Answer the following questions:

1. Are there different kinds of memory?

2. What is sensory memory itself?

3. Can you describe short-term memory?

4. How can we improve our short-term memory?

5. How is the written word coded in short-term memory?

6. What is clustering?

7. How can we improve our long-term memory?

8. How does interference prevent our long-term memories from becoming permamnent?

9. How does repression work?

10. Is there evidence for the Freudian approach to forgetting?


4. Mark these statements TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

1. In Bartlett’s major experiment the original story was remembered unchanged.

2. Any experience is stored and then coded into one or another kind of information.

3. Short-term memories can be reprocessed into long-term ones.

4. Grouping and regrouping, organizing and reorganizing are constantly going on in memory storage.

5. Forgetting long-term memories doesn’t connect the conditions under which the memories were first processed.

6. A forgetter represses painful memories unconsciously.

7. The three main theories have no difference in their type of coding.


GRAMMAR: Infinitive. Инфинитив

Признаком инфинитива является наличие часицы to перед глаголом: to work, to read.

Формы инфинитива

Indefinite (Simple) выражает действие, происходящее одновременно с действием сказуемого to do действительный залог; to be done страдательный залог.

Continuous выражает длительное действие, продолжающееся одновременно с действием сказуемого to be doing действительный залог.

Perfect выражает действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого to have done действительный залог; to have been done страдательный залог.


Без частицы to инфинитив употребляется

· после модальных глаголов;

· после глаголов to let и to make;

· в сложном дополнении после глаголов восприятия (to see, to hear, to feel, etc.)

· после выражений: I would rather…; You had better ….. .

Инфинитивный оборот «сложное подлежащее» “ Complex Subject ”.

Эта конструкция строится по следующей модели:

Подлежащее (существительное или местоимение в именительном падеже) + Сказуемое (обычно глагол в страдательном залоге) + Инфинитив

 He proves to be a leading scientist in this field of psychology.

He is said to know six languages.

The President of Russia was reported to speak to the nation on television tonight.

His theory is said to have been developed for half a century.

Speech therapyseems to be very effective in helping people overcome the problem of stuttering.

 He was said to work a lot. – Говорили, что он много работает.

was seen to               – Видели, что …..

was heard to              – Слышали, что …..

was supposed            – Предполагали,что ….

was believed             – Полагали, что …..

was expected            – Ожидали, что …..

…. was reported                – Сообщали, что ….

was found                     – Обнаружили, что …..


Инфинитивный оборот «сложное дополнение» “ Complex Object ”.

Эта конструкция строится по следующей модели:

Подлежащее + Сказуемое (в действительном залоге) +  Объектный падеж + Инфинитив

We expect them to do it in time.

He believes his subjects to have been trained under another psychoanalyst.

They consider psychoanalysis to be very effective in its versatility.

The psychotherapist felt his patient get nervous and tense.



1. It is important for her children ... to university.
A going B to go  C go

2. Joe wanted ... us, but he had no time.

A to help         B helping         C to have helped

3.Gregory went to the supermarket... a new pair of gloves.

A in order to buy B to buy      C for buying

 4. Our teacher doesn't allow ... during the breaks.

A smoking       B us to smoke C to smoke

 5. Larry is used ... grammar diligently.

A to study      B to studying  C studying

 6. The writer wanted his new story so he asked the secretary to do it.
A to type        B being typed  C to be typed

7. Jane says she wouldn't mind ... us. Would you like ... us?

A to join; to join B joining; to join C joining; joining

8. George appears ... the truth.

A to know         B to be known C knowing

9. The criminal was believed ... two soldiers.

A to shoot        B to have shot C to be shooting

10. It took me half an hour ... there.

A to have got    B to be getting C to get

11. James seems ... on the computer now.

A to be working  B to work    C to have been working

12. lt is never too late .... (proverb)

A to be mended B to mend     C mending

13. His work was criticized and he was made ... it again.
A do                B to do            C doing

14. Ann seemed ... everything; she knew what had happened.

A to tell            B being told     C to have been told

15. He is known ... in economics.

A be an expert  B being an expert   C to be an expert

16. Diplomacy is …… and say the nastiest things in the nicest way.

A to do        B to be doing   C to have been doing

17. I didn’t want to join this dispute, so I pretended to ……..

A to read  B to be reading  C to have read

18. Modern art is when you buy a picture ……… a hole in the wall - and decide, that hole looks better.

A to be covering     B to have covered C to cover

19. Jenny seemed ……… no attention to what was going on areound her.

A to pay B to be paying C to have paid

20. Anna tried …….. two birds with one stone.

A to have killed   B to be killing  C to kill


Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 531; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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