Задание 8.5. Подберите к каждому слову из колонки А соответствие из колонки B

1) evergreen a)ограниченный

2) expensive b)важный

3) extreme c)разнообразный

4) vast d)крайний

5) coastal e)узкий

6) various f)обширный

7) narrow g)вечнозеленый

8) important h)способный

9) capable i) прибрежный

10) limited j) дорогой

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
g j d f i c e b h a


Задание 8.6. Верны ли следующие утверждения (T r ue/ False)

• Africa is poorly forested. – True

• The biological composition of African forests is very simple. – False

• Many species have so far proved to be of commercial interest. – False

• General exploitation of African forests is difficult and expensive. – True

• The wild eucalyptus forests are widely used in pulping industry. – True

Домашнее задание: пересказ текста


Практическое занятие No4

Тема: Леса на Земле.

Цель: Активизация лексико-грамматического материала в устной речи.

Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие задания:


Forests of the world

Wood is unique among the world's important raw materials. Most people on the planet Earth live in wooden houses, sit on wooden chairs, eat at wooden tables, and up to the present day, many people are warmed by wooden-stocked fires. The wood possessing countries of the world are, perhaps, most wealthy, because, under condition of wise management, wood is universal, abundant, and essentially inexhaustible source of national well-being. There is something like eight billion acres of timber covering earth as a whole. In Europe, not counting the Russian, today timber exporters are: Norway, Finland and Sweden.

In Norway forests cover one quarter of the total surface of the country. Once the country exported its forests in the form of logs, later on as sawn goods and planed timbers, now mainly as pulp and paper. The principal tree species in Norway are spruce, pine and birch. In the southern most parts of Norway we also find, in small quantities, several valuable species such as oak, beech, ash, alder, maple and others. More than 70 per cent of the Norwegian productive area belongs to private owners, and a major part of this area is utilized in combination with farming.


wood - лес,


unique – уникальный,

raw materials - сырье,

the present day - в настоящее время,

wooden-stocked – древесный,

warm - греть,

possess- иметь,

wealthy - богатый,

wise- мудрый ,

management -управление,

abundant - обильный,

inexhaustible - неисчерпаемый,

well-being - благосостояние,

acre - акр,


count - считать,

log - бревно,

sawn-goods –пиломатериалы,

planed timber - строганный пиломатериал,

pulp - целлюлоза,

paper – бумага,

principal – основной,

spruce - сосна, ель,

pine – сосна,

birch- береза,

quantity- количество,

valuable - ценный,

oak – дуб,

ash – осина,

alder- ольха,

private owner - частный собственник,

farming - сельское хозяйство


Задание 9.1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений

До настоящего времени – up to the present day

При условии мудрого управления – under condition of wise management

Источник национального богатства – source of national well-being

В целом – as a whole

Четверть общей площади страны – one quarter of the total surface of the country

В малых количествах – in small quantities

Принадлежит частным лицам – belongs to private owners


Задание 9.2.Подберите к каждому слову из колонки А соответствие из колонки B

1) universal a)ценный

2) abundant b)неисчерпаемый

3) inexhaustible c)важный

4) important d)продуктивный

5) wealthy e)универсальный

6) valuable f)обильный

7) productive g)богатый

8) principle h)основной

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
E f b c G a d H


Задание 9.3. Ответьте на вопросы

• Why is wood unique among the world’s important raw materials? – . Most people on the planet Earth live in wooden houses, sit on wooden chairs, eat at wooden tables, and up to the present day, many people are warmed by wooden-stocked fires.

• Are the wood possessing countries of the world most wealthy? Why? – The wood possessing countries of the world are, perhaps, most wealthy, because, under condition of wise management, wood is universal, abundant, and essentially inexhaustible source of national well-being.

• How much timber is there on the Earth? – There is something like eight billion acres of timber covering earth as a whole.

• What does Norway export now? – The country exports its forests mainly as pulp and paper.

• What species can you find in Norway? – The principal tree species in Norway are spruce, pine and birch. In the southern most parts of Norway we also find, in small quantities, several valuable species such as oak, beech, ash, alder, maple and others.

Дата добавления: 2019-07-17; просмотров: 279; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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