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Unit 1

Topic: Engineering

I. Reading skills

Pre-reading tasks

a)You will read a text about engineering as one of the oldest occupations in the history of mankind.

· What do you know about engineering?

· What do modern engineering mechanics deal with?

b)Read and remember the following words and word combinations used in their specialized meanings.


accuracy [ʹækjərəsi] n точність

affect [əʹfekt] v впливати, призначати

arrow [ʹærəu] n стріла

chip [t∫ip] v стругати, обтісувати

device [diʹvais] n пристрій, механізм

efficient [iʹfi∫(ə)nt] adj умілий, кваліфікований, знаючий свою справу

effort [ʹefət] n зусилля

engineering [‚endʒiʹni(ə)riŋ] n інженерна майстерність

forerunner [ʹfƆ:‚rʌnə] n передвісник

heritage [ʹheritidʒ] n спадщина

lathe [leið] n токарний верстат

machine [məʹ∫i:n] n верстат

machine [məʹ∫i:n] v піддавати механічній обробці, обробляти на верстаті

mechanic [miʹkænik] n механік

mechanics [miʹkæniks] n механіка

property [ʹpropəti] n властивість, якість

repetitive (work) [riʹpetitiv] adj (робота), що повторюється

rock [rok] n камінь, булижник; скельова порода

simultaneously [sim(ə)lʹteiniəsli] adj одночасно

spear [spiə] n дротик

substance [ʹsʌbstəns] n матеріал, речовина

succeed [səkʹsi:d] v добитися, досягати успіхів

tool [tu:l] v 1) піддавати механічній обробці; 2) обтісувати (камінь); 3) обробляти різцем метал

tool [tu:l] n 1) інструмент; 2) верстат

toolmaker [ʹtu:l‚meikə] n інструментальник

transmission [trænzʹmi∫(ə)n] n передача, пересилка, пропускання

trial [ʹtraiəl] n випробування, проба



Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian.

Engineering is one of the oldest occupations in the history of mankind

Engineering is one of the oldest occupations in the history of mankind. Indeed, without the skills that are included in the fields of engineering and mechanics, our present-day civilization could never have evolved. The first toolmakers who chipped arrows and spears from rock were the forerunners of modern mechanical engineers.

Since ancient times mechanical engineers have been faced problems involving the control of forces, studied the properties of materials to be used and created machines.

So, mechanics are known as the builders of machines or their users.

Today mechanics know about all the machines, tools, processes, and materials used in manufacturing.

The first professional trials were made in Ancient Egypt, where mechanical devices and the transmission of power were first evolved.

The earliest machine tool, defined as a machine, driven by power, which could produce different forms in a metallic substance by continually repeated cuts, was the lathe.

A primitive type, known as the bow-lathe, was used in Ancient Syria, and succeeded by the pole-lathe. In both of these machines the revolutions were alternately forward, for cutting, and backward. The lathe driven by a wheel is of much later date, and did not appear until about the 14th century. Even then, its use did not become widespread in the West until the 19th century when it displaced the older forms, though in the East the cord-lathe is still found.

The development of simple tools into more complex designs to replace manual labor is comparatively recent, and may generally be considered as having begun near the end of the eighteenth century.

The history of civilization since that time has been so profoundly affected by the work of the engineer and the mechanic that the past and the present century may well be called the “age of machinery”.

Modern engineering mechanics deal with the machine tools, electrically driven, brightly coloured, operated by a complex system of push-buttons, and automatically controlled by electronic devices.

The function of a tool being to economize in human effort, every attempt has been made to improve the design of tools used for repetitive work. This has meant a greater use of automatic operation. Simultaneously, accuracy, speed and scale of operation have been greatly increased. Hence, engineering mechanics must be efficient, know mechanical heritage and construct new machines.


Find the answers to the questions.

1. Who were considered to be the forerunners of modern mechanical engineers?

2. What aspects of mechanics have mechanical engineers faced since ancient times?

3. What must modern mechanic know to be efficient at his work?

4. When were the first professional trials to create mechanisms?

5. What the earliest machine tools were defined as machines?

6. When did the lathe driven by a wheel appear?

7. When was the manual labour replaced?

8. What centuries may be called “the ages of machinery”?

9. What are the requirements to modern machines?

10.  What is the designation of mechanical engineers?


Complete the sentences.

1. Engineering is one of the oldest ...

2. A primitive type of Lathe was used in ...

3. The earliest machine tool was ...

4. The past and the present century may will be called ...

5. Modern engineering mechanics deal with ...

6. Engineering mechanics must be ...


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