Основы стилистики английского языка


(на английском языке)

Ведущий редактор Л. И. Кравцова Технический редактор Э.С. Соболевская

Корректор З.Ф. Юрескул Компьютерная перстка И.А. Ильиной

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The numbers accompanying most of the words below indicate the pages where they occur. Synonyms of some are given by way of cross-reference, meanings briefly explained in the following cases:

1) when the term was either coined by the author himself, or its treatment devi­ates from common practice (such terms are asterisked);

2) when the meaning of a term was not specially made clear in the text and may have been misunderstood by the reader.

Abbreviation 69

Absolutely specific units:Style-forming units: those chara­cteristic of sublanguage under consideration, but not met with in sublanguages characteristic of other types of speech 13,16

Accented verse 128

Adage: Proverb (see): current metaphorical saying of ins­tructive content; usually ano­nymous

Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 22; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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