Образовательные технологии, используемые при осуществлении образовательного процесса по дисциплине

  • практические занятия: выполнение упражнений, анализ текстов, выполнение тестов;
  • самостоятельная работа студентов: работа с учебником и электронными ресурсами, работа в библиотеке, подготовка сообщений, презентаций и рефератов.


Перечень информационных технологий, используемых при осуществлении образовательного процесса по дисциплине, включая перечень лицензионного программного обеспечения и информационных справочных систем (при необходимости)

 В процессе осуществления образовательного процесса используются:

– для формирования текстов материалов для промежуточной и текущей аттестации –    

программы Microsoft Office,

– для поиска учебной литературы библиотеки ЯрГУ – Автоматизированная библиотечная

информационная система "БУКИ-NEXT" (АБИС "Буки-Next").

Перечень основной и дополнительной учебной литературы, ресурсов информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет», необходимых для освоения дисциплины

А) основная литература

1. Mark Skipper “Advanced grammar and vocabulary”, Express Publishing, 2010.


Б) дополнительная литература

1. Sue O’Connel “Focus on Advanced English CAE”, Longman, 2000.

2.“Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency”, Pearson Education Limited, 2006.

3. Martin Hewings “Advanced Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

В) ресурсы сети «Интернет»

электронные поисковые системы: directory.mozilla.org, aboutus.org, wikipedia.com, yahoo.com














Материально-техническая база, необходимая для осуществления образовательного процесса по дисциплине

- электронные ресурсы;

- компьютерный класс;

- раздаточные материалы для обеспечения различных форм и видов аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов;

- CD-, DVD-, MP3-проигрыватели, телевизор, проектор;

- доступ к сети Интернет (во время самостоятельной подготовки и на практических занятиях).



доцент кафедры иностранных языков гуманитарных факультетов, кандидат филологических наук   Колтышева Е.Ю.
(должность, ученая степень) (подпись) (Фамилия И.О.)




Приложение №1 к рабочей программе дисциплины


«Углубленный курс английского языка»

Фонд оценочных средств

Для проведения текущей и промежуточной аттестации студентов

По дисциплине

Типовые контрольные задания или иные материалы,

Необходимые для оценки знаний, умений, навыков и (или) опыта деятельности, характеризующих этапы формирования компетенций

Контрольные задания и иные материалы,

Используемые в процессе текущей аттестации


Контрольные задания и материалы составляются преподавателем самостоятельно при ежегодном обновлении банка средств. Количество вариантов зависит от числа обучающихся.          

Примеры заданий по разделу 1.

Задание 1:


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given at the end of each


1. All ... must be received before August 10. (to apply)

2. I’m sure that the whole problem is a simple ... . (to understand)

3. It’s much more ... to buy large size packets. (economy)

4. Don’t touch this glass vase! It’s absolutely ... . (price)

5. The doctor will be available for a ... in the morning. (to consult)

6. The villages in the mountains are quite ... in winter. (to access)

7. You don’t have to go. Your decision must be entirely ... . (volunteer)

8. The dancer’s movements were extremely ... . (grace)

9. The cost of ... to the show is reasonable. (to admit)

10. Bill was given a medal in ... of his services. (to recognise)

11. Kate’s exam results turned out to be really ... . (disaster)

12. What are the entry ... at this university? (to require)

13. Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict ... . (to bring)

14. Ruth has gone back to college to get a teaching ... . (to qualify)

15. I didn’t pay the bill and now the electricity has been ... . (to connect)

16. Jean isn’t really a friend, only an ... . (to acquaint)

17. I was so angry that I was absolutely ... . (speech)

18. If you ... me, I’ll simply inform the police. (threat)

19. Janet had to ... from the team because of injury. (to draw)

20. There is no ... between you and your relatives. (to differ)

Тема дискуссии: «How can you make the most of your mind?»

Написание личного письма: Imagine that you are a 10-year-old kid who still believes in Santa. Write an informal letter to him (about 150-200 words).


Примеры заданий по разделу 2.

Тема дискуссии: «The problem of global warming».

Тема эссе: «State of the planet».

Написание официального письма: Write a letter of application (1800-200 words), following the rubric below.

You are writing to the Resource Centre of Maryland University, USA, to apply for the position of a librarian assistant. You have recently graduated from the WSB Business School in Warsaw and received high grades in both English and Business Courses. In addition, you are a competent computer user. In the past 2 years, you have worked in the WSB library, helping teachers and students to find and use the resources there. This experience has given you the ability to deal with the needs of all types of people. Write that you could be a valuable addition to the Centre.


Примеры заданий по разделу 3.

Лексико-грамматическая работа

 I.Write the necessary modal verb/expression in the required form and make a brief comment on its use.

1. When you cross the road, you ___ look to the left then to the right.

2. - Where is Jane, I wonder?

- She ___ still be playing tennis, I suppose.

3. – I don`t feel very well today.

- I think you ___ see your doctor. It would be wise of you to do so.

4. He ___ have caught a cold as he is constantly sneezing and coughing.

5. John asked the nurse if he ___ use the thermometer.

6. I didn`t have any idea that the child was ill! You ___ have told me about it, you know!

7. Unfortunately, you ___ enter the room, as my disease is catching, but I ___ come up to the window. I am strong enough.

8. When I was at school I ___ speak German quite well but last week at a party I met a German and ___ understand a word he said.

9. You ___ mention her name as everybody knows it.

10. – John has stopped smoking! Fancy that!

- How on earth ___ it happen?

II. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the appropriate modal verb in required form.

1 .It is quite possible that the performance is over as there are many people leaving the theatre.

2. Is it possible that this old man is your brother?

3. I am convinced that it is possible for all the nations of the world to live in peace.

4. He has had a busy day and is perhaps tired.

5. It`s unbelievable that she has failed to get in touch with him!

6. Perhaps, she has been staying there for three weeks.

7. It isn`t necessary for you to prompt him, he never forgets the words.

8. Drivers are forbidden to go at more than 30 miles an hour when they are in town.

9. No doubt, after the sleepless night he is having a splitting headache.

10. I advise you to take your guests to Kensington Gardens in the morning.

III. Translate the following sentences into English, using the necessary modal verb/expression:

1. Маша зря приготовила обед так рано, вся семья вернулась домой очень поздно.

2. Катя больна, и мы не знаем, что с ней. Возможно, у неё грипп.

3. Когда вы будете в Лондоне, вам обязательно надо посетить Британский музей и его знаменитую библиотеку.

4. Джейн, уже семь часов. Тебе придётся встать немедленно, если ты хочешь встретить свою подружку на вокзале.

5. Неужели это Джон Смит? Не видел его целую вечность.

6. Ты испортил мой магнитофон. Больше его никогда не получишь!

7. Как мы ни старались уговорить его принять участие в нашем спектакле, он не соглашался.

8. Не может быть, что она всё это время ждёт.

9. “Вы можете думать, что Вы старая ”, - сказал он, - “но мне Вы кажетесь совсем молодой”.

10. – Можно мне немножко отдохнуть?

- Конечно же, можно. Ты бы могла давно уже это сделать.


Примеры заданий по разделу 4.

Проект: разработайте и оформите буклет: «How to fight stress in our life».

Тема дискуссии: «What situations usually cause us stress?»


Примеры заданий по разделу 5.

Лексико-грамматическая работа

Put the verbs in the following text into the appropriate past tense.


Thomas Cook – the ‘inventor’ of package holidays

The inventor of the “package tour’ was Thomas Cook. Born in Leicester in 1808, Cook was a preacher who (go) around the country telling people about the evils of alcohol. He (believe) that people would be less tempted by drink if they could get out of the cities and into the countryside on their days off.

In 1841, while he (travel) around the North, he (have) a brainwave. He (reserve) an entire train to go from Leicester to Loughborough and back again in one day.


Тема эссе: «Your ideal holiday».


Примеры заданий по разделу 6.


Тема докладов: «Different dialects of English».

Написание обзорной статьи: Write

· a review of your favourite film to post it on a web page “Films that Are Always with Us”;

· a review of the worst ever TV show for the rating “NO-Show”.


Примеры заданий по разделу 7.

Лексико-грамматическая работа

I. Chose the correct word to complete the sentences.

  1. What other exercise do you get … (beside/besides) swimming?
  2. The measures are designed to tackle the current … (economic/economical) crisis.
  3. Choices you make now will … (effect/affect) the rest of your life.

II. Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Choose from the present perfect simple or continuous, simple past or used to forms. Make any necessary changes to word order.

I don’t mind being 30 at all except that in work terms it does mean I pretty much (reach) the last stage of my career as a bond dealer. In the old days it (be) 40, but in today’s market people burn themselves out more quickly. The pressure on the trading floor is unbelievable and since my late twenties (find) it increasingly difficult to cope with stress. And I don’t really want to any more! Work (be) the most important thing in my life but that is changing as I get older.


Примеры заданий по разделу 8.


Написание неофициального письма:

 An English-speaking friend of yours is hoping to get a job in Britain, and has written to you, asking for advice on how to go about it. Your friend mentioned an interest in beginning a career in broadcasting. You notice the Candidate Column in British newspaper and decide it would be a good idea for your friend to advertise in it. You think some of the advertisements in the column work better than others and you have made some notes on them. You have also spotted a short article on working in broadcasting, which you think your friend should read.

Using the information provided, write a letter to your friend explaining why you think they should advertise in the column, giving some advice on how to write an advertisement.


Тема дискуссии: «Colours and personality».


Примеры заданий по разделу 9.

Лексико-грамматическая работа

I. Supply the necessary forms of the verbs given in brackets.

  1. If you (to go) abroad (to let) me know.
  2. Looking at him she (to ask) : “If I (to invite) you to the theatre you (to go)?”
  3. If I (to be) you I (to enter) the military school.
  4. We (never meet) if he (not to invite) us to his Birthday that day.
  5. If he (to have) a high temperature (to send) for the doctor.

II. Translate into English.

  1. Если я поеду в Лондон, я обязательно посмотрю Вестминстерское Аббатство.
  2. Если бы эта картина не имела никакой исторической ценности, на неё не приезжали бы смотреть люди со всего мира.
  3. Если бы я тогда хорошо знал английский, меня бы взяли на работу гидом в ту компанию.
  4. Если бы не река Темза, римляне не поставили бы своё поселение в этом месте.
  5. Окажись я тогда в Гайд-Парке, обязательно бы выступил в уголке оратора!


Тема дискуссии: «How to be a good/bad guest»


Примеры заданий по разделу 10.


Лексико-грамматическая работа

I. Underline the non-finite forms of the verb, name them and state their functions.

1. His method of travelling is unusual.

2. Knowing him well she couldn`t believe him.

3. She was standing in the hall gazing indignantly at the broken vase.

4. To say so is to betray him.

5. Stop listening to that nonsense!

6. After coming home she used to look through all the letters.

7. They seemed to be discussing something of importance.

8. He suddenly remembered being laughed at by that very man.

9. She returned early to finish the preparations.

10. Having crossed the street he suddenly turned his head as if addressed by somebody.


II. Use the Gerund or the Infinitive; use a preposition where necessary.

1. I want you (take) part in this event.

2. Don`t (speak) without thinking.

3. I enjoyed (read) this poetry.

4. His manner (write) is unusual.

5. We expected him (help) us.

6. The old man could not stand (make fun of).

7. You can`t make him (do) it.

8. This book is said (sell) already.

9. He liked to do things without (disturb) anyone or (disturb).

10. She reproached me for not (keep) my promise.


III. Use the necessary form of the Participle:

1. Suddenly he ran into Dick (return) from school.

2. (warn) about it beforehand he was ready now.

3. (be) an honest man he couldn`t agree to that.

4. She stayed (lock) in her room (refuse) to come down.

5. He had a good practical knowledge of the language, (work) as an interpreter for many years.

6. Though (frighten), he didn`t show it.

7. They found a lock (break) and the man (go).

8. He looked at the scene (shake) to the depth of his heart.

9. He recoiled as if (expect) a blow.

10. When (tell) the fare, he realized he couldn`t afford it.


IV. Translate the sentences into English using the non-finite forms of the verb:

1. Где вам шили это платье?

2. Ночью слышали, как собака лаяла в саду.

3. Нет смысла делать перерыв.

4. Услышав кашель Сэма, мистер Потт перестал читать газету.

5. Он пытался найти предлог, чтобы уйти пораньше.

6. Он извинился за опоздание.

7.Вы подозреваете, что она прочитала ваше письмо?

8. Я хочу, чтобы вы меня правильно поняли и не подозревали в том, что я говорю неправду.

9. Эта книга слишком объёмная, чтобы прочитать её за один день.                         

10. Ей, несомненно, понравится этот фильм.


Тема дискуссии: «Men and women. Are we different?»


Примеры заданий по разделу 11.

Написание официального письма: Write a letter of complaint following the rubric below.

You are writing to an airline company XOX. You travelled by this company to hong Kong on business. On arrival, you didn’t find your luggage and had to buy a new suit, shoes and some other items. The company returned your suitcase in three days. It was all torn. Ask the representative of the company to reimburse you for the purchases and the suitcase. Appreciate his/her help. Sign your letter.


Тема дискуссии: «Helping the environment».


Примеры заданий по разделу 12.

Тема дискуссии: «Why do people take risks?»


Примеры заданий по разделу 13.

Тема дискуссии: «Dress codes».


Примеры заданий по разделу 14.

Тема дебатов: «Aims of education».


Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 244; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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