The blood (to carry) to the liver passes through the portal vein.
The articles (to publish) were written by a young surgeon. 3. The (to receive) findings helped the surgeon to perform the operation. 4. Many small lobules (to connect) by connective tissue and bands of vessels and nerves form the liver.
IX. Переведите предложения и определите функции Present Participle:
The doctor determined the size ( размер ) of the liver palpating it.
The blood passing through the portal vein is carried to the liver. 3. Making the medical examination of the patient the doctor considered that his condition was normal.
X. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функции инфинитива:
1. The doctor changed the treatment to restore the patient̓s health as rapidly as possible. 2. Andreas Vesalius was the first anatomist to describe the structure of the human organs in connection with their functions. 3. To determine the borders of the heart is not an easy matter for a medical student.
XI. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам (письменно):
The motive ( двигательный ) function of the upper extremity was restored after the course of proper treatment. 2. This patient’s temperature will be taken every two hours. 3. About 130 scientific works were written by Lesgaft. 4. The large intestine is divided into caecum, colon and rectum.
The atrium and the ventricle of the right heart chamber are connected by the tricuspid valve.
XII. Прочтите и переведите Текст G, пользуясь словарем. Скажите, с какими системами внутренних органов вы познакомились.
Text G. The Viscera
Although they are often called by a single name, the viscera, the organs that fill the body’s chest and abdominal cavities compose several different systems - respiratory, digestive and urogenital, which together provide the body with food and oxygen and remove wastes ( продукты распада ).
The trachea and lungs are parts of the respiratory system, which delivers oxygen to the blood. The lungs consist of millions of elastic membranes sacs which together can hold about as much air as a football.
The organs of the digestive system most prominent ones are: the stomach, the large and small intestines and the liver. They modify foods which the body takes in. The soft, reddish-brown liver, the largest gland in the body, plays hundreds of roles, from producing proteins to secreting bile.
The bladder is part of the urinary system, which regulates the body’s water supply. The kidneys, located behind the stomach and liver, filter out wastes and pass them along to the bladder for storage ( накопление ) and discharge.
Х III. 1. State the part ot speech by the suffixes:
Primary, attentive, serous, secondary, shortage, active, numerous, respiratory, usage.
2. Find the prefixes in the following words:
Substance, interspace, subdivision, irregular, impossible.
3. Give derivatives of the following verbs:
Act, connect, describe, determine, find, locate, contract.
XIV. Describe the location of the organs:
The brain, the lungs, the stomach, the small intestine, the liver, the pancreas, the heart, the tongue, the gallbladder.
XV. Supply extended answers to the following questions:
What main parts is the skeleton composed of? 2. What bones compose the spinal column? 3. What bones is the chest composed of? 4. What parts do the lower and upper extremities consist of? 5. What cavities are there in the skull? 6. What do you know about the IV International Federal Congress of Anatomists? 7. How many basic groups are the muscles of the human body divided into? 8. What scientific work did Prof. Lesgaft carry out? 9. What can you tell us about the general vascular system? 10. What structure has the human heart? 11. Where are the lungs located? 12. What anatomical structure have the lungs? 13. What weight and what colour have the lungs?
What portions is the alimentary tract composed of?
XVI. Read and translate Text H.
Text H
According to their functions different organs of the human body are divided into several systems: the bones, the muscular system, the alimentary tract, the respiratory system, the urogenital1 system, the vascular system, and the nervous system.
The muscles and the bones are under the layer of subcutaneous2 fat. The muscles are connected with the bones.
The heart and the large blood vessels connected with it, as well as the lungs and the esophagus are in the thoracic cavity. The spleen, the liver and the stomach are in the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm. The small and large intestines are in the abdominal cavity lower than the stomach, the liver and the spleen. The kidneys are on the posterior side of the abdominal cavity.
1 urogenital [,juərə'eenitl] - мочеполовой 2 subcutaneous [,sAbkju'teniəs] - подкожный
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