Learn the proverbs. Explain what they mean.

1. An early bird catches the worm. 2. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 3. Old habits die hard. 4. Time flies. 5. Time flies when you are having fun. 6. Time and tide wait for no man.     7. Time is a great healer. 8. Time is money. 9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.10. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 11. Man doesn’t live by bread alone. 12. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 13. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. 14. Tastes differ.


MORE BAD LUCK                    

The bread was stale

It was four days old                          

The milk was sour  

The coffee was cold.

The butter was rancid                          

The steak was tough.

The service was dreadful,                                 

The waiter was rough.

My bill was huge

His tip was small.

I’m sorry I went to that place at all.




First she gave up smoking   

Then she gave up gin

Then she gave up chocolate cake

She wanted to be thin

Then she gave up breakfast

Then she gave up lunch

On lazy Sunday mornings

She even gave up brunch

No matter ˎwhat she gave up

Her skirts were very tight

Cause she ate ↑twelve cans of ˎtuna fish

For ˎdinner every ˎnight.

                                             MAJOR DECISIONS

How do you like your ˎcoffee? – Black, black.             ˏScrambled, with ˏbacon?         – I don’t care.       

How do you like your ˎtea?     – With ˋlemon, ˏ please. ˋOver ˏeasy?                               – I don’t care

How do you like your ˎsteak? –Medium rare.             ˏSoft-boiled, ˏhard-boiled?       – I don’t care.

How do you like your ˎeggs?  – I don’t care.              How about an ˎomelet?            – I don’t care

Sunny side ˏup?                   – I don’t care.                ˎCome on, ˎtell me. This isn’t ˎfair.           

Poached on ˏtoast?                  – I don’t care.                        I told you the ˎtruth. I really don’t ˎcare.


Limericks belong to nonsense verse, a kind of humorous poetry, which amuses by deliberately using strange, non-existent words and illogical ideas. Its masters in English are Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll.


There was an Old Person of Dean,                                             

Who dined on one pea and one bean;                              

For he said, “More than that                                              

Would make me too fat”,                                                    

That cautious Old Person of Dean.                                                                                                                           


There was an Old Man of Peru                                       

Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.                                   

He awoke in the night                                     

In a terrible fright                                                                     

And found it was perfectly true!                              


There was a Young Lady of Lynn,                          

Who was so uncommonly thin,                               

That when she essayed                                            

To drink lemonade,                                              

She slipped through the straw and fell in.               


There was a Young Man of Bengal,                       

Who was asked to a fancy-dress ball.                    

He murmured, “I’ll risk it                                       

And go as a biscuit”,

But a dog ate him up in the hall.                                                                                                                                    


There was once an Old Man of Rhine,                                     

Who was asked at what hour he’d dine.                                   

He replied, “At eleven,

One, two, three and seven, 

Not to mention a quarter to nine”.


There was once an Old Man of Crew,                                   

Who found a mouse in his stew.                                            

Said the waiter, “Don’t shout                                                   

And don’t wave it about,

Or the others will want the one too”.  





There was once a lady from Niger                                                            

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.                                                            

Once they came from a ride                                                                       

With the lady inside                                                                    

And the smile on the face of the tiger                                               


An accident happened to my brother Jim                                

Somebody threw a tomato at him                                              

Tomatoes are juicy, they can’t hurt the skin

But that one was specially packed in a tin.


²There was an old woman

Who lived in a shoe.

She had so many children

She didn’t know what to do.

She made them some broth

Without any bread,

And whipped them all soundly

And sent them to bed. 

Ex. 1. Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases in the text English Meals.

1) образ жизни; 2) замороженная или охлажденная еда; 3) похудеть; 4) он садится за стол; 5) хорошая простая еда; 6) потом убирают со стола; 7) в перерыв на обед; 8) многонациональное общество; 9) его любимый завтрак; 10) перерыв для чая или кофе; 11) служба доставки; 12) полуфабрикаты; 13) обслуживающий персонал обедает в разное время; 14) возможности, средства обслуживания; 15) сильно изменился; 16) более существенный, питательный; 17) пиццерии; 18) клиент; 19) день англичанина начинается 20) стало часто употребляемой фразой; 21) первое блюдо; 22) заведение, торгующее готовой едой на вынос; 23) взять телефонную трубку; 24) доставляется к двери; 25) средняя английская семья;   26) есть множество первых блюд на выбор; 27) занятая работающая мама; 28) они должны понимать, что они едят; 29) в середине дня; 30) заказать еду; 31) сидят на диете.

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