Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Say

By SABRINA TAVERNISE Published: February 9, 2012

 Education was historically considered a great equalizer in American society, capable of lifting less advantaged children and improving their chances for success as adults. But a body of recently published scholarship suggests that the achievement gap between rich and poor children is widening, a development that threatens to dilute education’s leveling effects.

    It is a well-known fact that children from affluent families tend to do better in school. Yet the income divide has received far less attention from policy makers and government officials than gaps in student accomplishment by race.

 Now, in analyses of long-term data published in recent months, researchers are finding that while the achievement gap between white and black students has narrowed significantly over the past few decades, the gap between rich and poor students has grown substantially during the same period.

    “We have moved from a society in the 1950s and 1960s, in which race was more consequential than family income, to one today in which family income appears more determinative of educational success than race,” said Sean F. Reardon, a Stanford University sociologist. Professor Reardon is the author of a study that found that the gap in standardized test scores between affluent and low-income students had grown by about 40 percent since the 1960s, and is now double the testing gap between blacks and whites.

 The changes are tectonic, a result of social and economic processes unfolding over many decades. The data from most of these studies end in 2007 and 2008, before the recession’s full impact was felt. Researchers said that based on experiences during past recessions, the recent downturn was likely to have aggravated the trend.

    The connection between income inequality among parents and the social mobility of their children has been a focus of President Obama as well as some of the Republican presidential candidates. One reason for the growing gap in achievement, researchers say, could be that wealthy parents invest more time and money than ever before in their children (in weekend sports, ballet, music lessons, math tutors, and in overall involvement in their children’s schools), while lower-income families, which are now more likely than ever to be headed by a single parent, are increasingly stretched for time and resources. This has been particularly true as more parents try to position their children for college, which has become ever more essential for success in today’s economy.

    A study by Sabino Kornrich, a researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies at the Juan March Institute in Madrid, and Frank F. Furstenberg, scheduled to appear in the journal Demography this year, found that in 1972, Americans at the upper end of the income spectrum were spending five times as much per child as low-income families. By 2007 that gap had grown to nine to one; spending by upper-income families more than doubled, while spending by low-income families grew by 20 percent. “The pattern of privileged families today is intensive cultivation,” said Dr. Furstenberg, a professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. The gap is also growing in college.

Exercise 11. Translate the following sentencesin the written form.

Магматические горные породы — это породы, образовавшиеся непосредственно из магмы, в результате её поступления в верхние горизонты Земли, охлаждения и застывания. В зависимости от условий застывания различают интрузивные и эффузивные горные породы.

Песо́к — осадочная горная порода, а также искусственный материал, состоящий из зёрен горных пород. Очень часто состоит из почти чистого минерала кварца.

Слово «песок» часто употребляется во множественном числе («пески»), но форма множественного числа имеет и другие значения.

Мрамор — метаморфическая горная порода. Месторождения мрамора обнаружены во многих областях России. Самые крупные месторождения мрамора на Урале. Всего на Урале более 20 месторождений. Белый мрамор добывают в Айдырлинском и Коелгинском месторождениях, серый дают Полевское месторождение, Уфалейская и Мраморская залежи, жёлтый поступает с Октябрьского и Починского карьеров, чёрный мрамор приносит Першинское месторождение, розово-красный камень дает Нижне-Тагильская залежь. На Алтае и в Западной Сибириизвестно свыше 50 месторождений мрамора. Пуштулимское месторождение дает тонкозернистый белый с красно-зелеными прожилками мрамор. Сиренево-розовый камень получают на Граматушинском месторождении. Серо-кремовый мрамор дает



Петеневский карьер. В Красноярском крае расположено крупное Кибик-Кордонское месторождение, где более двадцати разновидностей белого, кремового, бледно-розового, оранжевого, жёлтого и зеленовато-серого мрамора. Мрамор можно найти и на Байкале.



1.English for Graduate science Students. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для магистров и аспирантов естественных факультетов университетов. Ростов н/Д: Изд-во ООО «ЦВВР», 2003. – 228 с.

2. Чтение и перевод английской научной и технической литературы: Лексико-грамматический справочник. – М.: «Издательство Астрель», 2004. – 384 с.



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