Thou, verily, art the Mighty, the Generous."


Then let him raise his head and seek forgiveness from God with this mighty, this great invocation:


"O Lord,

I seek forgiveness from Thee by my tongue and my heart and my soul and my mind and my spirit and my body and my corporeality and my bones and my blood and my skin.


Thou, verily, art the Forgiving, the Merciful.


And I seek forgiveness from Thee, O my God,

by the invocation whereby the fragrances of mercy have blown upon the people of rebellion and through which the sinful have been clothed in the beauteous garment of Thy forgiveness.


And I seek forgiveness from Thee, O my King,

by the invocation whereby the power of Thy clemency and Thy grace is made manifest and whereby the sun of loving-kindness and bounty shineth forth above the forms of the sinful.


And I seek forgiveness from Thee, O Forgiver of my sins and my Creator,

by the invocation whereby the wrongdoers hasten in the direction of Thy pardon and graciousness and through which the seekers stand at the gate of Thy mercy, O Thou the Merciful and Compassionate.



And I seek forgiveness from Thee, O my Lord,

by the invocation that Thou hast made a fire that burneth away all sins and rebelliousness from every one that hath repented and returned to Thee, regretting what he hath done, weeping over his actions, and secure in Thee,


and through which the bodies of all created things are purified from the defilement of sins and wrongful actions and from all that Thy mighty and all-wise being abhorreth."



Tablet of Pilgrimage to Baghdad                                                                        CHAPTER THREE

Divisions 61-90




Then let him enter into the House with dignity and tranquillity, as if he beholds God in the realm of His command and the kingdom of His House, until he enters the courtyard and comes before the qibla that was singled out for the raising up of the throne of might upon it.


Then let him raise his hands and turn his gaze in the direction of His bounties and say:


"I bear witness in this place where I stand that there is no god but Him alone;

no companion is there for Him nor likeness nor peer nor rival nor deputy nor equal nor similitude;


and that the Primal Point (nuqta al-Cild, the Báb) is His servant, His glory, His might, His greatness, His reality, His power, His sovereignty, His majesty, His kingship, His strength, His honour, His nobility, His benevolence,


and that through Him, His beauty shone forth and His face was purified and His proof rose above the horizon and His evidence was perfected and His argument was completed and His signs were made luminous,


and through Him all that are in the heavens and on the earth were raised to life and they that are in the kingdom of command and creation were resurrected, and through him the breezes of holiness were wafted upon all the worlds.


And I bear witness that He Whom God shall make manifest is the truth, no doubt is there concerning Him;


He is come with the lights of a wondrous holiness, and through Him are recreated the heavens and the earth and the people of the former and the latter generations.


Blessed is he that hath attained unto His days and that entereth His gate and is honoured with meeting Him and circleth around Him and prostrateth himself before Him and visiteth the dust of His feet and standeth in His presence and is of them that arise."




Then let him say:

"O Lord,

this is Thy House wherein the breezes of Thy bounty and generosity have wafted and wherein Thou hast shone forth in the innermost heart of mystery upon all the manifestations of Thy names and the dawning-places of Thine attributes.


None is informed of this save Thee, the All-Knowing.


O Lord,

this is Thy House from which the signs of Thy grace have been made manifest unto all the worlds and wherein there befell Thee what befell Thee on the part of them that believed and them that disbelieved.


Thou, verily, wast patient in all this, notwithstanding Thy power and Thy sovereignty.


Thou, truly, art the Knowing, the Wise, the Mighty, the Powerful!


O Lord,

this is the Spot whereon Thou didst walk with Thine ancient feet and wherein Thou didst raise up Thy voice and Thy melodies and didst make heard Thy call and Thy singing, with wondrous and honeyed tones.


O Lord,

this is the Spot wherein Thou didst sit upon the Throne of all created things and didst exalt Thyself through the tongue of Thy power above all that are in the heavens and on earth.


O Lord,

this is the Spot wherein Thy gaze was turned in the direction of Thy bounty and wherein the oceans of power surged within Thy hidden and concealed and guarded Word.


O Lord,

this is the Spot wherein was Thy Cause within the mystery of mysteries, and wherein Thou didst not move Thy lips as Thou didst wish,


and wherein Thou didst conceal Thy radiant face, and wherein Thou wast hidden in the most utter concealment and behind the densest of veils, in such wise that none among all creation recognized Thy being.


O Lord,

this is Thy House that was shamed after Thee by Thy servants, who looted whatever was therein and plundered all that was within it;


thus did they dishonour Thee and make war against Thee in their heart of hearts and break Thy covenant and shatter Thy bond;


yet didst Thou conceal all this and didst pass over them through Thy wondrous bounty.


O Lord,

divest me not of the bounty of Thy protection, nor take from me the garment of Thy favour and pardon, nor cause me to be far removed from the precincts of Thy mercy, nor deprive me of the fountain of Thy exalted grace.


O Lord,

sanctify me from all save Thee and bring me near unto Thy being and honour me with meeting Thee.


Thou, verily, art the Powerful, the Knowing, the Understanding, the Bringer to life, the Vivifier, the Slayer.


O Lord,

cause me to attain unto that which Thou hast willed for those of Thy servants that are nigh unto Thee.


Ordain, then, for me the best of what Thou hast ordained for the sanctified among Thy chosen ones."




Let him then be silent within himself and be at rest in his innermost being.


Then let him turn in his heart and with his hearing in the direction of the House.


If he should discover the fragrance of God and hear His call, he may be assured within him that God has forgiven him his sins and has passed over him and relented towards him and beholdeth him as on the day whereon he was born of his mother.


But if he should not discover the fragrance of God, the Mighty, the Powerful, let him perform again the ritual on this day or one another day until he discovereth it and heareth (the call).


This is that which hath been decreed by the Pen of a glorious and wise One upon the Tablets of a hidden holiness.


Thus doth God open the gates of grace and bounty unto the face of the heavens and the earth, that perchance men may not deprive themselves of the mercy of God and His bounteousness.


This, verily, is true guidance and a remembrance from Us unto all the worlds. 


Translated by D. MacEoin



Tablet of the Name of God                                                                                     CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

The __# tablet to Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahájí


Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahájí, to whom this tablet was addressed, had been given by Bahá-ulláh the title Ismu’lláhi’l-Mihdí, “The Name of God, (Ismullah-hi) Mihdí”. He later broke the Covenant.

God Passes By, Abdul Baha, p. 319



He is the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most High



O My Name!

Yield thou praise unto God for having graciously chosen thee

to be a shower of bounty for that which We have sown in the pure and blessed soil,


and enabled thee to serve as a springtime of tender mercy

for the wondrous and sublime trees We have planted.


Indeed so great is this favour that of all created things in the world of existence,

none can ever hope to rival it.


We have moreover given thee to drink the choice wine of utterance

from the chalice of the heavenly bestowals of thy merciful Lord,

which is none other than this Tongue of holiness


—a Tongue that, as soon as it was unloosed,

quickened the entire creation, and set in motion all beings,

and caused the Nightingale to pour forth its melodies.


This is the Fountain of living water for all that dwell in the realm of being.




Oftentimes have We wafted upon thee the sweet savours of the All-Merciful from this Branch *

which moveth over the Tablet of thy Lord,                                                                  [*Baha-ullah]

the Mighty, the Unconstrained.


By the righteousness of the One true God!


Were all created things, visible and invisible, to direct themselves towards Him,

thou wouldst find them winging their flight unto the Supreme Goal,

the Spot wherein the divine Lote-Tree exclaimeth:


Verily, no God is there but Me,

the Almighty, the All-Bountiful.




Great is thy blessedness,

inasmuch as thou hast been journeying throughout the lands of God,

and been the embodiment of joy and assurance


for the people of Bahá who have renounced all else but Him,

and set their hearts towards this Court which hath shed its radiance upon all realms,


and sprinkled them with the surging waters of this Ocean wherewith thou hast been sprinkled

—an Ocean which hath encompassed all created things.




Indeed thou didst grasp the significance of rendering assistance unto God

and didst arise to achieve this through the power of wisdom and utterance.


Say: To assist Me is to teach My Cause.


This is a theme with which whole Tablets are laden.


This is the changeless commandment of God,

eternal in the past, eternal in the future.


Comprehend this, O ye men of insight.


They that have passed beyond the bounds of wisdom

fail to understand the meaning of assisting God as set forth in the Book.



Fear ye God and sow not the seeds of dissension amongst men.


Observe ye that which hath been enjoined upon you by your Lord,

the Almighty, the All-Knowing.


He knoweth the reality of victory

and hath taught it to you with an utterance

that the vain imaginings of them that rove distraught in the wilderness of doubt can never corrupt.




O My Name!

Suffer all created things to quaff once again from this chalice which hath caused the seas to rise.


Kindle then in the hearts the blazing fire which this crimson Tree hath ignited,

that they may arise to extol and magnify His Name amidst the adherents of all Faiths.



Tablet of the Name of God                                                                                      CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 26-50




Numerous letters from thee have been presented before Our Throne.


We have perused them as a token of grace on Our part,

and for each name thou didst mention therein We have revealed

that which will stir the minds of men and will cause the spirits to soar.


Moreover We have repeatedly enabled thee to hearken unto the warblings of the birds of heaven

and to incline thine ear to the songs of the nightingales

pouring forth their melodies upon the branches.


Thus was the Pen of God set in motion in thy remembrance

that thou mightest admonish men through the power of this utterance

which is divinely ordained to be the revealer of the signs of His glory.




Blessed is the spot wherein the anthem of His praise is raised,

and blessed the ear that hearkeneth unto that which hath been sent down

from the heaven of the loving-kindness of thy Lord, the All-Merciful.




Exhort thou the servants of God unto that whereunto We have exhorted thee

that they may abstain from whatsoever is forbidden them in the Mother Book.


Those who perpetrate deeds that would create turmoil among the people

have indeed strayed far from helping God and His Cause

and are numbered with the mischief-makers

in the Tablet which God hath designated to be the dawning-place of all Tablets.



If it be Our pleasure We shall render the Cause victorious

through the power of a single word from Our presence.


He is in truth the Omnipotent, the All-Compelling.


Should it be God’s intention,

there would appear out of the forests of celestial might the lion of indomitable strength

whose roaring is like unto the peals of thunder reverberating in the mountains.


However, since Our loving providence surpasseth all things,

We have ordained that complete victory should be achieved through speech and utterance,

that Our servants throughout the earth may thereby become the recipients of divine good.


This is but a token of God’s bounty vouchsafed unto them.


Verily thy Lord is the All-Sufficing, the Most Exalted.




Say: Fear ye God

and commit not such deeds as would cause My loved ones on earth to lament.


Thus biddeth you this Pen

which hath set the Pen of Glory in motion within the arena of wisdom and true understanding.




Convey My greetings unto those whose faces mirror forth the radiance of Bahá,

then mention to them this utterance which cheereth the eyes of the righteous.


The glory of God rest upon thee

and upon such as have firmly clung to the Cord of God, the Revealer of verses….





Restrain thou the inhabitants of those regions from provocative acts,

from strife, dissension or aught else that would create trouble.


That which is praiseworthy in these days is the promotion of the Cause.


For instance, if those people who pursue certain aims [in their homelands]

were to dedicate themselves to the teaching of the Cause,

all the dwellers of those regions would, ere long, be invested with the mantle of faith.




Should anyone perceive the sweetness of the following passage

in the Tablet revealed in honour of Nabíl of Qá’in,

he would readily comprehend the significance of assistance:


Human utterance is an essence which aspireth to exert its influence

and needeth moderation.


As to its influence, this is conditional upon refinement,

which in turn is dependent upon hearts which are detached and pure.


As to its moderation, this hath to be combined with tact and wisdom

as prescribed in the Holy Scriptures and Tablets.


Tablet of the Name of God                                                                                   CHAPTER THREE

Divisions 51-80




O My Name!

Utterance must needs possess penetrating power.


For if bereft of this quality it would fail to exert nfluence.


And this penetrating influence dependeth on the spirit being pure and the heart stainless.


Likewise it needeth moderation,

without which the hearer would be unable to bear it,

rather he would manifest opposition from the very outset.


And moderation will be obtained by blending utterance

with the tokens of divine wisdom which are recorded in the sacred Books and Tablets.


Thus when the essence of one’s utterance is endowed with these two requisites

it will prove highly effective and will be the prime factor in transforming the souls of men.


This is the station of supreme victory and celestial dominion.


Whoso attaineth thereto is invested with the power to teach the Cause of God

and to prevail over the hearts and minds of men.




O My Name!

The Day-Star of utterance, shining resplendent from the dayspring of divine Revelation,

hath so illumined the Scrolls and Tablets

that the kingdom of utterance and the exalted dominion of understanding

vibrate with joy and ecstasy, and shine forth with the splendour of His light,

yet the generality of mankind comprehend not.




The reason why the subject of aid and assistance hath time and again streamed

and will continue to stream from the Pen of Providence

is to warn the friends of God

lest they engage in activities that would give rise to strife and turmoil.


It is incumbent upon them, one and all,

to diligently seek ways to help the Cause of God in such manner as We have explained.


This is but a token of His grace, especially conferred upon His loved ones

that every one of them may attain the station characterized by the words:


‘Whoso quickeneth a soul hath verily quickened all mankind.’



Temporal ascendancy hath been and will continue to be under the shadow of this station.

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