Match the Russian expressions on the left with their English equivalents on the right.
1 | И на старуху бывает проруха | а | a little body often harbours a great soul |
2 | бабушка надвое сказала | b | a pain in the neck |
3 | пустозвон | с | all that glitters is not gold |
4 | брюзга, зануда | d | appearances are deceptive |
5 | Мастер-ломастер | е | no man is wise at all times |
6 | родиться в сорочке | f | curiosity killed the cat |
7 | Похожи как две капли воды | g | like father, like son |
8 | Не уметь держать язык за зубами | h | aloose cannon |
9 | внешность обманчива | i | to have a big mouth |
10 | Мал золотник, да дорог | j | A slowcoach |
11 | Не все то золото, что | k | Jack of all trades and master of |
блестит | none | ||
12 | Яблоко от яблони недалеко | 1 | to be born with a silver spoon ii |
падает | one's mouth | ||
13 | рыбак рыбака видит издалека | m | to be as like as two peas |
14 | копуша | n | birds of a feather flock together |
15 | любопытной Варваре на | о | there's many a slip between the |
базаре нос оторвали | cup and the lip |
Exercise 5.
Look up the meaning of Culture words in reference books. Give a short talk on the origin and meaning of one word of your choice.
Exercise 6.
Deduce the meaning of the words from their dictionary definitions.
1. If you take a child into a family for a period of time but without becoming the child's legal parent -
2. A chart, or drawing that shows all the people of your family over many generations and their relationship with one another -
3. A card with your name, date of birth, photograph, and signature on it, that proves who you are -
4. A sister who is the daughter of only one of your parents -
5. A family unit that consists only of husband, wife and children -
7. The language that you learn from your parents when your are a child
8. The man who is thought of as taking place of a father and being the person you can turn to for advice, support, guidance, and help -
9. A man or boy who allows his mother to protect him too much and is considered weak -
10. The group of men who wrote the American Constitution and Bill of Rights and started the US as a country -
Exercise 7.
Look at the following words used to describe people's character. Make two columns of 1) what you think are bad characteristics; 2) what you think are good characteristics.
tolerant | generous | sympathetic |
irresponsible | unsociable | cruel |
ambitious | intelligent | even-tempered |
patient | sincere | greedy |
cheerful | insensitive | ill-mannered |
inflexible Exercise 8. | ambitious | bright |
Read the descriptions of different types of people below.
The sort of person who: | |||
a) | only thinks of their own needs and never thinks about other people. | big | centered |
b) | thinks they know everything. | over | faced |
c) | refuses to consider new ideas or other people's opinions. | two | minded |
d) | is not up-to-date with modern ideas and values. | old | sensitive |
e) | says they believe one thing and then behave in a way that shows they are not sincere. | absent | headed |
f) | forgets things, often because they are thinking about something else. | narrow | fashioned |
g) | is easily offended. | self | minded |
Match words from the two lists to form compound adjectives which fit the descriptions.
Exercise 9.
Which of these traits of character do you most dislike in a partner? Place them in order.
vanity | hypocrisy | stubbornness | obstinacy |
selfishness | dishonesty | arrogance | timidity |
shyness | possessiveness | meanness | aggressiveness |
Which of these qualities is most important for you in a partner? Place them in order of importance.
compassion frankness self-assurance tolerance
patience generosity ambition sincerity
imagination modesty sensitivity creativity
Discuss or write down the personal characteristics (good and bad) that you would expect to find in these people.
1. anurse 3. a politician 5. the chairman of a multinational company
2. an actor 4. a teacher
Exercise 10.
Use these eight descriptions of people in the sentences below:
a. a bit of an old woman e. a confirmed bachelor
b. a nosey parker f. a backseat driver
с. a clever dick g. an unknown quantity
d. a down-and-out h. a wet blanket
1. Nobody knows where Jim came from. We don't know if he's got children. He's a bit of... .
2. Don't tell Liz anything about yourself or your business. She's a ....
3. I don't think Pete will ever get married. He's 45 and very independent. He's ....
4. My wife's the worst. She sits there saying "Slow down", "Do you know what speed you're doing?", "Mind that car". She's a classic ....
5. James is always worrying about his health, keeping warm, what he eats. He's terrified of burglars. He really is ....
6. Richard thinks he knows it all. He's a real ....
7. Remember David Brown who was so good at sport when we were at school? Well, I saw him the other day in the centre of town, looking terrible. He'd obviously been drinking and was sitting around with a crowd of....
8. Don't ask Jeff to the party. He'll just sit in the corner looking miserable. He can be such ....
Use the following expressions in the correct sentence below:
a. the salt of the earth e. a Jekyll and Hyde
b. a loose cannon f. a slowcoach
с. a pain in the neck g. a trouble-maker
d. the life and soul of the party h. a show-off
1. Come on! Hurry up! You're such ....
2. I don't know how you can share a car with Simon every morning. All he talks about is motorbikes. I find him a real ... !
3. Don't have anything to do with Alan. He's just a ....
4. One minute she's happy and friendly, the next she totally ignores you! She's a real ..., if you ask me.
5. Mike loves flashing his Rolex around and his latest BMW. He's a ....
6. Things are always more interesting when Patricia arrives. She's ....
7. The good thing about John is you always know where you are with him. He is totally 100% honest, but the down side is he sometimes says exactly what he's thinking in all the wrong places - a bit of...!
8. I love my grandmother. She's kind, honest, uncomplicated. She's ....
Exercise 11.
Read the text below and answer the question which ends the story 'Why do people ever get married?' Find in the text equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:
неженатые (холостые) люди, поседевшая супруга, самый любимый отпрыск, мамина и папина родня, закоренелые холостяки и старые девы составляют самую незначительную часть населения, содержать семью, жениться по любви или по расчету, назначить день свадьбы, принять предложение, новобрачные, походить внешне на кого-либо, отвезти жену в роддом, ходить на родительские собрания, пойти в кого-то, проблема отцов и детей, ходить на свидания, будущая невеста.
Marriageis a thing which only a rare person in his or her life avoids. True bachelorsand spinstersmake up only a small percent of the population; most single people are "alone but not lonely".
Millions of others get marriedbecause of the fun of family life.And it is fun, if one takes it with a sense of humour.
There's a lot of fun in falling in lovewith someone and chasing the prospective fiancée,which means datingand going outwith the candidate. All the relatives (parents, grandparentsand great-grandparents, brothersand sisters, cousins, auntsand uncles, niecesand nephews, stepmothersand stepfathersand all in-lawsmeanwhile have the fun of criticizing your choice and giving advice. The trick here is not to listen to them but propose toyour bride-to-beand somehow get her to accept your proposal.Then you may arrange the engagementand fix the day of the wedding.
What fun it is to get all those things, whose names start with the word "wedding" — dress, rings, cars, flowers, cakes,etc.! It's great fun to pay for them.
It's fun for the brideand the groomto escape from the guests and go on a honeymoon trip,especially if it is a wedding presentfrom the parents. The guests remain with the fun of gossiping whether you married for love or for money.
It's fun to return back home with the idea that the person you are married tois somewhat different from the one you knew. But there is no time to think about it because you are newly-wedsand you expect a baby.
There is no better fun for a husbandthan taking his wife to a maternity homealone and bringing her back with the twins or triplets.
And this is where the greatest fun starts: washing the new-born's nappiesand passing away sleepless nights, earning money to keep the family, taking children to kindergartenand later to school. Byall means it's fun to attend parents’ meetingsand to learn that your children take after youand don't do well at school.
The bigger your children grow, the more they resembleyou outwardly and the less they display likeness with you inwardly. And you start grumbling at themand discussing with your old friends the problem of the "generation gap". What fun!
And when at last you and your grey-haired spousestart thinking that your family life has calmed down, you haven't divorcedbut preserved your union,the climax of your fun bursts out! One of your dearest offspringsbrings a long-legged blonde to your house and says that he wants to marry. And you think: 'Why do people ever get married?'
Task 1. Answer the questions below:
Your family
· Do you come from a big family?
· How many brothers or sisters do you have?
· Do you have any children?
· Who do you get on with best of all?
· Is there anyone in your family you don't get on with?
· Are you a close-knit family?
· What kind of things do you do together?
· How much time do you spend together?
· Do you prefer spending time with your family or with your
· friends?
· Do you go on holiday with your family?
Your friends
· What are they?
· How and when did you first meet?
· What was your first impression of each other?
· What do you like about them?
· What don't you like about them?
· What special talents and abilities do they have?
· What kind of things do you do together?
· How much time do you spend together?
· Why did you become such close friends?
· What do you have in common? How do you differ?
Task 2.
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