Практическая работа №2 «Правила чтения гласных»

1.Прочтите слова сначала со звуком [iu:], затем [u], [Λ]:

lunch, just, luck, music, Tuesday, true, union, hut, rung, unite, summer, fruit, cute, uniform, human, up, shut, full, university, mute, tune


2. Найдите эквиваленты словам, данным в транскрипции:

[`ju:nifo:m], [l Λnt∫], [glu:], [mju:zik], [∫Λt], dju:tı], [`kΛrənt], tru:θ], [gΛm], [tju:lıp], [pju:pl],

[ju:`nαıt], [d3Λmp], [kΛt], [sju:t]


unite, lunch, music, jump, truth, gum, glue, uniform, shut, duty, pupil, current, cut, tulip, suit


3. Запишите следующие слова в транскрипции:

Tube, sun, true, rubber, but, cue, hunt, publish, much, under, push, put, duck, but.


4. Выберите и прочтите слова открытого типа слога, затем закрытого:

hype, lye, myth, lynch, byte, dye, hysterics, rye, sly, mystic, cryptic, typical, gym.


5. Выберите слова, где “y” читается как [ı], затем как [j].

party, simply, yelp, yummy, yolk, study, yesterday, young, only, happy, yap, yes, tidy, youth, mummy.


6. Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции:

My, any, yet, yelper, dying, lynch, mystic, cry, sorry, mystify, byte, cyclist, rye, only, sunny.


7. Прочитайте и напишите следующие слова:

[jes], [`stΛdı], [d3u`lαı], [hαıp], [`hæpı], [mıθ], [trαı], [wαı], [`beıbı], [`pΛpı],[jo:k], [jelp], [`menı], [tαık], [`tıpıkəl], [sαıkl], [jo:], [dαı], [`pırəmıd]


Практическая работа №3 «Правила чтения буквенных сочетаний»



1.Выберите и прочитайте слова сначала со звуком [ı:], а затем со звуком [e]:

Clean, felt, please, street, fence, next, press, get, been, bell, best, chess, deep, end, geese, steel, smell, deep, agree, kept, get, well, team, tell, went, wheel



2. Прочитайте и напишите следующие слова:

[sı:] [tekst] [pen]

[mı:] [rı:d] [wı:k]

[men] [stı:l] [mes]

[∫ı:p] [step] [nek]

[klı:n] [ðen] [sı:zn]



3. Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции:

Fence, next, hen, Pete, bee, three, then, melt, read, feet, steel, sheep, bed, men, yes, leg, rest


4. Прочитайте сначала слова со звуком [α:], [o:], затем со звуком [ə:]:

short, garden, dirt, German, burglar, pork, scarf, merchant, worn, bar, large, internal, herself, hard, inform, export, art, farm, circle, card, carpet, horn



5. Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции:

Storm, fork, pork, herd, further, garden, vortex, merchant, torn, charm, orchard, furnish, target, party, smart, third, surname



6. Прочитайте и напишите следующие слова:

[k α:], [m α:k], [θ ə:d], [ko:n], [`t ə:n ə], [n ə:s], [fo:s], [spo:t], [wo:n], [fə:m], [∫ə:t], [fə:], [`o:də], [bα:n]



7. Прочитайте :

pare, chair, tire, entire, here, fear, fair, tyre, pure, bore, dire, veer, dare, tear, shore, door, cure, clear, flare, ear, board, four, soar, source, square, pore, indure, allure


8. Подберите транскрипцию к следующим словам:

chair [mo:] pure [flo:]

mare [fεə] desire [ıə]

pare [t∫ıə] tyre [w aıə]

fire [mεə] endure [pju:ə]

fare [stıə] floor [taıə]

more [faıə] swear [dı`zaıə]

steer [t∫εə] wire [ən`dju:ə]

cheer [pεə] ear [swεə]


9. Выберите из предложенных слов слова 4 типа слога и прочтите их:

Turn, board, merchant, church, fair, epicure, source, uproar, desire, hare, bare, retire, wire, hurt, mark, stork, herself, core, byre.



Практическая работа №4 «Члены семьи»

Установите соответствия.


1. I′m his stepsister. a)She′s my niece.


2. I′m his twin.       b)He′s my twin.


3. I′m her uncle.     c)She′s my cousin.


4. I′m her stepmother. d) She′s my stepdaughter.


5. I′m her cousin.    e) He′s my nephew.


6. I′m his aunt.        f) He′s my stepbrother





Закончите предложения словами : niece, father, grandmother, cousin, uncle, daughter, nephew, cousin, grandmother, uncle.


1.My mother′s mother is my___________.


2.My uncle′s son is my______________.


3.My brother′s father is my____________.


4.My grandfather′s wife is my___________.


5.My aunt′s husband is my_____________.


6.My brother′s daughter is my____________.


7.My sister′s son is my______________.


8.My son′s sister is my______________.


9.My cousins′ father is my__________.


10.My aunt′s daughter is my__________.



Напишите множественное число:


1.sons +daughters=


2.mother +father=


3.grandfather +grandmother=


4.grandson +granddaughter=



Составьте слова :









Практическая работа №5 «Степени сравнения прилагательных. Внешность человека»

Напишите степени сравнения прилагательных

положительная сравнительная превосходная


Напишите по образцу .The sofa is better than the armchair.

1. This shop is---------(bad) that shop.

2. His book is --------(good) her book.

3. This church is-----(old) than church.

4. This boy is -----(busy) than that boy.

5. This book is----(interesting) than that book.

Напишите ,что они самые самые.

1. That is --------(beautiful) car in the shop.

2. Tom is-------(good) pupil in his class.

3. That is -----(funny) story in the book.

4. Jane is ----(short) of five girls.

5. Mr.Baker is ------(bad) driver in this town.


Дополните предложения как указано в примере.

Пример: This cat is ...., but that cat is .... (fat)

This cat is fat, but that cat is fatter.

1) This book is …………………., but that book is ……………………. (good)

2) This pig is ………………………., but that pig is ……………………… (dirty)

3) This girt is …………………….., but that girl is ………………………. (tall)

5. Открой скобки, используя превосходную степень прилагательных.

Пример: This cat is ……..(fat)

This cat is the fattest.

1) Peter is ………………………….. boy in her class. (short)

2) Ann is ………………………………. girl in their class. (lazy)

3) This film is ……………………………… (good)


Дата добавления: 2020-04-25; просмотров: 982; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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