Card 46 . Translate the following text into Russian.


A man behind the mouse

It was hard work for a little kid who also had to go to school, then deliver another round in the evening. Sometimes he had to traipse through three feet of snow. Other times he got so tired he'd sneak into an alley for a catnap. But the paper round beat picking apples for a living. That's what he'd been doing before, on his family's failing farm in Marceline, Missouri. The problem was that his boss - his stern father, Elias - had the nasty habit of delivering daily beatings both to Walt and his brother Roy, eight years Walt's senior. After a disgusted Roy left home, the brunt of the work, and the beatings, fell on Elias' youngest son.

Walt Disney, born on December 5, 1901, never had time for a childhood. As a result, he spent all of his adult life attempting to invent one for himself. In the process - almost by accident - he created wonderful childhood memories for generation after generation of children worldwide.

Translate at sight the following text into English.

В чем счастье человека?

Отвечая на вопрос о счастье, одни находят его материальном благополучии, другие — в общении, третьи — в работе, четвертые — в любви... Наверное, сколько людей, столько и представлений о счастье.
Может ли счастье быть вечным? Нет, как и сама жизнь. Мы часто забываем о том, что наша жизнь слагается из дней, из этих самых дней, в течение которых ты ешь, спишь, работаешь, бездельничаешь. Мы забываем о том, что если день сегодня был ни то пи се, то, значит, часть твоей жизни тоже была ни то ни се.
Все откладываем на какое-то «завтра», которое может и не наступить: забываем, что жизнь не театр, где на следующем представлении можно сыграть лучше. Не распускай себя разговорами о том, что будешь хорошим завтра, новую жизнь начнешь завтра. Каждая настоящая минута — это вчерашнее завтра. Нужно помнить об этом. Держать себя в руках. Нельзя жить, как та обезьяна, которая при людях ест ложкой, а как только остается одна, запускает в миску пятерню.



Card 47 . Translate the following text into Russian.


Once he was punished for painting a cartoon on the wall of the house. As always, it was his teenage brother, Roy, who comforted him, rocking him to sleep. When the Disneys moved to Chicago, Walt signed up for cartooning classes at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, working three part-time jobs to pay for them. But all these were abandoned during World War I, when, at the age of 16, he forged his parents' signatures and became an ambulance driver for the Red Cross in France. Of mice, marriage and men.

When he was 24, he married one of his employees, Lillian Bounds. It was a union that would last - although not always happily - until his death 41 years later. At 24, Walt was already married to his work. He created a cartoon character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, who was a great success. He then shifted his attention to mice, or one particular mouse called Mortimer. Lillian dismissed the name Mortimer as 'too sissy', so Mortimer became Mickey. Surprisingly, it was Ub Iwerks, not Walt, who first drew him.


Translate at sight the following text into English.

Мы, разумные существа, на протяжении многих веков не укрепляем, а теряем связь с природой. Может быть, сегодня, когда гак много говорят об экологической опасности для всего живого на земле, когда создается множество организаций, пытающихся защитить природу, мы наконец начнем понимать, что если в результате какой-либо деятельности человека, даже самой важной, гибнет природа, — эта деятельность должна быть запрещена.
Пищу, воду, жилье, одежду — все это дает нам природа. Она прекрасна, она — самое ценное, что есть у человека. И надо сделать все для того, чтобы и наши потомки называли ее матерью-природой и относились к ней как к матери.



Card 48 . Translate the following text into Russian.


Success followed success, but Walt pushed himself ever harder. In 1930 he suffered a nervous breakdown due to overwork, and when Lillian surprised him with the news that she was pregnant, he became severely depressed. How could a man whose whole life was dedicated to giving himself a childhood take on the burden of becoming a parent?

He produced his first feature-length cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, for which he won a special Oscar. Then came the birth of a second daughter, Sharon, who took to crying all night. Walt, who had wanted a son, took to sleeping at the studio.

In many ways Walt was a benevolent employer, but, like his father he was subject to terrible fits of rage. Feeling totally betrayed when his animators went on strike because they wanted to join a union, he started working for the 'House of Un-American Activities Committee', which investigated 'communists' in Hollywood, and informed on the strike leader.

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