Тема: В банку. Державна та іноземна валюта.

План роботи

Читання та переказ тексту. Робота зі словником.

Topical words :

to attract                                               залучати, притягати

to deal with                                           мати справу з

currency                                                валюта, гроші

to vary                                                 міняти(ся), змінювати(ся)


When people make more production they need, they want to
exchange it for something else. But what must we do if the product is big and
heavy? So people invented money. We use it to buy and sell goods and
to make savings. In old time in different countries there were various types of money: animal skins and cattle, cocoa beans and salt, shells and stones...In our land our great grandfathers used grain, fur skins and later - gold. In Kyiv Rus money was called hryvnia and now we have hryvnias too.   

Paper banknote and metal coins are easy to hold, to save, to transfer and to use. That is why they replaced old kinds of money. Every country has its type of mo­ney that is called "a money unit."

When people travel from one state to another they need to exchange money. There is an exchange rate for this. It is approximately equal all over the world for main money units at a certain moment of time, but  changes from day to day. For example, one USA dollar is approximately equal to 27 Ukrainian hryvnias.The exchange rate depends on situation in currency market. In Ukraine, like in other countries of the world, we may change hryvnias into other currency in banks or special booths called "Bureau de change." They give a receipt in which it is written how much money you give, what the current exchange rate is and how much foreign currency you receive. But in Ukraine you cannot use foreign currency to buy something or to pay for any service. You must use hryvnias only. The same situation is in every country of the world: people use only national currency in the country

Read and translate the following text: Try to retell it.

           Shops and Shopping

Shopping is an important part of every man's life. There are many types of shops one can go to. The most important division is between small shops and large department stores and supermarkets.

There are many types of small shops specializing in certain goods - the bakery offers you bread of all kinds, the butchery sells meat, the grocery is the place to buy flour, sugar, salt and alike foodstuffs, the greengrocery will supply you with fruits and vegetables, the confectionery is the place for a sweet tooth, dairy has a wide choice of dairy products including milk, yoghurt, cheeses, etc. There are also shops selling other types of goods - clothes shops, footwear shops, bookshops, fabric shops, jewellery shops and many, many others.

But there are places where you can buy almost everything - supermarkets and department stores. Department stores are places intended for those who want a wide choice of consumer goods, but not food usually. Supermarkets are places where one can buy almost everything including all imaginable foodstuffs, washing powder, clothes and toys.

A department store usually consists of many departments. There you can not only buy different goods, but also have a snack and enjoy computer games. When you are at a department store you usually buy clothes or footwear. The most important in buying these goods are the choice of colour, cut and size. To choose a piece of clothes or a pair of shoes one should try it on and to look at oneself in the mirror. Sometimes you don't know your exact size and you may need a bigger or a smaller item. At a department store one can buy knitted goods, hosiery (socks, stockings and tights), and underwear. Women like to visit such departments as millinery, haberdashery, makeup and perfumes departments and china departments. Men enjoy looking at the items in stationery departments and instruments departments.

2. Виконання після текстових вправ

Answer the questions:

1. Where is the shopping center in your town?

2. What time the shops are most crowded at?

3. Which is the best department store in your town? Is there always a good choice of goods there            

4. What do you call a department where they sell shoes (socks and stockings handbags and gloves; perfumes and powder)?           

5. What size do you take in suits (shoes, hats, shirts)?

Make up questions

a) Ask your friend:

- if he often goes shopping;

- where he generally does shopping;

- when the shops close in his town;

- where you can buy a cheap suit for everyday wear;
b) Ask the shop-assistant;

- if they have got pullovers;

- if she can show you jeans and trousers in your size;

- what suits they have for summer wear;

- if they have something cheaper in grey (in dark);

- what dress of the latest fashion she can recommend you.

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 145; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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