Word Combinations and Phrases

for the time being на данный момент; на некоторое время; to work oneself up to a good

for that matter что касается этого       position готовить себя к высокому положению;

to take offence обидеться;                    to get nowhere (not to get any­where) ничего не

                                                             достигнуть, не добиться своего; не достичь цели,

                                                             потерпеть фиаско, не сдвинуться с мёртвой точки;

 to turn a tolerant (angry, loving,                                                            

etc.) eye on smb обратить терпимый to be well aware of smth. прекрасно понимать;

(недовольный, любящий) взгляд на;    

a touch of pride (resentment,tenderness, to apply certain standards to smb. мерить, оценивать                 

humour, etc. Also: a touch of the flu)                                          кого-л. определённой меркой

чуточка гордости, возмущения,

 нежности, юмора) и: лёгкий грипп;



A) Listen to the recording of Text Seven and mark the stresses and tunes,

B) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.

Find the following words in a dictionary, translate them and practise the pro nunciation:

Wriggle  извиваться; изгибаться, wander 1. 1) бродить; странствовать, скитаться 2) блуждать (о мыслях, взгляде и т. п.) 3) извиваться (о реке, дороге и т. п.) 4) заблудиться; 5) отклоняться; 6) стать непоследовательным, невнимательным, рассеянным 7) бредить 2. странствие, languid  вялый, resentful  обидчивый, sullen  угрюмый, vivacious живой, оживлённый, sword , se­creative  скрытный, ambitious, adolescence  подростковый возраст, coal-scuttle  ведёрко для угля, perplexing   ставящий в тупик, cosmopol­itan  космополит, многонациональный, temporarily , staccato  коротко, отрывисто

Read the following words paying attention to the primary and secondary stresses:

,independent, ,inclination  предрасположенность ,ciga'rette, ,disappointment разочарование, .possibility, .opportunities, .gene'ration, ,civilization

Practise the pronunciation of the following word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connected speech:

and though it was only cold mutton баранина; don't sit there dreaming; and the mint sauce ; I can be there and back; grunted заворчал impatiently; thin about the neck and shoulders; sprang into a vivid personal life of her own; Mr. Smeeth slowly knocked out выбил his pipe in the coal-scuttle; grumbling ворчащим about the children; he had enjoyed them when they were young; he no longer understood them; he simply tried one thing af­ter another; he would have been quick to defend them

5. Read the following word combinations; mind the pronunciation of the nasal sonant [ɪε], especially in the intervocalic position:

for the time being; letting her do everything; a way of acting, of looking, of talking; to do a bit of washing-up; when she was going out; planning and working; selling wireless sets; getting anywhere; nothing wrong; they were growing up; very perplexing  ошеломляюще and vaguely  неуловимо saddening; they belonged to a younger generation; knowing eye for a machine; and drooping изнемождённое eyelid веко; the smallest details of his motorcycling  езды на мотоцикле and dancing

6. Read the beginning of the first extract up to "Didn't give me time, that's all", noting the intonation of the author's words and paying attention to the use of ad equate intonation patterns both in the stimuli and responses to convey proper at titudes.


7. Read the following passage from "Left to himself,..." up to "... and vaguely saddening". Observe the intonation group division using proper intonation pat terns and beating the time; note strong and weak forms and the intonation of parenthesis and parenthetic groups.

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 424; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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