Study Design and Methodology:

Five regular practitioners of SK formed the study group. They were connected with Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth, who regularly practiced and taught SK. They had attended the basic course (22hrs), advanced course (4 days) and the teachers training course. All were females, with a age range from 35-45 years, with similar socioeconomic background and education. None had a psychiatric illness, neurologic illness, and none of the subjects were on chronic medications. All the subjects were asked not to take any central nervous system stimulants/ caffeine prior to the test.

EEG: All recording were done in similar conditions. The ubjects were asked to be comfortable, seated on a chair, with their eyes closed. Electrodes were placed according to the 10-20 system of electrode placement; the recording was conducted on a 21 channel digital EEG machine, (Profile, Oxford UK), with AD conversion of 22 bits, and sampling frequency of 256Hz. Filter settings were 0.5- 50Hz, a standard sensitivity of 7 uV/mm and a paper speed of 30 mm/sec.was used for recording the data.

Artifacts free epochs of 6sec. duration were selected at the rest condition, during the Pranayam, Bhastrika and the 3 phases of SK in the first cycle and the 6th cycle, at the end of the SK, and every 5mts after that for 20 minutes. The pruned data was subjected to FFT analysis using MATLAB. The EEG frequency bands were defined as follows: Delta - 0-4 Hz, Theta - 5-7 Hz, alpha -8-12Hz, Beta 1:13-18 Hz, Beta 2: 19- 30 Hz., and the power calculated in each band and corresponding frequency maps were drawn.


Coherence: An increase in coherence was observed in the 6lh cycle predominantly in the fronto-central regions in the beta band, and posteriorly in the alpha band.

Frequency Analysis: There was an increased alpha activity posteriorly during the SK. In addition a central midline theta activity was observed. The resting EEG demonstrated an increased focal beta activity. GSR- Increase was observed during the SK.


The increased coherence suggests increased connectivity. This is suggestive of more efficient information processing. The central midline theta activity, and increase in GSR suggests activation and the increased alpha is suggestive of relaxation. Thus there is a combination of relaxation and activation during theSK.

Larger no. of subjects need to be studied to define these changes further.


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М. Батья, доцент кафедры неврологии

Всеиндийский институт медицинских наук, Нью-Дели, Индия


Сударшан Крийа (СК) (процесс ритмичного дыхания) была разработана Шри Шри Рави Шанкаром. Слово «Сударшан» в переводе с санскрита означает «су» – правильный, «даршан» – зрение, «крийа» – очищающее действие. Таким образом, это нельзя назвать исключительно техникой медитации. Некоторые определяют ее как состояние релаксации, другие – как состояние сознания. Она практикуется как краткосрочная самопомощь для снижения стресса. Субъективные данные, полученные от участников, показывают, что она снижает тревожность и депрессию. И уже установлено, что СК полезна при лечении депрессии. Различные методики использовались для изучения влияния техник релаксации на состояние ума. В последние 2-3 десятилетия ЭЭГ использовалась для исследования изменений, происходящих во время медитации, а также долгосрочного эффекта регулярной практики медитации.

В настоящее время нет сведений об изменениях показаний ЭЭГ при СК. Целью данного исследования было изучение последовательных изменений ЭЭГ во время СК.

Методика исследования:

Пять человек, регулярно практикующих СК, составили группу исследования. Они были связаны с Вед Вигнан Маха Видья Пит, который регулярно практиковал и преподавал СК. До исследования они прошли базовый курс (22ч), продвинутый курс (4 дня) и курс подготовки учителей. Все испытуемые были женского пола из возрастной группы 35-45 лет, принадлежали к одному социоэкономическому классу, имели примерно одинаковое образование. Ни одна из участниц не имела психических, неврологических заболеваний, и никто из испытуемых не принимал медикаментозных препаратов на момент проведения исследования. Всех испытуемых просили перед проведением тестов не употреблять никаких средств, стимулирующих деятельность центральной нервной системы, таких как, например, кофеин.

ЭЭГ: Все показания снимались в практически одинаковых условиях. Испытуемым было предложено сесть в кресло, принять удобное положение и закрыть глаза. Электроды размещали согласно системе 10-20; показания снимались на 21-канальном цифровом электроэнцефалографе (Profile, Оксфорд, Великобритания), с конверсией AD в 22 бита и пробной частотой 256 Гц. Фильтры были установлены на частоте 0.5-50 Гц, для записи показаний использовали стандартную чувствительность 7 uV/мм и скорость движения бумаги 30 мм/сек.

Артефакты длительностью 6 секунд были выбраны в состоянии покоя, во время Пранайам, Бастрика и трех фаз СК в первом цикле и шестом цикле, по окончании СК и каждые пять минут после этого в течение 20 минут. Упрощенные данные подвергли анализу FFT с использованием MATLAB. Диапазон частот ЭЭГ был следующий: дельта 0-4 Гц, тета 5-7 Гц, альфа 8-12 Гц, бета 1: 13-18 Гц, бета 2: 19-30 Гц. Были составлены также графики мощности в каждом диапазоне и соответствующей частоты.


Когерентность: Увеличение когерентности наблюдалось в шестом цикле преимущественно в лобно-центральных областях в бета-диапазоне, и в задних областях в альфа-диапазоне.

Анализ частоты: Во время СК наблюдалось увеличение альфа-активности в задних областях. Кроме того, отмечена тета-активность в области теменно-центральных отведений. ЭЭГ в состоянии покоя показала усиление очаговой бета активности. Во время СК наблюдалось усиление кожно-гальванической реакции.


Повышение когерентности предполагает усиление степени связи. Это предположительно говорит о более эффективной обработке информации. Тета-активность в области теменно-центральных отведений и усиление кожно-гальванической реакции может говорить об активации, а усиление альфа-активности – о релаксации. Таким образом, во время СК наблюдается сочетание релаксации и активации.





Prof. N.Kochupillai

Professor & Head, Department of Endocrinology,

All India Institute of Medical  Sciences, New Delhi


The word 'Abhyasa' can be crudely translated to English language as 'practice'. However a more precise translation encompassing all the literal dimensions of the Sanskrit word would be "sustained & successful practice". In my mother tongue 'Malayalam' the word 'Yoga' is not used in isolation. It is commonly known as 'Yogabhyasa'. It is a self-evident truth to anyone who has been successful in sustained yogic practices that success in the practice depends on learning from positive experiences (Anubhava) gained along the practice. Practice perfected by experience is at the core of progress in Yogabhyasa. Adherence to rigid rules of practice can be obstructive to yogic progress. The Hatha Yoga Pradeepika1 for example warns:

7 lathayoga Pradeepikn'

Meaning : Excessive adherence to 'rigid rules of Practice' among other things, destroys 'Yoga'.

Why should sustained practice and experience related innovations be critical to progress in Yogabhyasa? To my mind this is so because the psycho-physical and spiritual (Holistic) practice of yogabhyasa is also, simultaneously, a subjective exploration of its 'body-mind impact and related individualization of the Practice, on course, to achieve unwavering progress. Yogic practices are astutely designed on the basis of compelling subjective experiences of powerful minds with the creative elan to explore Existential Truths beyond the edge of objectivity, aeons before modern psyho-neuro-biology began exploring the science of "self" with sophisticated technology. Indeed, every genuine practitioner of yogabhyasa is in search of the 'self adopting 'contour maps' of practice left behind by those inveterate explorers of our mind-body mystery! However, despite adoption of those authoritative contour maps, exploration of the 'self necessarily remains an individual adventure. Therefore the need for 'abhyasa' guided by 'anubhava'.

In this presentation I would strive to explore the Neurobiology of 'Pranayama Practices' in the light of (a) state of the art understanding of the biology of breathing2 & (b) Inter-relating those facts of objective biology with the experiential gestalt of Pranayamic Practices. I shall be doing so using concepts & phraseology intelligible to the uninitiated, keeping in mind the general nature of the participants of the conference.

The Neurobiology of Breathing

Breathing can truly be described as "blowing the bellows of the 'Tire of Life'. Anyone who has practiced Pranayama in a 'sustained & successful' manner for a sufficiently long time would vouch for the positive physical and psycho-spiritual impact of these practices. Indeed, as stipulated by Patanjali3 , Pranayama is a pivotal component of the Ashtanga yoga prescribed for aspirants of spiritual life through the path of 'Raja Yoga'. The Hathayoga Pradeepika itself stipulate this practice as an important step in the ascent to Rajayoga.

Before briefly dealing with the neurobiology of Pranayama it will be helpful to dwell on the meaning & significance of the word itself for a moment. Literally the word means "the ebb & flow of PRAN". The Sanskrit word 'Prana' do not yield to English translation readily. It perhaps represents a comprehensive concept of an energising-integrating current that weave Life out of 'Prakriti'. It is there in the air currents of our breath, as also in the flux of bioelectricity through the myriad of axons and dendrites of the billions of nerve cells that energize & integrate our Being. It is there in the energetics of the tens of thousands of equilibrated bio-chemical reactions integrated within and across cell barriers, tissues & organ systems to engender the marvelous phenomenon of 'Life'. The word Pranayama perhaps represent the ebb &flow of this 'Life giving energy'.

To my mind it is difficult to reconcile the apparent incompatibility between the over arching concept of 'Prana' on the one hand and the mundane act of breathing and related exercises that the word 'Pranayama' come to represent in popular parlance! While oxygen intake & carbon dioxide expulsion are central to the physiology of breathing, it is important to realize that there are other equally vital neuro-biological dimensions to that physiology - the rhythmic respiratory drive that originate in the cardio-respiratory center of brain stem reticular formation. There is now recognition that the brain stem reticular formation & the chemo-electrical influences that emanate upward from it impinge on all the important cortical & sub-cortical neural structures that, in concert, structure 'Human consciousness'4. As we learn today, adopting sophisticated & state of the art technology like functional Nucleo-Magnetic Resonance & PET scanning, focussing conscious awareness on any bodily activity enhances blood supply and metabolic activity in the corresponding part of the brain that represent/control that activity. Based on this fact, it can be deduced that rhythmic breathing and its variants, as prescribed in various pranayma practices, with fully focussed awareness of the process, cannot but neuro-biologically influence the brain stem reticular formation & related Brain-Activity Gestalt involved in the elaboration of Human Consciousness. We also now understand the elaborate ways in which the ascending influences of the mind-brain reticular formation impinge on all key ingredients Human Consciousness. In the light of these insights on the neurobiological correlates of breathing and its linkages with the neural substrate of Human Consciousness, it is easy to understand how pranayamic practices are key elements in the Ashtanga Yoga Practice of spiritual sadhana prescribed for the natural expansion of 'Human Consciousness'.

The Experiential Gestalt of Pranayama

As already mentioned, Patanjali's Yogasuthra envisages Pranayama practice as a pivotal component of the eight-fold practices of 'Asthanga yoga' for spiritual development. Long practice of various yogic asanas and related mind-body disciplines enable the sadhaka to get rid of the mechanical awareness of breathing and through almost imperceptible slow rhythmic breathing anchor ones 'Conscious awareness' on the 'sound element' ofbreathing.

Pranayama practices are a powerful set of practices that help exclusively settle ones conscious awareness in the sound element of breathing and ultimately reach the higher & purer states of 'Dhyana'. To a beginner, it is difficult to hold on for long to such pure states of Dhyana, where one is in tune with ones pure Being without the perturbations of the 5 types of Vritties* that infest our 'normal' awareness. However long, devoted & dedicated practice of pranayama would enable one to enter & remain in Dhyana for varying lengths of time. As one proceeds with this, one recognizes a large number of one's habits & character traits, which intrude & interfere with successful practice of Dhyana. Realizing the positive impact of successful Dhyana, one gradually eschews all those intruding habits & traits to make progress. Patanjali stipulates 'Abhyasa' & 'Vairagya' as two pivotal frames of mind required to eliminate 'chittavrittis' and achieve progress in Dhyana and ascend higher in yogic states. But much before reaching higher states like Samadhi, one can clearly discern large number positive transformations in ones nature. These include a sense of serene imperturbability, reinforcement of positive emotions & weakening of negative emotions, a desire to be silent and avoid loud and aggressive people, a longing to be non-violent and helpful, a sense of compassion & concern for the deprived and above all a sense of contentment & peace within oneself!

These positive traits, as they emerge pari-passu with success in Dhyana, re-inforce mutually to further promote yogasadhana, enabling one to enter some of the most exhilarating journies of Self discovery & self fulfillment! How Pranayama and related dhyana bring about this wonderous transformation has been an abiding mystery to me. However

careful perusal of emerging scientific literature & interpreting them in the light of Pranayama related 'Swanubhava'has been an engaging Jigsaw! This has also become part of my Abhyasa!!5

* The five types of Vrittis described by Patanjali are (1) Pramana (2) Viparyaya (3) Vikalpa (4) Nidra & (5) Smrithi


1.  The Hath yoga Pradeepika (Translation)(1991); Pancham Singh; Sri Satguru Publications, Shakti Nagar. New Delhi.

2. Annual Rev. Physiol (1998) 60; 385-405

3.'Patanjali Yoga Sutra' as published in "Raja Yoga" by Swami Vivekananda (Malyalam Translation) (1963). Sri Ramakrishna Mutt, Puranattukara. Trichur, Kerala.

4.  'The Brainstem' Lorna W. Role & James P Kelley. Chapter 44. Pages 683-699 in " Principles of Neuroscience" (1991) 3rd edition. Eric R.Kandall, James H. Sehwartz & Thomas E. Jessel (Editors). Elsevier, New York, Amsterdam, London, Tokyo.

5.  "Yoga" & Neural Plasticity : Possible Neuro-Endocrine

Mechanism: N Kochupillai. Paper presented in the "12th International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research & Applications" Bangalore, India Nov 2001. Organisers :' Swami Vivekanand Yoga Anusadhana Samsthana, Bangalore-560018 INDIA


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