Topic for discussion: Engineering is a constant progress of mankind (Use additional materials)



Unit 2

Topic: Engineering materials

I. Reading skills

Pre-reading tasks

a)You will read a text about origin of engineering materials and describe the table about our Universe.

· Do you have any ideas about different of engineering materials?

· How many elements are there in Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table?

b)Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

B.C. (= Before Christ) до нової ери

carbon [ʹka:bən] n вуглець

computer chip [t∫ip] n комп’ютерна мікросхема

copper [ʹkopə] n мідь

durable [ʹdju(ə)rəbl] adj міцний

gas [gæs] n газ

hydrogen [ʹhaidrədʒ(ə)n] n водень

iron [ʹaiən] n залізо

liquid [ʹlikwid] adj рідкий

petroleum [piʹtrəulijəm] n нафта

pure [pjuə] adj чистий

residue [ʹrezidju]n залишок 

solid [ʹsolid] adj твердий, нерозплавлений

steel [sti:l] n сталь

substance [ʹsʌbstəns] n субстанція

the Bronze [bronz] Age n бронзовий вік

the Silicon [ʹsilikən] Age силіконовий (кремнієвий) вік

the Stone [stəun] Age n кам’яний вік

tin [tin]n олово

weapon [ʹwepən] n зброя


Read and translate into Ukrainian the following text.


Engineering materials

As you know, materials are one of the seven resources for production systems. Since early times, humans have used materials to make things. In fact, major periods in history have been named after the most important material of that time.

During the Stone Age, which began about one million B.C., stones were used to make tools and weapons. Then metals became important during the Bronze Age. Bronze is created by combining two metals: copper and tin. Then Iron took the place of Bronze. Today iron is still important in the making of steel.

What material do you think our own time period could be named for? Some people suggest the Silicon Age. Silicon is used to make computer chips.

Everything in our world is made from some 125 elements. In their pure form, these elements are not particularly useful materials. Gold and some other elements are used in their elemental form, but, in general, elements are used in some combined form to make various solids, liquids, and gases. These more usable forms of our elements can be classified into organic substances and inorganic substances. Organic substances contain the element carbon (and usually hydrogen) as a key part of their structure. All living animals and plants are organic. Petroleum products are organic materials and, as we all know, crude oil, the raw material for petroleum products, is the residue of plants and living things that existed many years ago. Inorganic materials are those substances not derived from living things. Sand, rock, water, and the like are inorganic materials.                                                                                  

The engineering materials are organic and inorganic solids that have used in fabrication of tools, structures, and durable goods.


Find the answers to the questions in the text.

1. What is the designation of Engineering materials?

2. What materials were the symbols of major periods in history? Prove your answer.

3. What material could be named for our time?

4. How many elements are our world made from?

5. What are they?

6. Are these elements, in their pure form, particularly useful materials?

7. What is the principal classification of more usable forms of 125 elements?

8. What elements do organic substances contain?

9. What living things are of organic origin?

10. What other organic materials do you know?

11. What are the examples of inorganic materials?

12. What are the structures of engineering materials?

Complete the sentences.

1. Materials are one of …

2. Metals became important during …

3. Today iron is still important in …

4. … is used to make computer chips.

5. More usable forms of our elements can be classified into …

6. Crude oil is the residue of …

7. The engineering materials are organic and inorganic solids that …


Match the following English words and word-combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. resources                                       a. міцні вироби

2. organic                                          b. походити

3. tools and weapons                        c. поєднувати

4. carbon                                           d. рідина

5. to combine                                   e. джерела

6. durable goods                               f. Інструменти та зброя

7. copper                                          g. елементарна форма

8. elemental form                              h. органічний

9. liquid                                            i. вуглець

10. to be derived                               j. мідь


True or false statements.

1. Everything in our world is from 25 elements.

2. The metals became important during the Stone Age.

3. Bronze is created by combining two metals: copper and tin.

4. All living animals and plants are organic.

5. In general elements are used in some combined form to make various solid, liquids and gases.


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