Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Он решил, что если он будет внимательно следить за сосе­дями по столу и делать все, как они, он не ошибется. He decided that if he would observe attentively his tablemates and do as they do, he cannot go far wrong. 2. На этот раз нам не повезло. Luck was not with us this time. Наша машина сломалась. Our car came to a standstill. Она остановилась в пустынном месте. It held up in backwoods. Поблизости не было ни одной деревни, до которой было бы легко добраться. There were no villages within easy reach of here. Хоть бы какая-нибудь маши­на проехала! We wished there would be any car on the road! Но не тут-то было. It was not to be.Нам ничего не оставалось, как довериться случаю и ждать. The only thing there was to do was to put ourselves in hands of fortune and wait. 3. Он прекрасно понимал, что лю­-


дям с иными вкусами и наклонностями его хобби, наверное, показалось бы смешным. He realized that people with a different order of mind from him would probably found his hobby ridiculous. 4. В газетной заметке сообщалось о бандитском налете, которому подвергся пассажирский поезд в горах Адельяно. There was an account of a mob, which had hold up a passenger train in Adelyano mountains. 5. Он вздохнул с облегчением, когда вступил, наконец, на палубу корабля. He breathed with relief having set foot on the deck. Скоро берега чужой земли пропа­ли из вида. The shore of foreign soul lost to sight soon. Снова и снова он повторял себе: «Домой! Я возвра­щаюсь домой!» Time and again he repeated himself: "Home! I'm going home!" 6. «Вас к телефону!» —улыбаясь, сказала хозяй­ка дома. "There's a call for you!"- the hostess said with a smile. Он вышел в переднюю, взял трубку. He went out into the anteroom and took the call. Незнакомый голос в трубке сказал: «Завод горит. Немедленно приезжайте». A strange voice on the phone said: "The plant is on fire. Come here right now."

Answer the following questions:

1. In what way did Anthony read his morning paper? 2. Why couldn't he concentrate on vital  жизненно важными facts in the paper? 3. Why was it that the article about the breakdown of the Alsatian  Express captured his attention? 4. What were the contents of the article? 5. What was the "minor mystery" connected with the accident? 6. What is the draw­back  помеха of the railways in the author's opinion? Do you share this opin­ion? 7. Have you ever experienced the feeling described in this para­graph  and summed up in the words: "If only the train would stop!" ? Describe an incident when you did. 8. How did it happen that Antho­ny found himself in a carriage of the Blue Alsatian  Express? (Was it a real fact or only his day-dream?) 9. What did he see when he looked out of the window? 10. The rest of the passengers were also fascinat­ed by what they saw out of the windows, weren't they? 11. Why was it that Anthony was the only passenger who seemed to appreciate the loveliness of the place? 12. Why did Anthony leave the train? 13. Where did he go? 14. Whom did he meet? 15. Then he returned to the train, didn'the? 16. Comment on the final paragraph  of the sto­ry: how did Anthony, all of a sudden, return to his tea-cup and his paper again? 17. What is the point of the story?

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