TEXT 2                                    Bonfire Night

There is a special day in England which is called Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Day. On the fifth of November boys and girls get an old suit or may be an old pair of dad’s pants and an old jacket and staff them with straw or newspapers. Then they make a villainous-looking head (sometimes with a brightly coloured mask on it). If they can get a hat, they put that on too. The dummy is called a “Guy”.

The children then march their “Guy” through the streets asking people for money: “A penny for the Guy, mister?” If they collect enough money, they go and buy fireworks – rockets and sparklers and the like. As soon as it gets dark, everyone, children and adults, make a huge bonfire and burn the dummy on it. As the dummy burns up, fireworks are set off and everyone chants a rhyme:

Remember, remember

the Fifth of November,

Gunpowder Treason and Plot,

We know of no reason

Why Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot.

No one should go hungry, of course. Special foods go with the bonfire and the festivities – sweet chestnuts, baked potatoes and toffee apples (apples which are placed on sticks and covered with toffee).

You want to know, of course, who Guy Fawkes was and what he did.

Today he would be known as an extremist or terrorist. On the fifth of November, 1605 he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

In 1605, King James I was on the throne. He was a Protestant and hated Catholics…and Catholics hated him. James had ordered all Catholic priests to leave the country and wouldn’t and allow Catholics to worship as they pleased.

Guy Fawkes and some of his friends decided to do away with the King and the Members of Parliament who were making life difficult for Catholics.’

To carry out their plan, the plotters got hold of 36 barrels of gunpowder and rolled them into the cellar, just under the House of Lords. The idea was to set off the gunpowder as soon as the King opened the new session of Parliament on the fifth of November, 1605.

But as the group worked on the plot, it became clear that some innocent people would be hurt or killed in the attack. Some of the plotters started having second thoughts. One of the group members even sent an anonymous letter warning his friend, Lord Monteagle, to stay away from Parliament on the fifth of November.

The warning letter reached the King. The plot was discovered.

In the early hours of the fifth of November, Guy Fawkes, who was hiding in the cellar with the 36 barrels of gunpowder, was arrested and taken to the Tower of London.

At the Tower he was tortured: he was hung by his wrists in manacles and stretched on the rack. Forty eight hours later, and with a broken body, he confessed that he was going to blow up Parliament. But he bravely refused to give away the names of his friends until he learned that they were no secret to the government.

Guy Fawkes was finally executed on January 31st, 1606 in the old Palace Yard at Westminster. After he was hanged, he was drawn through the streets of London behind a horse cart. The he was chopped into “quarters”. Other members of the group were also hunted down, tortured and executed in the same manner.

Since then the dummy of poor Guy Fawkes is burnt every fifth of November on bonfires throughout Britain.

The cellars where Guy Fawkes was captured are still searched before each opening of Parliament, and on the evening of November 4th each year. This is a spectacular ceremony and everything is done just as it was done almost four centuries ago. Some people, however, have been wondering whether the British are celebrating Fawkes’ execution or honouring his attempt to do away with the government.



Match the equivalents:

to order отказываться
to get hold прятаться
to warn растягивать
to stretch чтить
to search сознаваться
to hide приказывать
to hunt down предупреждать
to refuse завладеть
to confess обыскивать
to honour выследить




Find in the text the English equivalents for:

Набивать соломой, сжигать чучело, пускать фейерверки, печёный картофель, царствовать, разделаться с королём, приводить в исполнение план, бочки с порохом, анонимное письмо, оставаться подальше от, раскрыть заговор, прятаться в подвале, захватывающая церемония.




Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1.There is a ______ day in England which is called Bonfire Night or_______.

2. As soon as it gets dark people make a huge ________ and burn _______ on it.

3. Special foods go with the bonfire and the festivities – sweet ______, baked potatoes and ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______ apples.

4. James had ____ all Catholic priests to ____ and wouldn’t allow Catholics to ____.

5. To _____ their plan, the plotters _____ of 36 barrels of ____ and rolled them into the cellar.

6. The _____ where Guy Fawkes was ____ are still searched before each ____ of Parliament.




Answer the following questions:

l. When is Guy Fawkes Day celebrated?

2. How is it celebrated?

3. Who was Guy Fawkes?

4. How did the conspirators want to kill the king and his ministers?

5. How was the plot discovered?

6. What happened to Guy Fawkes and his friends?



Write a passage about your favortite British or Belarusian holiday.




Read the text and translate it with the help of a dictionary.

Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 636; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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