
And by this single lock the people of all the worlds were perfumed.


It made the faces of the holy ones to pale, and the hearts of the lovers to bleed. [shine?]


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Maid, come with a mighty perfume.


By God! Whoso shutteth his eyes to Her beauty hath schemed grievously and is in evident falsehood.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Maid, come with a mighty light.



She turned, and with Her turned the inhabitants of both worlds.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Maid, come with a mighty revolution.



She advanced until She stood in Her wondrous brocade before that Youth.


Rejoice!  This is the Deathless Beauty, come wondrous fair.



Then from beneath that veil She brought forth a hennaed hand [colored with dye].

Like a ray of sun it was, upon a bright mirror!


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Beauty, come in a fashion mighty.



The Tablet of the Deathless Youth                                                                   CHAPTER THREE

Divisions 51-75





With fingertips like peerless gems She took the hem of the Youth's veil.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Beauty, come with a mighty glance.



She lifted the veil from off His face--lo! the pillars of the mighty Throne were shaken.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty Cause.



Then the spirit died in the temple of each and every creature.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty Cause.



The robes of the folk of Paradise were rent at this ancient and shining vision.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty light.



Thereupon the Voice of Eternity sounded from behind the veils of cloud,

calling in a voice enchanting and fair.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty enchantment.



The Tongue of the Unseen proclaimed from the hidden abode of destiny, "By God!

This Youth--the eyes of the ancients did not attain to beholding Him!"


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty Cause.



The maids of holiness cried aloud from their chambers of impenetrable might.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with manifest lordship.



By God! The inhabitants of the all-highest concourse long for the beauty of this Youth!


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty Cause.



Then that Youth raised His head to the concourse of Cherubim.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty spirit.



He spoke a single word,                                                                                                               [Be!]

and lo!  all who were in the heavens arose with a new spirit.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty trump.



Then with a glance of unparalleled might He looked upon the people of the world.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty glance.



And all who were in creation were raised up by this wondrous glance.


Rejoice! This is the Deathless Youth, come with a mighty Cause.


Then with His glance He indicated but a few

and returned to His place in the deathless Paradise.


This indeed pertaineth to a mighty Cause!



The Tablet of the Deathless Youth                                                                     CHAPTER FOUR

Divisions 76-100





Thus spoke the herald of eternity from the cloud-wrapped throne:


“O ye who wait in the valley of patience and fidelity!


O lovers of the air of nearness and eternity!”


“The spiritual Youth, He Who was hid in the treasuries of the Lord's infallibility,

hath risen above the horizon of eternity, clad in the robe of divinity and God-like beauty,

like unto the sun of reality and the pre-eternal spirit.


With the cloak of true being,

He hath delivered all who are in the heavens and the earth from the worlds of utter nothingness

and given them life.


From the depths of utter obscurity He hath brought forth into the open court that hidden word

upon which depend the spirits of all the prophets and saints.”




When He took that secret word from the realm of pure being and absolute unity

and manifested it in the worlds of creation,


by that act a breeze of mercy arose, wiping the stench of sin from all things

and placing a new robe of forgiveness upon the numberless temples of all things and man.




Such was the wondrous solicitude with which He surrounded all things

that the hidden realities laid up in the storehouses of possibility were made manifest in outward things

through the breath of the letters B and E.



The seen and the unseen were gathered together within a single cloak,

and the mysterious and the manifest united in a single robe.


Nothingness itself attained to the kingdom of pre-existence.


The essence of mortality attained the realm of eternity.”




Therefore, O lovers of His gracious beauty,

O ye struck mad by the air night unto His awful throne!


This is the season to draw near and find reunion, not a time for talk and argument.


If ye be true, the true morn is plain and shining before you.


Free yourselves of self and other--nay, of all that is,

of being and non-being, of light and darkness, of abasement and might.


Lay aside all vain and idle thoughts;

and pure and holy, wander with luminous heart through this spiritual court

beneath the shade of the manifestations of eternal holiness.




O Friends, the eternal wine is flowing!


O lovers, the beauty of the Beloved is unveiled!


O companions, the fire of the Sinai of love burns bright!


Shrug off the burden of love of the world and attachment thereto.




Like the bright birds about the Throne, soar in the atmosphere of divine Ridvan,

singing of that home that shall not perish.


Surely the soul ought not to be at all deprived,

Nor any fragment of the heart be without the Beloved.


Consider how at every moment the moths of that Yemen of praise

burn away their souls about the lamp of the Friend

and will not be separated from their Beloved.


Would any bird do likewise?




God will guide whomsoever He willeth to a path lofty and great.


Thus We rain down upon the people of the cloud-wrapped throne,

that which will turn them towards the right hand of eternity

and enter them into that station raised high in the heaven of holiness.



Translation by J. Walbridge



Tablet of Pilgrimage to Baghdad                                                                           CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

(unto the house of Bahá-ulláh)




He is the Everlasting, the Manifest!



It is incumbent on whomsoever desireth to turn to the most holy direction,

to come into the presence of God, the Mighty, the Knowing,


to hearken unto the call of God, to behold His beauty, and to inhale the perfume of God,

the Mighty, the Powerful, the Exalted, the Great,


that he should go forth from his house, journeying unto God,

until he entereth the city that hath been named "the Abode of Peace".  

(Dar al-Salam, that is, Baghdád)



And when he arriveth there, let him magnify God (with the phrase Allahu akbar), his Lord, with the tongue of his heart and with his outward tongue until he cometh unto the river.


And when he reacheth it, let him put on his best clothes and then perform ablutions as God hath commanded him.


And when he washeth his hands, let him say:

"O Lord,

this is water that Thou hast caused to flow forth through Thy command in the neighbourhood of Thy sacred House.


As I have washed my hands with it, O my God, at Thy command,

wash me, then, from every stain and sin and omission and from all that Thy good-pleasure abhorreth.


Thou, verily, art the Mighty, the All-Powerful."




Then let wash his face, saying:

"O Lord,

this is my face that Thou hast purified through Thy will.


I beseech Thee, then, by the power of the glory of Thy singleness and the wonders of the names of the manifestations of Thy cause, to cleanse it of all save Thee.


Guard it, then, from turning to any but Thee or from beholding them that have failed to seek Thy manifest, spotless, mighty, and generous Beauty."




Let him, then, cross the bridge with the dignity and comportment of God, magnifying God (with the phrase Allahu akbar) until he reaches the end of the bridge.


Then let him turn in the direction of the House, saying at his first step:


"O Lord,

this is the first step that I have set down in the path of Thy good-pleasure and the first pace that I have taken though Thy will.


I have fled, O my God,

from all directions in the direction of Thy grace and favours, and I have taken flight from myself and my desires and from all save Thee in the direction of Thy bounty and blessings.




O my God,

disappoint not them that have hoped for the clouds of Thy mercy and shut not out them that have sought the showers of the glory and generosity.


Here am I, O my God!

I have sought Thy House, the House round which circle the dwellers of the Celestial Concourse and beyond them the souls of them that are nigh unto Thee among the holy ones.


I beseech Thee by the former and by the latter not to prevent my eyes from beholding the wonders of the lights of the holiness of Thy beauty, nor to withhold from my face the manifestations of the breezes that blow from the dawn of Thy meeting, nor to keep back from my heart the fragrances of the glory of Thy revelation and inspiration.


Thou, verily, art the Possessor of bounty and might, of grace and mercy and sovereignty, and Thou, truly, art the Possessor of power and strength and grandeur, and Thou, in truth, art near to answer them that pray to Thee."




Then let him glorify God (with the phrase Allahu abha) and begin to perform the circumambulation.


Let him circle about the House seven times, and, when he has completed this action and is come before the door of the House, let him stand and beg forgiveness from God 70 times.


Then let him say:

"O my God and my Lord,

Praise be unto Thee for having shown Thy kindness and generosity to me in that Thou hast caused me to stand in the spot wherein naught is seen but the tokens of the glory of the sovereignty of Thy oneness and naught is witnessed save the flashes of the lights of the sun of Thy beauty.


I beseech Thee by Thee and by Thy Self to purify me from the mire of the world and from its vanities and to burn from the surface of my heart the veils that have kept me back from entering into the floods of the oceans of the glory of Thy unity and have shut me out from entry into the fields of the holiness of union with Thee and meeting Thee.


O Lord,

turn me not back disappointed from the gate of Thy mercy and send me not away in loss from Thy House.


O Lord,

forgive me and my parents and my brethren and my family and my kinsfolk, those of them that have believed in Thee and in Thy most great verses in the manifestation of Thy most exalted Beauty.


Thou, verily, art the Mighty, the Beneficent."



Tablet of Pilgrimage to Baghdad                                                                            CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 26-60



Let him, then, walk with the utmost gravity and glorify God (with the phrase Allahu abha) until he reacheth the gate, then let him stand and say:


"O my God,

this is the spot wherein Thou didst lift up Thy voice

and in which Thy proof was made manifest

and Thy signs shone forth

and Thy beauty rose above the horizon



and Thy verses were sent down

and Thy command was made visible

and Thv name was raised up

and Thy mention was spread abroad


and Thy power was made perfect

and Thy sovereignty was exalted above all that are in the heavens and the earth."




Let him, then, address the House and its land and its walls and all that is upon it, saying:


"Blessed be thou, O House,

inasmuch as God hath made Thee the Spot whereon His feet have trodden.


Blessed be thou, O House,

inasmuch as the glances of the glory of His greatness have fallen upon thee.


Blessed be thou, O House,

inasmuch as God hath singled Thee out and made Thee a dwelling-place for His own being and a location wherein to establish His sovereignty.


No earth hath surpassed thee, unless it be the earth that God hath chosen above all the shrines of the world, by that which hath been written down by His Pen, the Preserver.


Blessed be thou, O House,

inasmuch as through Thee God distinguish between the fortunate and the wretched from this day unto the day whereon the All-Merciful shall shine forth with the lights of a wondrous holiness.


Blessed be thou, blessed be thou, inasmuch as God hath made Thee the balance for them that believe in His unity and the uttermost abode of them that know Him, and hath sanctified Thee from the knowledge of them that hate Him and them that disbelieve in Him,


in such wise that none may enter Thee save the believer whose heart God hath tried in its faith, nor may any be able to approach thee save him from whom there are wafted the breezes of the praise of God.


Blessed be Thou, inasmuch as God hath singled Thee out for them among His servants that are nigh unto Him and them among His creatures that are devoted to Him.


None may touch Thee save them that have utterly detached themselves from all that are in the heavens and the earth,

in whose hearts there is naught but the radiance of the lights of the glory of His oneness

and in whose inner beings there is naught except the manifestations of the effulgences of the holiness of His eternity.


This is a station for which God hath chosen Thee, wherein Thou shouldst pride Thyself above all the worlds.


Blessed be Thou and him that built Thee and raised Thee up and served Thee and carried water unto thy roses,


and blessed be he that hath entered thee and he that hath gazed upon Thee and he that hath discovered from Thee a breath of the robe of the Joseph of God, the Mighty, the Powerful.


I bear witness that he that hath entered within thee, God shall cause him to enter the holy sanctuary on the day whereon the Beauty of the Essence shall be established upon a mighty throne,


and He shall forgive the sins of him that taketh refuge in Thee and entereth beneath Thy shadow, and shall fulfil his needs and shall raise him up on the Day of Resurrection with such beauty that his kindred of both past and future shall be illumined by it."


Let him, then, prostrate himself with his face upon the dust of the gate and call upon his Lord like one that is detached and repentant, relating himself to God and saying:


"O Lord,

I am he that hath acted wrongly towards Thee and rejected Thy beauty, for my self and my desires preoccupied me.


Thou, verily, art the Knowing, the All Informed.


O Lord,

since I have recognized Thy being, I seek pardon for my former state and for whatever appeared from my tongue and went forth from my mouth and entered into my thoughts.


I have returned unto Thee with all my being;

Thou, verily, art the Forgiving, the Compassionate.


O Lord,

when Thou didst make known unto me the places of Thy command and didst awaken me from my sleep and my heedlessness, I set forth from my house in the direction of Thy House, turning my eyes towards Thy bounty and Thy forgiveness.


Thou, verily, art the Most Merciful of the Merciful.


O Lord,

I have come unto Thee with that sin that was heavier than all that is in the heavens and the earth and greater than the creation of all existence,


until I have stood before the gate of Thy House, from which no sinner hath been turned away disappointed;


I have bowed myself down upon its dust, humbling myself before Thy beauty, abasing myself before Thy sovereignty, and making myself as nothing in Thy presence.




O Lord,

have mercy on me through Thy compassion and graciousness and ordain, then, for me a seat of truth by Thy side.


Make me, then, one of Thy servants that have turned in repentance unto Thee.


O Lord,

forgive me my sins and my transgressions and all that my hands have committed.

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