The Parliament of the Republic of Belarus

The Parliament - the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus - is the representative and legislative body of the Republic of Belarus. Its term of office is four years.

The Parliament is composed of two Houses, the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic.

The House of Representatives consists of 110 deputies elected on the basis of universal, free, equal and direct suffrage, by secret ballot.

A deputy of the House of Representatives must be citizen of the Republic of Belarus at least 21 years of age.

The Council of the Republic is the house of territorial representation. In each region and in the city of Minsk 8 members of the Council of the Republic are elected at sittings of local Councils of Deputies by secret ballot. The other eight members of the Council of the Republic are appointed by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The minimum age requirement applying to deputies of the Council of the Republic is 30 years. The other requirement is at least five years of residence on the territory of a respective region or the city of Minsk.

Deputies of the House Representatives exercise their powers and duties in the Parliament on the professional basis. Unlike members of the Council of the Republic, a deputy of the House of Representatives may be also a government member. The same person cannot be a member of both Houses of Parliament at the same time. Simultaneous holding of the office of a deputy of the House of Representatives or a member of the Council of the Republic and the office of the President or a judge is not allowed.

The Houses gather for two regular sessions a year. Extraordinary meetings are called by decrees of the President.

The terms of reference of the House of Representatives cover draft legislation consideration, appointment of the elections of the President, approbation of the candidacy of the Prime Minister nominated by the President, approval or declining of the Government's programs of activities, giving a vote of no-confidence to the Government and other issues.

The Council of the Republic approves or declines draft legislation passed in the House of Representatives. A draft law becomes a law upon adoption by the House of Representatives and approval by the Council of the Republic, with a majority of votes of the full list of members in each House.


1. What parts does the Belarusian parliament consist of?

2. What have you learnt about the House of Representatives?

3. What have you learnt about the Council of the Republic?

4. How does a draft law become a law?




Read the text and say what you have learned about the Belarusian Government and its functions.


Executive power in the Republic of Belarus is exercised by the Government (the Council of Ministers), the central body of public administration.

The Government of the Republic of Belarus is composed of the Prime Minister, his deputies and ministers. Besides the Council of Ministers may comprise heads of other republican bodies of public administration. In its activities the Government is accountable to the President of the Republic of Belarus, who receives a Government’s quarterly account on the work done. The Government is responsible to the Parliament of the Republic of Belarus.

The powers of the Council of Ministers are defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the Act on the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. They include running the system of subordinate organs of public administration and other bodies of executive power (including ministries, KGB, State committees of frontier troops, aviation, science and technology, military industry, customs, committees at the Council of Ministers and others).

The issues of national budget, forming and use of off-budget funds, programs of the country’s economic and social development, major guidelines of domestic and foreign policy are considered at sittings of the Council of Ministers.

The Government takes measures on ensuring civil rights and freedoms, protection of state interests, national security and defense. In an effort to provide proper implementation of the Constitution, laws and acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus the Council of Ministers issues regulations, which have the binding force on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Their execution is controlled by the Government directly or through subordinate organs of public administration and other executive bodies. The Government has the right to initiation of bills.

The Government is headed by the Prime Minister appointed by the President of the Republic by approbation of the House of Representatives. The Council of Ministers acts in the course of the President’s term of office.



TOPIC “ socio-political life of great britain”


monarchy (n)                 монархия

authority (n)                  власть, полномочие

veto (v)                          налагать вето (на что-либо), запрещать

reign (v)                         царствовать, править

summon (v)                   созывать (парламент)

dissolve (v)                    распускать (парламент)

appoint (v)                    назначать (на пост), утверждать (в должности)

bishop (n)                      епископ

Governor-General          генерал-губернатор
heir (n)                           наследник



1. What do you know about the political system of Great Britain? Does it have any peculiarities?

2. What is the name of the present British sovereign?

3. Do you think about the role of British monarchy today is still great?






You are going to read the text about monarchy in Great Britain. Before you read, look at the sentences below and decide if you think they are true or false.

1. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy.

2. The powers of the Queen are unlimited.

3. In Britain they look to the Queen as the "symbol of their nation's unity".

4. The British Queen is Elizabeth I who came to the throne after the death of her farther, King George III.





Now read.

Monarchy in Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy, and the Crown is a permanent and continuous institution. The traditional announcement "The King is dead, long live the King!" typifies the immortality of royal authority.

According to the Constitution, the powers of the Crown are very great. Every action of the government is carried out in its name. But the Queen cannot: act independently. She may exercise these powers only on the advice of her ministers, who are responsible politically to Parliament.

In Britain they look to the Queen not only as their head of State, but also as the "symbol of their nation's unity". The seat of the monarchy is in the United Kingdom. The Queen personifies the State. The Queen reigns but does not rule. She never vetoes bills passed by Parliament.

Although the Queen is deprived of actual power, she has retained many important, though formal, functions. She summons and dissolves Parliament, gives approval to Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament; she appoints government ministers, judges, officers in the armed forces, governors, diplomats and bishops of the Church of England. The Queen appoints the Prime Minister (usually the leader of the political party which has a majority in the House of Commons) to form a government. As head of State the Queen has, in international affairs, the power to declare war and make peace, to recognize foreign states and governments, to conclude treaties, etc. She gives audiences to her ministers and other officials at home and overseas, receives accounts of Cabinet decisions. She is informed and consulted on every aspect of national life.

The Queen is Head of the Commonwealth of Nations where she is represented by the Governor-General appointed by her on the advice of the government of the country concerned and completely independent on the British government. Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952 after the death of her farther, King George VI. She has four children: one daughter and three sons. The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales.






Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1. Great Britain is a _____ monarchy, and the Crown is a permanent and continuous institution. 2. According to the _____ powers of the Crown are very great. 3. She may exercise these powers only on the advice of her ______, who are responsible politically to Parliament. 4. The seat of the monarchy is in ______. 5. The Queen never ______ bills passed by Parliament. 6. The Queen and ______ Parliament gives approval to bills passed by both Houses of Parliament. 7. The Queen appoints ______ to form a government. 8. She gives _____ to her ministers and other officials at home and overseas, receives of Cabinet decisions. 9. The Queen is Head ______ where she is represented by the Governor-General 10. The Queen's ______ is Charles, Prince of Wales.

PART II     


Translate from Russian into English:

1. Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии является конституционной монархией.

2. Королева обладает большими полномочиями, но не может действовать независимо.

3. Она может исполнять свои полномочия по совету (рекомендации) своих министров, которые ответственны перед парламентом.

4. Королева является символом объединения нации.

5. В качестве главы государства монарх имеет право объявлять войну и заключать мир, подписывать международные соглашения.

6. Королева является главой Британского содружества наций.

7. Елизавета II взошла на трон в 1952 году после смерти своего отца - короля Георга.





Complete the sentences with the best answer:

1. The Queen may exercise her powers only on the advice of her ministers,
who are responsible politically to the____________.

a) Prime. Minister

b) Crown

c) Parliament

2. The seat of the monarchy is in___________.

d) Scotland

e) England

f) the United Kingdom

3. She never vetoes___________.

a) acts

b) laws

c) bills

4. The leader of the political party which has a majority in the House of Commons forms__________.

a) opposition

b) government

c) parliament

5. The Queen is Head of the Commonwealth of Nations where she is represented by__________.

a) Lord-Chancellor

b) Governor-General

c) Prime Minister



Are these statements "true" or "false"? Correct the false statements:

1. According to the Constitution the powers of the crown are limited.

2. She may exercise these powers only on the advice of her ministers, who are responsible politically to the Prime Minister.

3. Although the Queen is deprived of actual power, she has retained many important, though formal, functions.

4. The Queen appoints the Prime Minister (usually the leader of the political party which has a majority in the House of Lords) to form a government.

5. As head of State the Queen has the power to declare war and make peace.

6. She gives audiences to her ministers and other officials at home and overseas.

7. The Queen is Head of the Commonwealth of Nations where she is represented by the Lord-Chancellor.



Answer the questions:

1. Explain the statement "Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy".

2. Are the powers of the Crown great?

3. Can the Queen act independently?

4. Who advises the Queen?

5. Who are the ministers responsible politically to?

6. What are the formal functions retained by the Queen? What functions does she have in home and international affairs?

7. Who represent the Queen in member nations of the Commonwealth?

8. Who is next in line to the British crown of the Elizabeth II?







Working in groups discuss possible answers:

· What do you see as advantages and disadvantages of having a monarchy?

· Do you think that the role of the Queen is diminishing?






Render the contents of the text about Monarchy in Britain.



Express your opinion:

What are some differences between the functions of the Monarch and the President? Read the passage again and then write a paragraph describing some of the main differences.






Study the following topical vocabulary:

sovereignty (n) суверенитет, верховная власть
legislative (adj.) законодательный
executive (adj.) исполнительный
House of Commons Палата Общин
constituency (n) избирательный округ
majority (n) большинство
preside (v) over председательствовать
Lords Spiritual лорды духовные
archbishop (n) архиепископ
Lords Temporal светские лорды
Lord Chancellor лорд-канцлер
reject (v) отвергнуть
amend (v) вносить поправки



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