XV. Обратите внимание, как образуются степени сравнения наречий.

Ответьте на вопрос : soon - sooner - soonest; late - later - latest; correctly - more correctly - most correctly.

Каким способом образуются степени сравнения наречия?

XVI. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных и наречий (письменно):

Well, responsible, deep, happy, high, early, great, new, easy, much, clear, interesting, little, bad.

XVII. Переведите следующие словосочетания :

Better knowledge of Biology; 2) you must know this better; 3) to carry out less experiments; 4) the most responsible work; 5) to know worst of all.

XVIII. Определите, при помощи каких слов происходит сравнение в предложениях, и переведите их:

1. I am as tired as he is. 2. You must be more responsible for your work than he is. 3. He knows Latin worse than his friend does. 4. Solomin̓s knowledge of Anatomy is not so deep as Petrov̓s. 5. They came to the Institute earlier than usual.

XIX. Выучите следующие словосочетания , обращая внимание на предлоги :

On admission, graduation from, to graduate from, to be responsible for, in addition to, at rest, the rest of, to prepare for, most of, to wait for, on examination of the patient.

XX. 1. Прочтите и переведите текст Е. 2. Выпишите из текста: а) предложения с глаголами to decide, to contain, to fix, стоящими во II форме; б) прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени; в) найдите предложения, содержащие указательные и неопределенные местоимения; г) выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

Зачеты, досрочно, все изученное, большинство студентов.

Text E. Our First Examination Session

To be a good doctor in future means to study well at the Institute from the day of admission till the day of graduation.

We must remember that we cannot be bad doctors as we shall be responsible for the protection of people̓s health and their lives. Our future work will require deep knowledge and all our abilities.

To achieve these high aims the students of our group decided not to waste ( тратить ) any time and prepare well for our first examinations at the Institute.

The dean fixed all the dates of our examinations. But in addition to examinations we had some credit tests. The most difficult test was in Physics but we passed it successfully ahead of time. The first examination was in inorganic Chemistry. We consider that this subject is the most difficult of all the subjects in the first year. So we began to work hard to pass it successfully.

The examination began. The students who entered the room took the examination cards and had some time to prepare for their answers. The cards contained all the things studied during the term. Most of the students answered well and got good and excellent marks. It was easier to take the next examination and all the students of our group passed it well.

We were a little tired after the examinations and credit tests but happy that the first session was over. Winter rest at a sports camp was waiting for us.


XXI. Explain the rules of reading:

Hear, heard, ear, earn, learn, deer, cheer, early, clear.

XXII. Give the plural of the following words. Translate them:

That hostel, this mark, that date, this remedy.

ХХ III. Translate the following sentences:

Это хирург. Это опытный хирург. Этот хирург очень опытный.

Это статьи. Это новые медицинские статьи. Эти новые медицинские статьи о болезнях сердца.

XXIV. Turn these sentences into negative and then interrogative:

He gave some examples in his lecture. 2. I read some articles on this subject a week ago. 3. There were some chairs at the entrance to the hall.

XXV. Answer these questions:

Will you have any credit tests in the middle of the term? 2. Are there any students in your group who get an increased stipend? 3. Will you have any lectures in addition to practical classes on Saturday?

XXVI. Translate the following word combinations:

Самое ценное средство; 2) самое необходимое назначение; 3) более глубокие знания; 4) более ответственный; 5) самая плохая оценка; 6) самый лучший отдых; 7) наименьший вред.

XXVII. Translate the following sentences:

He decided to achieve better results in the second term. 2. In addition to the lecture we must read some articles on this subject. 3. Yesterday he finished his experiment earlier than usual. 4. The doctor fixed the date of the operation for this patient. 5. Their son graduated from the Institute and got an appointment to a village hospital. 6. Last summer we rested longer than usual. 7. The book “The Calling for” by Prof. V.V. Kovanov contains much interesting information for medical students.

XXVIII. Translate into English:

При поступлении в медицинский институт молодежь сдает экзамены по нескольким предметам. 2. Врачи обязаны отвечать за здоровье людей. 3. Через сколько лет вы должны закончить институт? 4. После окончания института я думаю работать терапевтом.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 470; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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