V. Useful expressions

Changing money

Does this bank change money?

I'd like to exchange some money.

I'd like to exchange these bills.

Excuse me, can you change this bill?

What is the fee for changing money?

I need dollar bills.

I want to change my money into dollars.

Large bills, if possible.

What is the rate of exchange of the pound to dollars?

Can you change this 100 dollar bill for fives? (I want to cash this hundred into fives).

Four tens and ten ones, please.

I want to change 500 dollars: four fifties and the rest in twenties.

I need change for a phone call.

I need some change.

Which window shall I go to?

How long will it take to get money from...?

Who shall I make this check out to?

Where should I sign?

Travelers checks

Do you take travelers checks?

Can I cash travelers checks?

I'd like to cash some travelers checks.

Where can I buy travelers checks?

I'd like to buy... worth of travelers checks, please.

How much is the service charge for the check?

I've lost my travelers checks.

My travelers checks have been stolen. What should I do?

I don't remember the check number, unfortunately.

How long will it take to replace my lost travelers checks?


What documents do I need to open an account?

I'd like to open a savings account.

I want to open a checking account.

I want to open a joint account with my wife.

How much interest do you pay on a savings account?

I want to deposit $,...

I would like to cash this check, please. I have an account here.

I want to make a withdrawal. Here is my account number.

I need a deposit slip.

Where can I get a withdrawal clip?

Can I get a bank card?

I’ve run out of cash.


account счёт (в банке)

account number номер счёта

bank банк

bank card банковская карточка

bank teller кассир (в банке)

bankbook банковская книжка

banking банковские операции

bill банкнота

blank check незаполненный чек

canceled check погашенный чек

carry cash носить деньги с собой

cash наличные деньги

cash a check обналичить чек

cash a travelers check получать деньги по туристскому чеку

checking/savings account комбинированный текущий/срочный счёт

commercial bank коммерческий банк

credit card кредитная карточка

currency валюта

exchange office/bureau бюро обмена валюты

foreign currency иностранная валюта

hard currency свободно конвертируемая валюта

holder of a check владелец чека

identification card удостоверение личности

money exchange обмен

non-banking hours нерабочие часы банка

saving bank сберегательный банк

service charge плата (за услуги)

signature подпись

withdrawal of money снятие денег со счёта

withdrawal slip расходный ордер

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