TEXT 2              State System of the Republic of Belarus

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus there are three branches of power in the state: the legislative power creating laws, the executive power accomplishing these laws and the judicial power which sees that these laws be observed.

The Parliament, which is the highest legislative body, is represented by the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. It consists of two chambers: the Chamber of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. In the National Assembly there are full-time commissions. They are:

- Commission on defence and national safety;

- Commission on foreign affairs;

- Budget and finance commission;

- Economic reforms commission;

- Industrial commission;

- Commission on employment and social security.

At first a law draft is considered by the Chamber of Representatives, then it is approved or rejected by the Council of the Republic of Belarus and the President, and only then it becomes a law.

The Government or the supreme executive power is the Council of Ministers. It consists of the Prime Minister, his deputies and ministers. The Prime Minister governs the activities of the Council of Ministers. He is appointed by the President of the Republic of Belarus with the consent of the House of Representatives. The Council of Ministers is responsible for the effective development of economic, social and political situation in Belarus in accordance with the laws adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

The judicial power is represented by the Supreme Court, the High Economic Court and the Constitutional Court. The Chairmen of these courts are appointed or dismissed by the President with the approval of the Council of the Republic of Belarus. Six judges of the Constitutional court are also appointed by the President.

There are local bodies of power on the level of administrative and territorial units -the local deputies' Soviets, executive and directive bodies, etc. The local deputies' Soviets are elected by the citizens of the corresponding administrative and territorial units for 4 years. Chief officers of the local executive and directive bodies are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The local deputies' Soviets, executive and directive bodies, solve local problems in the framework of their power but taking into consideration the state interests and the interests of people living on the territory. They fulfill the directives of the higher-level state bodies.

The President of the Republic of Belarus elected by the all-people vote is the head of our state. The President is responsible for the organization of the executive powers in the fields of economy, foreign policy, defence, national security and other spheres. The members of the Council of Ministers, such as deputies of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Defence, the Internal Affairs Minister and others are appointed or dismissed by the President. The same refers to the Chairman and the members of the Governing Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The President appoints ambassadors, grants citizenship and pardons.

The President of the Republic of Belarus, deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, as well as deputies of local Councils of Deputies are elected on the basis of general, equal, direct suffrage, by secret ballot. The right to nominate candidates for deputies belongs to public associations, workers' collectives and citizens in accordance with the law.

The electoral procedures are prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Belarus.

Holding a referendum is one of the means of participation of citizens in the management of the affairs of society and state. A referendum is conducted by general, free, equal voting by secret ballot. No control over the will of the voters is allowed during the voting. All citizens of the Republic of Belarus who have the right to vote take part in referenda.





Give the English for:

в соответствии с конституцией, назначаться на должность президентом, всенародное голосование, исполнительно-распорядительные органы, даровать помилование, высший исполнительный орган, председатель Конституционного суда, глава государства, соблю­дать законы, отклонить законопроект, три ветви власти, отвечать за развитие, административно-территориальные единицы.




Match English and Russian equivalents:

1) to adopt a law                     а) всенародный референдум

2) a chairman                          б) быть освобожденным (от должности)

3) to grant citizenship              в) принимать закон

4) in accordance with the laws г) с одобрения

5) a law draft                           д) председатель

6) a full-time commission        e) законопроект

7) all-nation referendum          ж) назначать

8) to appoint                           з) давать гражданство

9) with the approval of           и) в соответствии с законами
10) to be dismissed by            к) постоянная комиссия



Complete the sentences:

1) According to the Constitution there are three branches of power in the state: ....

2) The highest legislative body is ... .3) The National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus consists of... .4) The Government or the supreme executive power is ... .5) The Prime Minister is appointed by....6) The judicial power is represented by ... .7) The local deputies' Soviets fulfill... .8) The President of the Republic of Belarus is ... .




Agree or disagree:

1) The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was adopted in 1999. 2) There are two branches of power in the state: the legislative power and the executive power. 3) The judicial power sees that the laws be observed. 4) The highest legislative body is represented by the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. 5) The supreme executive power is the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. 6) The Council of Ministers is responsible for the effective development of economic, social and political situation in Belarus. 7) Chief officers of the local executive and directive bodies are appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister. 8) The President of the Republic of Belarus appoints ambassadors, grants citizenship and pardons.




Answer the questions:

1)How many branches of power are there in Belarus?

2)What is the highest legislative power?

3)How many chambers does the National Assembly consist of?

4)What full-time commissions do you know?

5)When does a law draft become a law?

6)What is the supreme executive body?

7)What is it responsible for?

10)What is the judicial power represented by?

11)What problems do local bodies of power solve?

12)Who is the head of the state?

13)What are the responsibilities of the President of the Republic of Belarus?



Express your opinion:

1. Is it reasonable that a law draft should go through many stages to become a law?

2. What do you think are the most important qualities a president should have (and why)?




Write a paragraph about the national flag, the national day or the national symbols of your country.





Read and translate the text. Answer the questions given below.

Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 164; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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