Located         sell           sales        employs       makes     specialize

1. The company produces a brand of coffee.

It …………………….. a brand of coffee.

2.  We produce high-quality products.

   We ………………………. in high-quality products.

3. Our customers buy our products in 300 shops.

 We …………….. our products in 300 shops.

4. Their turnover for this year is $400 million.

 They have ……………………. of $400 million this year.

5. The company has many branches in the western countries.

 Many of the company’s branches are ………………….…… in the western countries.

6. 5,000 people work for the company.

  The company ………………….. 5,000 people.


4) Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильную альтернативу (Present Simple или PresentContinuous):

1. I………………………….. (read / am reading) a book about company administration now.

2. We …………………… (go/ are going) to a cafe with my partners on Saturday.

3. My boss …………………………… (speaks/ is speaking) four languages.

4. ……………………………… (Do you want/ Are you wanting) to go out tonight?

5. I……………………….. (don’t enjoy/ am not enjoying) this party too much.

6. What ………………………….. (do you do/ are you doing) tomorrow?


5) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, раскрывая скобки и употребляя глагол, данный в инфинитиве в правильной временной форме, Present Simple или PresentContinuous:

1. The price of the product ……………………… every year. (increase)

2. The Financial Director …………………………… to Paris tomorrow. (travel)

3. He ………………………… on the project at the moment. (not/work)

4. Our new boss ……………………. to make some changes in the office. (want)

5. The economic situation ……………………… worse. (get)

6. I …………………….. dinner with new clients on Friday. (have)


6) Составьте предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний, расставив их в нужном порядке (заглавной буквой обозначается начало предложения):

1. name/ company’s/ your/ What/ is?


2. How many/ employ/ the company/ does/ people?


3. specialize/ We/ products/ and/ services/ in/ high-quality.


4. The/ are/ sales/ increasing/ this year.


5. has/ This firm/ special/ attitude/ a/ its/ customers/ to.


6. They/ developing/ in/ are/ Eastern Europe. 



7) Заполните пропуски в диалоге:

A - Hello. Ted Mant’s office.  Can I help you?

B - Hello. It’s Mr. Shaw. Can I speak to Mr. Mant, please?

A - Hold the line. I’ll put you through to his room.

C – Hello?

B – Hi, Ted. It’s Robert. ………………………………………. (1.Я звоню) from the hall of our conference room. ……………………… (2.Ты занят) at the moment?

C – Actually, ………………………………. (3.я изучаю) the new contract. Is it urgent?

B- ………………………………. (4.Мы обсуждаем) some business issues  with our foreign partners now. ………………………………….(5.Я хочу) to share some interesting thoughts concerning your new project!

C - ……………………….. (6.Мне нравится твоя идея)! ………………………………………………. (7.Давай встретимся) at the cafй near your office at 7 p. m.!  

B – Great! See you!

C – Bye!


8) Составьте рассказ о своей или любой другой компании, используя лексику и грамматику данного урока.


Раздел 4

Грамматика: Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (см. Грамматический справочник).

Лексика: слова и фразы, связанные с передвижением (см.Словарь).

 Для самостоятельного изучения: а) синонимы и антонимы; сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными предложениями причины, условия, времени, цели и т. д.; модальный глагол can и его эквивалент to be able to; b) словообразование: образование прилагательных и наречий; с) составление личного письма.


                      Text: Travelling on Business.

Mr. Burns is a Production Manager at a big company, based in the USA. His company cooperates with a lot of other firms abroad, so Mr. Burns sometimes goes on business to different countries of Europe where he visits plants to see the equipment in operation. He also meets their suppliers to discuss and sign contracts. He usually stays at the hotels, located closer to the company.

Now he is in Paris at an exhibition, but tomorrow he is having a meeting in London. He is calling his friend and colleague in London to learn how to travel from Paris to London.

- Hello. Can I speak to Mr. Baker, please?

- Speaking. Hello, Tom. Glad to hear you!

- Me too! I’m calling to ask you for help. I’m having a meeting in London tomorrow. How long does it take to get there and which is the best way to travel there?

- From Central Paris to Central London it takes about three hours. Take the train or the plane.

- Which is quicker?

- The plane is faster. But you spend much time checking in, having your luggage weighed, boarding, going through the Customs, and so on. By the way, you can get air-sick. In this case, the train is better, of course. It goes longer, but you are on the train all the time, so it’s easier to work or to do something else. Besides, the train is a little cheaper.

- And comfort?

- There is more leg-room on the train, so it’s definitely more comfortable.

- I’ll take the train then, thanks. Oh, one more question: which hotel would you recommend? I need the one in the centre and not so expensive.

- I can help, you need the hotel “Gloria”! By the way, there are a lot of cafes and parks near the hotel. Wait for my fax tonight.

-  Great! Thank you so much! Bye!

 - Bye!


Тренировочные задания:                           

1) Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в соответствии с текстом (например, 1а):

1. Who does Mr. Burns work for?

a. He works for a small company in Paris.

b. He works for a large company in Europe

c. He works for a large company in the USA.

2. Does he travel abroad?

a. Yes, he does from time to time.

b. No, he doesn’t.

c. Yes, he does quite often.

3. Mr. Burns goes abroad to ………………………………………...

a. visit plants and meet suppliers.

b. visit museums and art-galleries.

c. travel by train.

4. What are Mr. Burns’ plans for tomorrow?

a. He is going back home.

b. He is going to England on business.

c. He is going to call his colleague in London.

5. Which goes faster, the train or the plane?

a. The train is faster.

b. The train is as quick as the plane.

c. The train is not as quick as the plane.

6. Mr. Burns wants ……………………………………...

a. a very expensive hotel in the centre.

b. a cheap hotel in the centre.

c. a cheap hotel in the suburbs.


2) Подберите правильный перевод к словам и словосочетаниям (например, Ad):

A. to sign a contract             a. поставщик

B. fast, quick                        b. взвешивать багаж

C. to weigh luggage             c. быстрый, скорый 

D. to be air-sick                    d. страдать воздушной болезнью

E. a supplier                         e. дешевый

F. cheap                               f. подписать контракт


3) Подберите по смыслу и заполните пропуски в предложениях данными ниже прилагательными, образуя сравнительную степень:

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