Задание 7.2.Подберите к каждому слову из колонки А соответствие из колонки B

Практическое занятие No 1


Тема: Что такое лес?

Цель: Введение и первичное закрепление ЛЕ

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Forests to a non-specialist seem to be nothing but a collection of trees. The closer they are examined, the more they differ. Furthermore, their difference may be expressed in a great number of ways. Some scientists write "A plant association mainly of trees or other woody vegetation occupying an area of land is a forest”. Others say that a collection of trees becomes a forest only when it has sufficient density and covers a large enough area to develop local climatic and ecological conditions that are different from those outside. There must be some changes in temperature, moisture, light and wind as well as in the character of upper soil layer. With these changes comes different vegetation under the trees and different animal life in the forest.

In technical language a specialist: says that a forest "biocenoze" (life community) has been set up. Originally "forest" meant simply wild or uncultivated land. Today the term "forest" is sometimes applied to an economic unit of operating area. A forest of trees of similar age and composition is called a "stand".

Every stand has more or less regular upper layer of green crowns, called "the forest canopy" under which there may be an open space except for the stems of the forest trees or more or less occupied with lower canopies. They are called understories and are typical of tropical forests but may be in the forests of the temperature zone too.

Very often a single understorey consists of saplings which are coming in to replace the falling stand of veterans above. Where the forest is open or thin there may be ground cover of grass. The nature of this cover is very different. In dense forests the ground under the trees — the forest floor — may have no living vegetation and be covered with dead leaves and branches.

The species composition of the forest is one of the most important features. The stand may be composed of a single species making a pure forest or several species are associated to form a mixed forest.

Perfectly pure forests over large areas occur not often however. It was observed that species do not do well when planted in pure stands, especially upon usual forest soils. The reason is that they make very heavy demands upon soil plant food (nutrients). Such pure stands may do well in youth, but as they become older, their growth becomes very slow and the trees die.

Stands are classified according to age classes of which they are composed. Even-aged stand is one in which all the trees are of one age. Uneven-aged stand, on the other hand, theoretically has trees of every age, from seedlings to old veterans.


stand — лесонасаждение.

forest canopy— лесной полог.

understorey— второй ярус насаждения.

Задание 6.1.Ответьте на вопросы.

• Is forest a collection of trees? – No, it isn’t.

• How do the scientists define a forest? – Some scientists write that a plant association mainly of trees or other woody vegetation occupying an area of land is a forest.

• What a stand is? – A forest of trees of similar age and composition is called a "stand".

• What is a pure forest? – A pure forest is the stand composed of a single species.

• What is called a mixed forest? – A mixed forest is the stand composed of a several species.

• How are stands classified? – Stands are classified according to age classes of which they are composed. Even-aged stand is one in which all the trees are of one age. Uneven-aged stand, on the other hand, theoretically has trees of every age, from seedlings to old veterans.

Задание 6.2. Выпишите из текста определения следующих понятий

· A forest is a plant association mainly of trees or other woody vegetation occupying an area of land.

· A biocenoze is a life community.

· A stand is a forest of trees of similar age and composition.

· A forest floor is the ground under the trees in dense forests.

· A forest canopy is a regular upper layer of green crowns.

Задание 6.3.Определите, верны ли следующие утверждения

• Even-aged stand has trees of every age, from seedlings to old veterans. – False

• Originally “forest” meant simply cultivated land. – False

• Perfectly pure forests over large areas occur very often. – False

• A forest of trees of similar age and composition is called “biocenoze”. – False

• Stands are classified according to age classes of which they are composed. – True

Домашнее задание: выучить ЛЕ


Практическое занятие No2

Тема: «Хвойные и лиственные леса»

Цель: Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием содержания прочитанного

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Types of forests

Forests are invaluable for many different reasons. Forests provide a home for countless animals and birds and forest products are important to the economy of the country. The forest industry is a big business and the forest ecosystem provides products such as plastics, paper, wood for furniture and homes, dyes, medicines, oils, flavorings, chewing gum, and numerous other items. There are several different types of forest ecosystems.

• Coniferous or cone bearing forests are found in colder climates and consist of softwoods.

• Deciduous forests that provide eye candy in the fall with their beautiful display of colors are generally hard woods such as oak, maple and poplars.

• Tropical rainforests can be found where it is very humid and rainy. There are thousands of plant and animal species living in the ecosystem of a tropical rainforest that would not be able to survive anywhere else.

The ecosystem of the forest includes a wide variety of animals and plants ranging from tiny microorganism to giant redwoods and sequoias. Each part of the ecosystem that makes up the forest is vital to the survival of the forest. Insects re- pollinate trees and squirrel carry nuts throughout the forest hiding them in secret stashes. Some of those nuts will be buried and germinate to produce a new generation of tree for the forest. Every living thing in the forest ecosystem is important to the balance and structure of the forest.

Forests have been classified according to their economic importance. The first group includes special purpose and protective forests - green belts around cities and enterprises, forest in reserve areas, the protective avenues for roads and railways, forests beside rivers, laces and others water, trees that protect the soil and forests in natural preserves.

In the second group we find the trees of which there are limited reserves. These are important from the point of view of timber supply and also as protective forests. The third group covers all other forests suitable for exploitation. These are mainly concentrated in the Russian Federation and Kazakh Republic.


importance – значение,

purpose - цель, назначение,

belt- пояс,

enterprise – предприятие,

resort- отдых,

avenue- дорога,

soil- почва,

preserve- заповедник,

area- площадь,

enterprise – завод,

from the point of view - с точки зрения,

timber- лесоматериал,

supply – снабжать,

suitable- подходящий,

mainly - главным образом,

according to-согласно,

include – включать


Задание 7. 1. Ответьте на вопросы:

• Why are forests invaluable? – Forests provide a home for countless animals and birds and forest products are important to the economy of the country. The forest industry is a big business and the forest ecosystem provides products such as plastics, paper, wood for furniture and homes, dyes, medicines, oils, flavorings, chewing gum, and numerous other items.

• What types of forest ecosystems are there? – There are coniferous or cone bearing forests, deciduous forests and tropical rainforests.

• What trees are typical of deciduous forests? – Deciduous forests are generally hard woods such as oak, maple and poplars.

• What does the ecosystem of the forest include? – The ecosystem of the forest includes a wide variety of animals and plants ranging from tiny microorganism to giant redwoods and sequoias.

• In what way have forests been classified according to their economic importance? – The first group includes special purpose and protective forests. In the second group we find the trees of which there are limited reserves. The third group covers all other forests suitable for exploitation.

Задание 7.2.Подберите к каждому слову из колонки А соответствие из колонки B

1) invaluable a) различный

2) important b)влажный

3) different c) бесценный

4) numerous d)красивый

5) countless e)бессчетный

6) vital f)жизненно важный

7) beautiful g)многочисленный

8) humid h)важный

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
c h a g e f d B


Домашнее задание: подготовить сообщение.


Практическое занятие No3

Тема: Леса Европы и Азии

Цель: Тренировка навыков чтения с применением различных стратегий

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Asia, excluding Russia, should be discussed in two sections: one covering the region of East Asia including China, Korea and Japan; the other covering South Asia and including the Philippines, Indonesia and India. The forest of East Asia, though the sub-regions vary widely in type, are mainly situated in temperate or cool zones and hence do not differ in principle from the American or European forests. The forests of South Asia, on the other hand, are mainly of tropical type, more similar to those of Africa and South America.

China, once covered well with forests, has now five or six thousand years of destructive action of man, a forested area covering only 9 percent of the country. This still constitutes a considerable forest area, of which three quarters is productive forest land. Half of this is covered by coniferous forests, mainly concentrated in the North-Eastern part of the country. The South, South-West and Central regions contain considerable part of hardwoods. There are three forest zones in China, namely subtropical, warm-temperate and cool-temperate.

In the subtropical zone evergreen broadleaf trees, such as several species of oak, occur together with palms, tree ferns and bamboos. The warm-temperate zone includes the area along the Yangtze River. Its forests contain deciduous broadleaved species such as oak, maple, poplar as well as some conifers such as pine. The cool-temperate zone to the north of the country is the most important one. It comprises forests of pine, spruce, hemlock, fir, larch, birch, and maple etc. Korea, a much smaller country than China is well forested, that is to about 80 percent. However, heavy demand and lack of control resulted in great devastation and the remaining forests are thin. The rate of cutting in South Korea is twice as that of growth and the volume of standing timber is rapidly decreasing. In North Korea a cool temperate zone contains spruce, fir, larch and pines. Japan, a highly industrialized country, has a growing pulp and paper industry of considerable capacity. About two-thirds of the land area is covered with forests, but as a result of demand of heavy population only 25% of the forests are capable of yielding industrial wood, and only 15% are accessible coniferous forests. The climatic zones of Japan are similar to those of China.


demand – спрос,

control- контроль,

lack- недостаток,

result- приводить,

devastation – опустошение,

thin- редкий,

rate- нормы,

cutting- рубка,

remain- оставаться,

...is twice as... - в два раза больше,

volume- объем,

standing timber - лес на корню,

decrease – уменьшаться,

contain – содержать,

spruce – ель,

fir – пихта,

larch- лиственница,

pine – сосна,

considerable – значительный,

capacity – размер ,

pulp and paper industry - целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность,

accessible coniferous forests - доступные хвойные леса,

yield - давать


Дата добавления: 2019-07-17; просмотров: 965; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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