When the temperature is high a patient usually- deeply.
When one- the lungs dilate.
When one- the lungs contract, breathe, breathe out, breath. Breathe in.
VI. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Найдите: а) неопределенно-личные обороты и переведите их; б) Present Participle, определите его функции и переведите предложения. 3. Составьте пять вопросов к этому тексту.
4. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
Имеет особое значение для; происходящий в легких; принимают участие в выработке.
Text С . The Physiology of the Lungs
The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure. There are over 700,000,000 alveoli in the lungs. The total surface of the alveoli is about 90 sq. m (square metres). The lungs have many capillaries with the total surface of about 80 sq. m. This particular structure of the lungs enables the exchange of gases between the alveolar air and the blood.
Elastic fibers of the connective tissue composing the walls of the alveoli, alveolar passages and the visceral pleura enable the lungs to dilate.
When one breathes normally, not all the alveoli and capillaries of the lungs are opened. When respiration becomes deep, the number of the opened alveoli and capillaries increases. The flow of blood into the lungs increases when one breathes in and it decreases when one breathes out.
The regulation of the vital capacity of the lungs is of particular importance to the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide taking place in the lungs. It is considered that in the adult the vital capacity of the lungs is about 3-4 litres. When the depth of respiration increases, the vital capacity may be 6 litres and even more.
The lungs take part in the production of physiologically active substances, in the regulation of blood coagulation, in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
VII. Translate the following words. Find in them:
a) suffixes: operate, various, regulation, changeable, appearance, importance, production, politician;
b) prefixes: discontinue, discovery, impossible, exchange, independent, disconnect, untreated, inattentive.
VIII. Give the English equivalents of the words in brackets. Translate the following sentences:
When we breathe out ( ток ) of blood into the lungs ( уменьшается ).
2. One of the mechanisms of headache ( связан ) with the pressure made by a tumour on the cranial and cervical nerves. 3. During the act of respiration the air enters the lungs through the air ( ходы ). 4. When the doctor was examining the patient, he asked him ( дышать ) deeply. 5. ( Жировые ) substances which are located in the cell compose 1-2% of its total weight. 6. ( Количество ) of the fluid part of the blood called the plasma composes 60%.
IX. Read and translate the following sentences:
The treatment the patient had begun on the first of June was quite effective. 2. The condition of the patient we are treating has become better.
The methods of investigation the scientist had included in his research helped him to determine the origin of the pulmonary disease. 4. The faculty my brother is in trains pediatricians.
X. Finish the sentences choosing the appropriate clause:
The patient stated that- (a) he had had pneumonia two years before,
(b) he has pneumonia. 2. The doctor thought that- (a) the white blood cell count will be normal, (b) the white blood cell count would be normal.
The scientists established that- (a) hemoglobin was the carrier of oxygen,
(b) hemoglobin is the carrier of oxygen.
XI. 1. Read Text D. 2. Entitle it. 3. Choose and translate indefinite personal sentences. 4. Say what the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs deal with.
Text D
If one investigates the act of inspiration ( вдох ), one will observe such phenomena.
When one breathes in, the external intercostal muscles contract and lift ( поднимать ) the ribs. At this moment the diaphragm also contracts and goes down. The volume of the chest increases. The increase of the chest volume enables the lungs to extend. The pressure in the lungs becomes less and the atmospheric air enters the lungs.
When one breathes out, the external intercostal muscles and the muscles of the diaphragm become relaxed ( расслабленные ). The ribs go down, the diaphragm goes up, the volume of the chest decreases and the lungs contract.
The pressure in the lungs becomes higher and the air goes out of the lungs. If one is sitting or lying, one makes 16-20 respirations per minute. On physical exertion the respiratory rate and the depth of respiration increase.
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