Group the given compound words according to the semantic relations between their components into coordinative and subordinative compounds.



Distribute the words given below into two groups: a) nouns including unique roots; b) nouns with defective or conditional segmentability.

а) Pocket, Friday, Monday, cranberry, mulberry, gooseberry, pious, previous, raspberry,ominous, discern.

b) Theory, horrible, barbarian, detain, retain, remit, conceive, horror,document, perceive, barbarism, contain, deceive, receive, reject, detect.



Distribute the words in italics into two groups according to the meaning of the polysemantic suffix -ee: a) someone who is being treated in a particular way (the so-called passive meaning); b) someone who is in a particular state or who is doing something (the so-called active meaning). Single out the terms.

a) followee, dilutee, narratee, congratulee, slanderee,pickpocketee, holdupee, quizee,parkee, appellee, donee, educatee, dedicatee, adoptee,bribee,examinee, chasee, bargainee,festschriftee, expellee, devorcee,pollee, befriendee,vendee,depositee, blackmailee, slaughteree, controlee,laughee, mergee, appraisee, , resignee, embarkee,designee,deportee, arrestee ,inductee,draftee,appointee,interviewee,nominee,parolee, honoree,evacuee,amputee,invitee.

b)Assignee,enlistee,conferee,committee,retiree,patentee,standee,grantee,returnee,legatee, escapee, trainee,absentee,debauchee,refugee,employee,transferee,payee, devotee.

4. Translate the following sentences, considering the meanings of the derivatives with the suffix -nik1.

1. This editor didn’t once ask me if I knew anything about music or had any right to write about it. Or, for that matter, whether I could write about anything. He wanted a goodwillnik, and whatever my feelings about this man’s regulations, I think it was most admirable of him to spell them out (The Atlantic).Этот редактор не раз спрашивал меня знаю ли я о музыке или есть ли у меня право писать об этом. Или могу ли я в этом вопросе писать о чем нибудь еще. Ему необходим доброжелательный человек , и любое мое мнение об этом человеке правил. Я думаю это было самое замечательное с его стороны изложить им это.

2. For any serviceman, the proudest insigne is the unit crest with a red background designating a battle unit. The “jobnik” – a soldier with a desk job – is looked down on (Time). Для любого военнослужащего самый гордый знак это объединенный крест с красным фоном, обозначающим сражение. На штабных крыс-солдат выполняющих канцелярскую работу-они смотрят свысока.

3. Lew Archer’s job is to find a 17-year-old girl who has run off with a 19-year-old nogoodnik (The New York Times). Работа Луи Арчера найти 17 летнюю девочку , которая убежала с 19 летним никчемным человеком.

4. Tom Lehrer, a satiric singer, plinks away at targets ranging from air pollution to nuclear proliferation. Among his bull’s eyes: those guitar-plunking protestniks, members of the pacifist movement (Time). Том Лехер, сатирический певец, бьет тревогу , начиная с вопроса защиты окружающей среды заканчивая вопросом наращивания ядерной мощи. Среди его достижений: те переборщики струн, члены пацифистского движения.

5. A kibbutz is a collective settlement, where all are equal, each giving according to his abilities and receiving according to his needs. The day starts at dawn – in mid-summer this means four o’clock. It is surprising how quickly a reasonably healthy citynik adjusts to the hours and graft (The Sunday Times). Киббуц это коллективное поселение, где все равны, каждый отдает по своим способностям и получает по своим потребностям. День начинается на рассвете, летом это 4 часа утра. Удивительно как быстро, довольно здоровый житель города, приспосабливается к часам и переменам.



Find cases of conversion in the following sentences.

  1. The key to this recipe is the discovery that butter and vinegar are in themselves a vinaigrette so you should burn rather more butter than normal to coat the salad as well as the brains. – Carrie reached for her coat, her heart still pounding in her chest and a tightening sensation in her throat causing her to gulp.
  2. A cash book should be maintained for eachbank account to record every item of income and expenditure, analyse these into appropriate costs and back them up with supporting documentation. – They told us about medieval practice of ringing a bell at fixed time in the evening as an order to bank the hearths and prepare for sleep.
  3. I like classic hats – this baseball cap, for instance, or a bowler hat. – To cap it all, the administration has been shown to be not just partisan, not just radical in some of its instincts, but alarmingly accident-prone.
  4. There’s no way that a farrier can shoe a horse that is so angry or frightened that it is rearing and leaping all over the place. – Georgina bent down and scraped a piece of mud from her sturdy brown shoe.
  5. Eventually it reaches an open stretch of water which mirrors forests, mountains and the vast sky. – He let the car drift to the kerb and stopped with the lights off, watching the rear-view and wing mirrors.
  6. In cases around the room lie the collected fragmentary treasures of human ancestry, mostly skulls, jaws and teeth with a few partial limb bones. – While the cooks were emptying crabs and boning racks of lamb, five girls were involved in their own competition for the most promising young cook.
  7. But she saw a twinkle in his eyes, and her lips twitched. – They eyed us with vague curiosity and then returned to their (apparently fruitless) fishing.
  8. The sun’s rays lingered on the one narrow minaret tower in the village behind him, and on the flat roofs where the corrugated iron was weighted down with heavy stones against the spring gales. – Add 8 apricots, halved and stoned.
  9. There were so many ifs and conditions, so many other eventualities that easily might have happened. – If you do so, you will not only build up more savings for your retirement but you also enjoy full tax relief on these contributions.
  10. “Not ifs, buts or maybes, that is what you’re getting”, and they moaned like hell. – You see we’d get rid of one bathroom; but in fact I’d maybe be tempted to put a bathroom upstairs.
  11. On a flight to Boston, flight attendants promised passengers they would soon “beverage”, but later, because of adverse weather conditions, they said they were “unable to complete beverisation.” – “Cocoa?” she offered, coming in a little time later, carrying a small tray with three enamel mugs of steaming beverage on it, and a plate of Marie biscuits.
  12. Most people credited him with having more influence, especially with the Pope. – You could at least give him some credit for all the effort he’s put in.
  13. The police collared him before he could get out of the country. – They suggest that you should start the training when your pet is still a kitten and get it used to walking on a harness (not a collar that can be slipped too easily) and lead. 
  14. The dog is pawing at the door again – let him in! – A caricature of a dog was sitting on the lawn in front of one of the town houses as he passed, and it laid its head on its paws and looked at him with dark eyes.




Group the given compound words according to the semantic relations between their components into coordinative and subordinative compounds.

1)coordinative: willy-nilly, goody-goody, pale-blue, shop assistant, Anglo-Indian, women doctor, south-east, super-dooper, fifty-fifty, ha-ha, deep purple, secretary-stenographer, anybody, hoity-toity, in tray, paper-thin, A-plus, change maker, black-tie, off-islander,

2)subordinative:door-handle, sunrise, greenhouse, duty free, red-handed, shareholder, sea-front, fortune-teller, cat-suit, cargo pants, brainwave, thundercloud, rain-sodden, to free load, busy body.


Дата добавления: 2018-05-09; просмотров: 786; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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