Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.
Mark / | Development and Fluency | Grammar and Vocabulary | ||||
Criterion | ||||||
• Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make relevant | • Produces error-free simple sentences. | |||||
contributions at some length. | • Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make errors, | |||||
6 | • Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. | which rarely cause comprehension problems. | ||||
• | Can respond to change in direction of the conversation. | • Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on | ||||
• | Pronunciation is intelligible. | a growing range of general and curricular topics. | ||||
• | Intonation is appropriate. | |||||
• Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent prompting | • Produces error-free simple sentences. | |||||
unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation. | • Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a range of | |||||
• Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some | general and curricular topics. | |||||
5 | hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be present. | • Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems. | ||||
• Can generally respond to change in direction of the conversation. | ||||||
• Pronunciation is generally intelligible. | ||||||
• Intonation is generally appropriate | ||||||
• Attempts to respond to questions and prompts. | • Frequently produces error-free simple sentences. | |||||
• Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases, despite
| • Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general and | |||||
4 | hesitation. | curricular topics. | ||||
• | Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only partial | • Errors may cause comprehension problems. | ||||
success will be achieved. | ||||||
• Pronunciation is mostly intelligible. | ||||||
• May not follow English intonation patterns at times. | ||||||
• Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent hesitation. | • Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple sentences. | |||||
• Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles to | • Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited | |||||
3 | develop a conversation. | range of general topics. | ||||
• | There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely to | • Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding. | ||||
impede communication. | ||||||
• May not follow English intonation patterns frequently. | ||||||
• | Responses are so brief that little is communicated. | • Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success. | |||
• | Barely engages in a conversation. | OR | |||
2 | • | Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty. | • Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances. | ||
| Does not follow English intonation patterns. | • Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a very | |||
limited range of general topics. | |||||
• Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions. | |||||
1 | • | No communication possible. | • Cannot produce basic sentence forms. | ||
• | Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the most | • Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized utterances. | |||
sympathetic listener. | |||||
• | No attempt at the response. | ||||
0 | OR | ||||
• | No ratable language. |
Transript 7
Interviewer: Now, Welcome to “You and Your Health”. Today on our show we have the famous cardiologist Dr. Shaw. First of all maybe you could explain to us why the numbers of people suffering from heart attacks seem to be on the increase these days?
Dr Shaw: Well, I think the answer to that is, unfortunately, our modern lifestyle.
Interviewer: Could you be a little more specific please doctor?
Dr Shaw: Yes, of course. For example, how many times have you been too busy to eat a proper meal and so end up eating some unhealthy take out food? Most of people underestimate the importance of a healthy diet.
Interviewer: So, what your are telling us is that if we all make an effort to eat healthier food we are less likely to suffer from heart problems.
Dr Shaw: Of course a healthier diet is going to help. Exercise is also important. We should all make sure we get a regular amount of daily exercise.
Interviewer: You mean we should all join a gym or buy exercise machines?
Dr Shaw: Only if you have the time and the money. If not just spend thirty minutes a day doing a physical activity such as walking, cycling, gardening or even dancing, you will be helping your heart as well as strengthening your muscles and increasing your lung capacity. In fact, if I had to describe a potential heart attack victim it would be a man in his 50s with a stressful job and a family to support, who drinks a lot of coffee, smokes cigarettes doesn’t eat proper balanced meals and gets very little exercise.
Interviewer: Well, thanks Dr Shaw, you have certainly given us a lot to think about.
Дата добавления: 2019-11-25; просмотров: 665; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |

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