in spite of his clothes, his moustache, that suggested he was really ... native of this island. 11. In order to be on the safe side Bart rang up Jan from ... telephone-booth near the railway station. 12. ... faces on the wharf began to take on individuality. 13. She leaned back against ... wall of the cupboard and he rubbed his nose against hers. 14. Now the mob was pressed tight against the door and from the square ... big drunkard in ... black smock with ... red and black handkerchief around his neck, ran and threw himself against ... press of the mob. 15. The snow was falling through ... hole in the roof on … coals of the fire. 16. Glancing at ... clock above the door I saw that it was two o'clock. 17. It was dark and he looked at ... light across the road and shook his arms against his chest to warm them.

Fill in the blanks with articles wherever necessary. Comment on the of-phrases modifying the nouns.

1. Robert Jordan saw ... woman of about fifty almost as big as Pablo, she was as wide as she was tall, in ... black peasant skirt and waist, with heavy wool socks on heavy legs. 2. She was here with the news and was in such ... state of radiant exultation as I'd never seen. 3. He had ... face of one who walks in his sleep, and for a wild moment the idea came to me that perhaps he was not normal, not altogether sane. 4. El Sordo went into the cave and came out with ... pinch bottle of scotch whiskey and three glasses. 5. Just, however, as he reached ... top of the great oak staircase, a door was flung open, two little white-robed figures appeared, and a large pillow whizzed past his head. 6. In the pocket with the wire he felt his players with the two wooden awls for making holes in ... end of the blocks and then, from the last inside pocket, he took ... big box of the Russian cigarettes. 7. He saw my face and stopped; then he came over quickly to stand beside me, giving me ... little smile of reassurance. 8. He slapped ... handful of notes on ... top of the table. 9. Her hair black and curling fell down her back, and she wore ... wreath of scented flowers. 10. You have told your car to wait round the corner so that it should not stand outside the door and by its magnificence affront his poverty, but at the door he says: "You'll find a bus at ... bottom of the street." 11. Their furniture consisted of ... couple of grass-mats on which they slept, ... fragment of looking-glass. 12. She was a native, ... woman of somewhat commanding presence. 13. Lights were flickering on along the wharf, immediately giving the unlit entrances ... sombre air of mystery. 14. A few weeks after this, the purchase was completed, and at ... close of the season the Minister and his family went down to Canterville Chase. 15. He was in the act of adding ... picture of bananas, an apple and ... head of Queen Elizabeth to ... long line of others, when Mary Poppins walked up to him, tiptoeing so as to surprise him. 16. A deep harsh note boomed under the palms, spread through ... intricacies of the forest and echoed back from ... pink granite of the mountain. 17. That's why I offered to make her ... present of her wedding dress. 18. From her bed she could see the snow flakes falling like ... swarm of white butterflies. 19. She drew ... tumbler of water and dissolved ... large spoonful of white powder in it. 20. They had a mile to walk to reach ... edge of the plateau where they would be able to see some expanse on the lower and sheltered side. 21. He said, "Thanks", and straightened with of .apology, a difficult effort on the long intense face, more an apologetic grimace than a smile. 22. If only they could reach Malaga before dark! There must be a French or British agent in … port of such importance. 23. Sheltering from … steady drift of a cold desert wind, they lay on their backs surrounded by hard and flat exposure. 24. He is … political figure of great importance. 25. He picked his way to ... seaward edge of the platform and stood looking down into the water. 26. Every force of his being impelled him to spring up and confront the unseen danger, but his soul dominated the panic, and he remained squatting on his heels, in his hands ... chunk of gold. 27. "Hey!" said ... owner of the foot, turning around. 28. She was ... steamship of some 3,500 tons, flying ... flag of one of the new Baltic states. 29. Jerome Haring, ... private soldier of General Sherman's army, then confronting the enemy at and about Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia, turns his back upon ... small group of officers, with whom he had been talking in low tones. 30. It's ... face of a conspirator. 31. It was ... city of over 500,000, with ... ambition, ... daring, ... activity of ... metropolis of a million. 32. ... next stage of the visit began now as Mrs. Broadwith brought in ... cup of tea. 33. I did have ... idea of going back to camp but now I've met you and I wouldn’t mind postponing it. 34. The girls have ... way of looking as though they're pretty much satisfied with everything. 35. Jess andI've been talking about ... possibility of his getting back into production one of these days, and I'll know where I can get hold of him.


32. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using of-phrases as attributes wherever possible.

1. Когда они съели консервированные абрикосы, которыми заканчивался обед, Чинк принес им по чашке чая. 2. Песчаная кромка заводи вырисовывалась как склон холма. 3. Он очень любознательный человек. 4. Май – месяц больших температурных контрастов. 5. «Я просто сидела и наслаждалась тем, что вижу Джейн», - сказала Марри. 6. Она налила ему чашку кофе и подала банку сгущенного молока. 7. Ему было за семьдесят. 8. Она бросила на него взгляд полный ненависти. 9. Выражение (чувство) горя исказило его красивое лицо. 10. Они проехали расстояние в несколько миль. 11. Это был юноша девятнадцать лет, ростом в шесть футов и два дюйма, с сильными мускулами. 12. Он бросил на меня удивленный взгляд. 13. На нем был костюм из прекрасной серой ткани, но не очень хорошего покроя. 14. Через мгновение примчалась толпа взволнованных туземцев, и их крики быстро донесли радостные вести до деревни. 15. Он сделал нетерпеливый жест. 16. Он молодой человек с чувством такта. 17. В нем поднялось чувство негодования. 18. Дома выглядят так, как будто их только что покрыли слоем краски. 19. Когда Рой пригласил автора лестной рецензии на лэнч, он это сделал потому, что был искренне благодарен ему за хорошее мнение, а когда он пригласил автора нелестной рецензии – это было потому, что он искренне заботился о своем мастерстве. 20. Спрингвейл находился на расстоянии трех миль от деревни, поэтому ему приходилось тратить много времени, чтобы добраться туда и видеть Джейн каждый день. 21. Когда впоследствии он писал о средних слоях общества, он искренне верил, что они составляют основу страны. 22. Как раз в это время стук копыт послышался на вершине холма, и в свете луны показались четыре или пять наездников. 23. Ральф нерешительно приложил узкий конец раковины ко рту и дунул. 24. Когда он объявил о дне своего отплытия, она не могла сдержать радость. 25. «Я просто так выразился, господин Уикс», - сказал он. 26. Если тебе не нравится идея сесть снова за руль, я могу поехать в Скуон с твоим письмом и забрать тебя на обратном пути.


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