Ex. 7. Choose the correct form.

1. Please tell me the (next, nearest) way to the station. 2. The exercise is on the (next, nearest) page. 3. We are to wait for some (farther, further) instructions. 4. It’s the (oldest, eldest) university in Great Britain. 5. She is (older, elder) than her husband. 6. Boris is my father’s (oldest, eldest) friend. 7. Eleven o’clock is the (last, latest) time she goes to bed. 8. Take a look at the (last, latest) page of the book. 9. Have you seen the (last, latest) video by Avril Lavigne?      10. What did he say before dying? What were his (last, latest) words? 11. He works much (more slowly, slowlier) than the rest of the students. 12. Don’t worry. Take it (easy, easily). 13. He is (so, as) rude as his brother. 14. He was (very, very much) happy when he married. 15. He is the same height (as, than) my son. 16. I haven’t seen you (late, lately). Have you been away? 17. He came (late, lately). Everybody had gone to bed. 18. Let’s call on her. She lives (near, nearly). 19. His grandfather is (near, nearly) ninety. 20. Is James your (near, nearly) relative? 21. He is (so, such) trustful! 22. Lenny is (so, such) an absent-minded boy! 23. It’s (so, such) a nice colour on you! 24. You are (so, such) wonderfully dressed today! 25. He could (hard, hardly) say a word when he saw her looking (so, such) beautiful. 26. The (last, latest) time I saw him he looked (awful, awfully) ill. 27. She is (high, highly) praised by her colleagues. 28. He sings (so, such) well!     


Ex. 8. Compare the objects.

Models: Moscow is older than St Petersburg. St Petersburg is not so old as Moscow.

1. The Black Sea – the White Sea (warm). 2. Oil – water (light). 3. Russia – Great Britain (small). 4. Stone – wood (heavy) 5. Volkswagen ['fɒlksvɑ:gən] – Mercedes [mə'seıdi:z] (cheap) 6. Japanese – English (difficult) 7. This classroom – your room (comfortable) 8. February – March (short) 9. Australia – Africa (large) 10. jazz – rock music (popular) 11. The Himalayas – the Urals (high) 12. Lake Baikal – Lake Michigan (deep) 13. Detective novels – love novels (interesting) 14. The weather today – the weather yesterday (cold) 15. Your street – Lenin Avenue (broad) 16. Americans – Englishmen (easy-going) 17. Bill Gates – you (rich).

Ex. 9. Translate into English.   

1. Этот фильм менее интересный. 2. Прошлое лето было самое сухое. 3. В нашей группе столько же студентов, сколько в вашей. 4. Она на четыре года моложе своего брата. 5. 22 декабря самый короткий день в году. 6. Он работает быстрее и лучше всех. 7. Он меня в два раза моложе. 8. Чем больше ты думаешь об этом, тем хуже тебе становится. 9. Он так плохо себя чувствовал, что едва мог работать.10. Тому столько же лет как Джейку, но он гораздо выше его. 11. Мы ждём дальнейшей информации. 12. Она живёт дальше от университета, чем я. 13. Эта работа менее важная. 14. Он такой же маленький как твой племянник? 15. Она приходит раньше всех. 16. Сейчас это самая популярная песня. 17. Ты слышал последние новости? 18. Эта квартира немного меньше, она менее удобная и дальше от центра города, но она гораздо дешевле. 20. Все, что не убивает тебя, делает тебя сильнее. 21. Чем меньше женщину мы любим, тем легче нравимся мы ей. 22. Он становится старше, но не становится серьёзнее. 23. Они шли медленнее и медленнее и, наконец, остановились. 24. У вас такой большой дом, а этот вид на озеро такой чудесный! 25. Я вам очень благодарен за всё, что вы делаете для меня. 26. Чем больше вы будете говорить по-английски, тем лучше у вас это будет получаться. 27. Я очень хочу ложиться спать раньше, а вставать позже. 28. Она самая застенчивая и самая трудолюбивая девочка в классе. Тихая как мышка и всегда трудится как пчелка. 29. Пирог пахнет так замечательно, он, наверное, очень вкусный. Я очень люблю яблочные пироги. 30. Лето. Волосы становятся светлее. Кожа становится темнее. Вода становится теплее. Напитки становятся холоднее. Музыка становится громче. Ночи становятся короче. Жизнь становится лучше.  

Ex. 10. Look at the pictures and make up sentences on the model:

He can’t decide whether to buy a used car or a new car.

On the one hand, used cars are cheaper.

On the other hand, new cars are more reliable.




1. Regular verbs form Past Simple by adding – ed to the verb, (or only – d if it ends in – e).

Irregular verbs have special forms for Past Simple (see the list of irregular verbs)


We use the auxiliary verb did in the negative sentences and questions:

He worked here last year. Did he work here two years ago?

He went there last week. He didn’t go there yesterday.


  affirmative interrogative negative
1 regular verbs He worked. Did he work? He didn’t work.
2 irregular verbs He went away. Did he go away? He didn’t go away.


  We use Past Simple to talk about examples  
1 a past action or state, not connected with the present I saw him yesterday. We met last week .
2 a succession of past actions He stood up, said good-bye and left the room.
3 a repeated past action He came to that park every Sunday. She often wrote to her friends .

Note. We can use the past adverbs: yesterday, the day before yesterday, the other day, some time ago, last week, in 1995, at 5 o’clock, on Monday etc;



We pronounce –ed as

[d] after vowels and voiced consonants (except d): opened, played;

[t] after voiceless consonants (except t): worked, stopped;

[ıd] after t,d: wanted, landed.

what when examples compare
1 we double the final consonant after one short stressed vowel to preserve the closed syllable: to stop – stopped; to plan – planned smile - smiled
2 we double the final r after one stressed vowel to preserve the third type of the syllable to pre'fer – preferred; to stir – stirred;; 'offer – offered; appear – appeared
3 we double the final l after one short vowel, stressed or unstressed                    (typical of British English): quarrel – quarrelled travel – travelled appeal – appealed
4 we change the final y into i after a consonant   to carry – carried, to reply – replied to play – played; to enjoy – enjoyed



We use the auxiliary verb to have (has) and Past Participle of the notional verb

to form the Present Perfect tense:

Regular verbs form the Past Participle by adding – ed to the verb, (or only – d if it ends in – e).

Irregular verbs have special forms.


person /         number affirmative interrogative negative
1 I           we    have you they I have worked here. Have you worked here? They haven’t worked here.
2 He She  has it He has gone away. Has he gone away? He hasn’t gone away.



We use Present Perfect


to talk about an action

which has happened before the present moment and

we don’t know or don’t care when exactly it happened;

all we are interested in, is whether it has happened before the present moment or not


Have you seen this film? He has never been abroad. I have met him somewhere before.  

We can use the adverbs:

just, already, yet, before, ever, never, of late, lately,  recently, in the last few days, so far, etc

He hasn’t come yet.(еще)

Has he с ome yet?(уже )

He has come already. (уже )

Has he come аlready?! (уже )


2 with adverbs like today, this week, this month (the period of time that isn’t over yet)  

I have met him this week.


3 when we say It’s the first / second (etc) time something has happened.  

It’s the third time you have phoned me today!


4 to talk about an action which began in the past and has been going on up to the present instead of the Present Perfect Continuous with verbs of state not used in continuous forms

He has known Jack for ten years.




He has been learning English for ten years



Note 1.  We use the preposition to instead of in (to answer the question «where?»)               after be in Present Perfect. 


They have been to the USA already.

BUT: They were in the USA last year.

Note 2. Mind the difference between the sentences:

He has gone to London. (= Он уехал в Лондон .)

He has been to London. (= Он ездил в Лондон. Он побывал в Лондоне.)

Note 3.

We don’t use Present Perfect in the following phrases:


English commentary  
1 What did you say? I didn’t hear you. when the speaker haven’t heard something just now
2 I hear they are in London when we can change я слышал into я знаю
3 I don ’ t understand . when я не понял refers to something just said or done
4 I forget his address.  I forget where he lives. when we can change я забыл into я не помню

But: I have forgotten to phone him.

when we mean action and not information
5 It is three years since I saw him last. Прошло уже три года, с тех пор, как я видел его в последний раз  



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