Найдите неверное слово в каждом предложении и замените его на верное.

1.    More than 11 million people live in New York City.

2.    Three-quarters of the people in New York come from four groups.

3.    The street called Liberty is the centre for theatre.

4.    Jazz musicians in the 1960s called New York the “Big Apple”.

5.    Macy’s is one of the biggest ships in New York.

6.    Thousands of plays come to the port of New York each year.

The Bald Eagle

In 1782, soon after the United States won its independence, the bald eagle was chosen as the national bird of the new country. American leaders wanted the eagle to be a symbol of their country because it is a bird of strength and courage. They chose the bald eagle because it was found all over North America.

Today, the bald eagle has almost disappeared from the country. In 1972 there were only 3,000 bald eagles in the entire United States. The reason for the bird’s decreasing population is pollution, especially pollution of the rivers by pesticides. Pesticides are chemicals used to kill insects and other animals that attack and destroy crops. But rain often washes pesticides into rivers. Pesticides pollute the rivers and poison the fish. Eagles eat these fish and then the eggs eagles lay are not healthy. Because many of the eggs did not hatch, the number of eagles quickly became smaller.

Today, the American government and the American people are trying to protect the bald eagle. The number of them is slowly increasing. It now appears that the American national bird will survive.


Найдите значение выделенных слов .

1. In 1972 there were only 3,000 bald eagles in the entire United States.

a. whole  b. central c. western

2.The reason for the bird’s decreasing population was pollution.

a. other animals b. dirty air and water c. people

3.Eagles lay only two or three eggs a year. a.eat b. produce c. deserve

4.Pesticides kill animals that attack and destroy crops.   a.insects b. plants c. flowers

5.It now appears that the American national bird will survive.   a.die b. fly away c. live


2.    Найдите правильные ответы на вопросы:

1.Why was the bald eagle chosen as the symbol of the United States?

a.It was the cause of the American independence.

b.It began to disappear.

c.American leaders chose it because it is a bird of strength and courage, and it was found all over North America.

2.Why has the bald eagle almost disappeared from the country?

a.Because in 1972 there were only 3,000 bald eagles in the entire United States.

b.The bald eagle has almost disappeared from the country because of pollution.

c.The eggs have thin shells and do not hatch.


Найдите неверное слово в каждом предложении и замените его на верное слово.

1.The US won its independence after 1782.

2.American leaders wanted the eagle to be a sample of their country.

3.They chose a bald eagle because it was found all over South America.

4.In 1972 there were only 30,000 bald eagles.

5.Rain often washes crops into rivers.

6. Today, the American government and the American people are trying to pollute the bald eagle.



The President of the United States

Do you want to be president of the United States of America? Maybe you can apply for the job. Answer these three questions? Are you a U.S. citizen? Are you 35 years old or older? Have you been a resident of the United States for fourteen years or longer? Did you say “yes” to all three questions? Then you can take the first steps to the white House.

You become president foe a term. A term is four years. You can only serve two terms. This means that you can only be president twice. This became law in 1951. Before that, the law was different. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933. He was still president when he died in 1945. He was president for twelve years. No one was president longer than he was.

As president of the United States, you earn $200,000 a year. You also get an extra $50,000 for expenses, tax free. You have your own limousine, jet, and housekeepers, all free. You also live rent free, in the White House in Washington, D.C. And you are head of the richest country in the world.

Presidents of the United States are very different people. Twenty-two were lawyers, four soldiers, four farmers, four teachers, two writers, two businessmen, one tailor, one actor.



July Fourth

July, the 4th is the birthday of the United States. It is a national holiday. Another name for July Fourth is Independence Day. Americans celebrate July Fourth because on July 4, 1776, the original thirteen colonies declared their independence from England.

Before 1776, the King of England ruled the 13 colonies in America. The colonists were angry with the King because of taxes. They wanted their independence from England. A war started in 1775 between the colonists and soldiers from England. The colonists won the war. They chose Thomas Jefferson to write the declaration of independence.

On July 4, 1776, the leaders of the colonies signed the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It said that all people were equal and had the right to live in freedom.       A new nation was born. People rang bells and fired guns for the birth of the United States of America.

Today, Americans celebrate July Fourth in many different ways. During the day, many people get together with friends and family members for picnics. Many cities have parades with bands in the streets. At night there are noisy fireworks. These beautiful fireworks of different colors light up the sky all across the country.


Дата добавления: 2020-01-07; просмотров: 890; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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