Account for Someone or Something

(to explain what happened to someone or something)

How do you account for $1000 cash in your pocket?

Somebody must account for that elderly woman demand.


Passport control

I've just arrived from Russia.

I've arrived on Aeroflot flight number...

I've got a business passport.

I've got a civil passport.

I'm here on business.

I've come here to work.

I have a contract to work.

I got the job through a competition.

I've come to study (for training) at...

I'm here on a personal visit.

I've come to visit friends.

The visa was granted by the American Embassy in Moscow.

The visa is good for 6 months (a year).

I was told that my visa could be extended.

I'll stay here for a year at the most.

I may work here for 2 to 3 years.

According to my contract, I'll be here for 3 years.

I can work for a longer period, if necessary.

I've come as a full time student (trainee).

In this country I'm staying in...

At first I'll stay at...

I don't know my permanent address. The company (school) is making the arrangements.

Where I live will depend on where I'll be working (studying).

I've got a work permit from the company that is hiring me.

I haven't got my work permit yet.

My child is on my wife's passport.

I want to see a representative of the Russian consulate.

Baggage claim

Where's the baggage claim area?

To which conveyor will the baggage from flight number... come?

Where can I get a baggage cart?

How much does the cart cost?

All baggage from flight number... has already arrived, but my luggage isn't there.

My luggage was damaged during unloading.

My suitcase is damaged.

The carton is torn.

The carton is crushed.

The suitcase opened and the things fell out.

The baggage check has been torn off my suitcase.

Who can I see about it?

I've left my raincoat (hat, briefcase, etc.) on the plane. How can I get it?

I've lost my baggage claim check.


Where can I get a declaration from?

I've come with my family. Is it necessary for each member of my family to fill out a

separate form?

I've got a lot of luggage.

I have nothing else.

I have only one bag (briefcase, attaché case) to carry on.

There are no prohibited things in my luggage.

I haven't anything liable for duty.

Should I get on the red or green line?

Where should I put my suitcase?

Should it be standing up or lying down?

I have only my personal belongings.

These are for my personal use.

I've got a small bottle of perfume.

I've got some things for the first few days.

I bought these things at a duty-free shop at the airport.

These things are presents from my friend.

I've got... dollars. Must I show that amount on the declaration?

Do I have to pay duty on these things?

How much do I have to pay in duty?

Here is the receipt for the duty payment.

Information desk

Excuse me, where is the information desk?

Excuse me, how do I get to the information desk?

I was expecting to be met, but nobody is here.

Our flight was early (late) and I don't know where to look for the people who are

supposed to meet me.

Will you page these people for me on the address system?

Which bus do I take from the airport to the center of the city?

Can I make a phone call from here to another city? How do I do it?

How can I phone the Russian consulate?

Can I leave a message in case somebody comes looking for me?

I have to make a connecting flight.

Where does the airport bus leave from?

Where is the express bus terminal?

Where is the bus stop?

Where is the taxi stand?

Where can I get a taxi?

Can I get to the city from here by subway?

Is there a counter for Aeroflot here? Where is it?

Is there a post office here?

Where is the "Lost and Found"?

Where is the airport exit?

Which way to gate number...?

Where is the baggage check room?

Can I check these things here?

How long can you keep these things?

What are the hours of the baggage check room?


allowance норма беспошлинного ввоза

ammunition боеприпасы

apply for a visa обратиться за визой

baggage check room, left luggage office камера хранения

business passport служебный паспорт

business trip командировка

cart тележка

charge the payment взимать плату

civil passport общегражданский паспорт

complete customs formalities выполнять таможенные формальности

consulate консульство

customs таможня

customs control таможенный контроль

customs declaration таможенная декларация

customs formalities таможенные формальности

customs inspection таможенный досмотр

declare заявлять в таможенной декларации

duty rates ставки пошлины

duty, tax пошлина

embassy посольство

entry visa въездная виза

fill out a declaration заполнять таможенную декларацию

go through customs пройти таможенный досмотр

go through passport control проходить паспортный контроль

immigration officer служащий паспортного контроля

in excess of duty-free allowance выше нормы беспошлинного ввоза

information desk справочное бюро

ivory изделия из слоновой кости

lost and found бюро находок

money валюта

money exchange обмен валюты

narcotics, drugs наркотики

owe duty подлежать обложению пошлиной

passport паспорт

passport control паспортный контроль

pay duty уплатить пошлину

payment плата

present at customs control предъявить для таможенного контроля

purse, wallet кошелёк

reptile leather изделия из змеиной, крокодиловой


resident’s visa вид на жительство

transit visa транзитная виза

visa виза

weapon оружие


1. Speak on the following situations:

A) a friend of yours is going to the U.S. and asks you about the documents he

needs for this trip and everything what concerns his going through the Customs. You

have been to the U.S. many times and your experience may be of great value to him.

You should explain everything to him;

B) you are at the information desk. Ask where the baggage claim area is and

where you can get a baggage cart. Then ask the information about hotels, prices and

changing money.

2. Make up dialogues, using expressions from section V.

3. Say what you have learned about U.S. customs.

Lesson 3



United States currency consists of coins and paper money (bills). The primary

denominations for coins are as follows:

– 1 cent (a penny);

– 5 cents (a nickel);

– 10 cents (a dime);

– 25 cents (a quarter);

– 50 cents (a half dollar);

– 100 cents (one dollar, usually called a silver dollar).

Paper money is available mainly in these denominations:

– 1 dollar ($1);

– 2 dollars ($2);

– 5 dollars ($5);

– 10 dollars ($10);

– 20 dollars ($20);

– 50 dollars ($50);

– 100 dollars ($100);

– 500 dollars ($500);

– 1000 dollars ($1000).

As in most countries, many Americans prefer to use smaller bills such as tens

and twenties. Hundred dollar bills are more difficult to cash in small stores, restaurants,

and service stations.

It is a good idea to carry one or more credit cards, such as Visa, MasterCard, or

American Express. Americans rely heavily on credit cards for their purchases. While

checks are also used extensively, it is unlikely that you will be able to use personal

checks drawn on a foreign bank while in the United States.


You: Hello. I'd like to change some money into U.S. currency, please.

Teller: Certainly. Do you have cash or traveler's checks?

You: Traveler's checks.

(You sign them.)

You: Here they are.

Teller: Can I see your passport, please?

You: Of course.

Teller: Let's see. That adds up to $1250. Would you like it in any special denomination?

You: What?

Teller: How would you like your money? In twenties, fifties, or hundred dollar bills?

You: Oh, in hundred dollar bills, please.

(The teller gives you your cash and you look for public transportation to your hotel).


Money Talks

(money can influence people)

We've been waiting for three months to get delivery on our car, and people who

put in their order after us have already gotten theirs.

Well, money talks. Why don't you try giving the dealer a little something extra

to move things along?

I know full well that money has the power to influence people, but I refuse to

pay extra for a service that is owed to me as a client.

If you want to have your car maybe you'd better reconsider.

Lose One's Shirt

(lose a great deal of money)

I happened to bump into Doug at lunch yesterday afternoon.

What's new with Doug these days?

He wasn't doing so well. For one thing, he told me he lost his shirt at the races.

1. (how long/stay?)...

2. (when/leave?)...

3. (go/alone?)...

4. (go/by car?)...

5. (where/stay?) …

Doug has always liked to bet on the horses. I'm not surprised that he lost a great deal of


Yeah. At this rate he'll never have a penny to his name!

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 15; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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