Card54. Translate the following text into Russian.

The joys and Drawbacks of High-speed Trains.

Drawbacks- недостаток, linking – связь, carriers – экипаж, retrieved – регистрация.

High-speed trains are often the fastest way to travel, door to door, between city centers in Europe, beating the airlines on journeys of up to 550 kilometers. Euro star linking London to Paris in 2 hours, 15 minutes, and to Brussels in 1 hour, 51 minutes, has captured more than 70 percent of the market from the airlines.

But when it comes to booking tickets, the train can be a pain. Things we take for granted at airline Web sites – such as options for flights on either side of the date, or time, we wish to travel; multisector connections, often with several carriers; electronic ticket and the ability to print out your own boarding card – are light years ahead of rail. Yes, you can book rail tickets on line, but don’t expect to be offered seat selection, and in most cases tickets are sent by snail mail or must be retrieved at the station.

“Herald Tribune”



Translate at sight the following text into English.


Не удивительно, что книга Бичер Стоу была вскоре запрещена царским правительством. Но вместе со славой пришла и тревога. Все чаще Бичер Стоу стала получать анонимные письма с угрозами. Казалось весь рабовладельческий мир готов ринуться к старому двухэтажному особняку и учинить расправу над его хозяйкой. Начались травля, запугивания, угрозы. Ее книга стала красной тряпкой для рассвирипевших расистов. Что должна была делать Гарриет в этой обстановке? Ей оставалось одно- доказать, что все, что она написала в романе,-правда. Она должна написать еще одну книгу, на этот раз не роман, а отчет, книгу фактов под названием «Ключ к хижине дяди Тома»- сборник документов и фактов, источников, свидетельских показаний, откуда ею были почерпнуты использованные в романе сведения. Теперь на ее столе лежит кипа криг под названием «Черные кодексы»....



Card55. Translate the following text into Russian.


How the West Was Won

Throughout the nineteenth century, continuing expansion kept pushing Americans farther and farther toward the Pacific Ocean. The frontier itself was defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as the farthest western area inhabited by two to six people per square mile. It would continue to shift until 1890, when it officially disappeared with a census count showing a denser population than that all the way to the Pacific.

Were the dreams that impelled men and women to hazard great dangers and hardships to seek a new home in the Far West during the nineteenth century?

That interest took off in the wake of the 1820 land law that not only brought down the price of Western land but halved the minimum parcel size to 80 acres, which meant that a family seeking to settle could buy a plot for as little as $100.

More laws reduced the prices even further, eventually to just ever twelve cents an acre.

Trappers and traders pushed into new territories and returned telling stories of fortunes to be made in gold, furs, land and other natural resources.


                                           (by Based on Robert A. Divine et al. America: Past and Present, Volume 1)



Translate at sight the following text into English.



Алматы - город-сад. Половину ее площади занимают зеленые насаждения - пирамидальный и серебристый тополь, вяз, дуб, береза, липа, белая акация, сосна и ель. Весной, когда все расцветает, Алматы особенно хороша. Белая пена садов покрывает окрестные горы и спускается в самую гущу городских кварталов, красным ковром расстилаются тюльпаны. Летом вечерняя прохлада и ветерок с гор зовут на прогулку по бульварам и проспектам, на площади с яркими цветниками, где причудливыми брызгами рассыпаются струи многочисленных фонтанов.


Card56. Translate the following text into Russian.



How the West Was Won

Throughout the nineteenth century, continuing expansion kept pushing Americans farther and farther toward the Pacific Ocean. The frontier itself was defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as the farthest western area inhabited by two to six people per square mile. It would continue to shift until 1890, when it officially disappeared with a census count showing a denser population than that all the way to the Pacific.

Were the dreams that impelled men and women to hazard great dangers and hardships to seek a new home in the Far West during the nineteenth century?

That interest took off in the wake of the 1820 land law that not only brought down the price of Western land but halved the minimum parcel size to 80 acres, which meant that a family seeking to settle could buy a plot for as little as $100.


                                           (by Based on Robert A. Divine et al. America: Past and Present, Volume 1)



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