II. Retell the text ”Engineering Materials”

III. Rendering

Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian using new words in their specialized meanings below.

brittleness [’britlnis] n крихкість, ламкість

compact [’kompækt] adj щільний; компактний

compressive [kəm’presiv]  strength n стискальна сила

creep [kri:p] n дуже повільний рух; повзучість

crush [krʌ∫] v роздавлювати; зминати

dense [dens] adj густий; щільний

dent [dent] v вдавлювати; вибивати вибоїну

determine [di’tə:min] v визначати

ductility [dʌk’tiliti] n гнучкість; тягучість; еластичність

elasticity [‚elæs’tisiti] n пружність; гнучкість; деформація

fatigue [fə’ti:g] n стомлення, змореність

foil [fƆil] n фольга

fold [fəuld] v складати; згортати; згинати

food wrap [ræp] n харчова обгортка

hardness [’ha:dnis] n твердість; міцність; щільність

impact [’impækt] n удар, поштовх; імпульс

load [ləud] n навантаження

resist [ri’zist] v чинити опір; протидіяти

scratch [skræt∫] v дряпати

shear [∫iə] v зрізати

strain [strein] n натягання; напруження; механічний вплив; деформація

stress [stres] n тиск; напруження

tear [teə] v рвати; розривати

tensile strength [’tensail][streŋθ] n межа міцності на розрив

torsion [’tƆ:∫(ə)n] n скрученість

wear out [’weə(r) ’aut] v зношувати(ся)


Mechanical Properties of Materials

In both manufacturing and construction, mechanical engineers develop methods for making products. They need to know the properties of materials to be used.

Mechanical properties have to do with how a material reacts to loads and forces. Testing can determine mechanical properties. By means of testing, the best material for a product can be chosen.


If a material has high ductility, its shape can be changed without breaking it. Aluminum is very ductile. This is why it is used in foils, such as food wraps, that are meant to be shaped or folded.


If a material is elastic, it can be pulled or pushed out of shape, but it will return to its original shape.


When a force is applied to brittle materials, they break easily.


A hard material cannot be scratched or dented easily.

Tensile strength

Tensile strength is the ability of a material to resist being pulled apart. Materials with tensile strength are usually very dense or compact.

Compressive strength

Compressive strength is the opposite of tensile strength. It is the ability of a material to resist being crushed.

Shear strength

Shearing is pushing a material in opposite directions at the same time. This is what happens when you tear a sheet of paper in half. You pull one half toward you and the other half away from you.

Fatigue strength

When you’re fatigued, you’re tired. Fatigue strength is the ability to carry a load over and over again without wearing out. The metal used to make airplanes must have fatigue strength. Otherwise, over time the plane will develop fatigue cracks.

Torsion strength

Torsion is a kind of twisting action. A material that has high torsion strength cannot be twisted easily.

Impact strength

Impact strength is the ability of a material to withstand a sudden blow.

Creep. It is a time-dependent permanent strain under stress.


Make up a plan in the form of questions.

Give the summary of the text according to your plan in a written form.


IV. Comprehensive skills


Read and remember.

1. beneficiation [͵benifiʹkei∫(ə)n] n збагачення

2. energy consumption [ʹenədʒi][kənʹsʌmp∫(ə)n] n згоряння енергії

3. pulping [ʹpʌlpiŋ] n подрібнення, перетворення в м'яку масу  

4. purification [͵pjuərifiʹkei∫(ə)n] n очищення

5. refining [riʹfainiŋ] n рафінація, перегонка  

6. to consume [kənʹsju:m] v споживати

7. to take smth for granted - прийняти щось як належне

8. wide-spread [ʹwaidspred] adj широко розповсюджений


Listen to the text “The Materials Cycle and the Role of Materials science and Engineering” and try to understand it.

True or false statements.

Materials are so wide-spread, that we often take them for granted.

1. Materials are substances having properties which don’t make them useful in machines, structures, devices and products.

2. Every stage of the cycle consumes energy.

3. The engineering materials are fashioned into shapes and parts to make a useful end-product.

4. The materials cycle is an isolated structure.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 387; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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