Упр. 26 8 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If you (not buy) coffee, we will drink tea. 2. If you spoke English every day, you (improve) your language skills. 3. If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (come) to our party. 4. My sister would not have missed so many classes if she (not hurt) her leg. 5. If they (not go) to Scotland last August, they would not have visited the Edinburgh Festival. 6. If you get a “five”, your mother (be) happy. 7. If my friend (work) in my office, we would meet every day. 8. I would have been in a very difficult situation if she (not help) me. 9. If you (be) hungry, I’ll make you something to eat. 10. If he (come) to our house yesterday, he would have met his friend. 11. If we (have) enough time, we’ll visit Robert. 12. I will tell you a secret if you (ring) me up. 13. If he (not pass) his exam, he will not get a study grant. 14. If my friend (be) in trouble, I will give him a helping hand, of course. 15. If you (be) a poet, you would write beautiful poetry. 16. If these shoes were not too big for me, I (buy) them. 17. If I (not know) English, I would not be able to enjoy Byron’s poetry. 18. I (not do) it if you did not ask me. 19. If men (have) no weapons, would wars be possible? 20. You will never finish your work if you (waste) your time like that. 21. If I (have) his telephone number, I would easily settle this matter with him. 22. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (increase) greatly.


Упр. 2 69 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If you gave me your dictionary for a couple of days, I (translate) this text. 2. If you had not put the cup on the edge of the table, it (not get) broken. 3. If she were more careful about her diet, she (not be) so stout. 4. My sister would not have bought the car if her friend (not lend) her money. 5. If they (go) to the theater with us last week, they would have enjoyed the evening. 6. If you (not smoke), you would not feel so bad. 7. If my friend had been trying harder, he (succeed). 8. I would be very happy if I (be) a lawyer. 9. If it (rain) tomorrow, our game will be cancelled. 10. I would be very glad if he (come) to my place. 11. If he had warned me, I (do) the work in time. 12. If I (get) this book, I will be happy. 13. If you really loved music, you (go) to the concerts much more often. 14. I (take) a long holiday if I won a lot of money. 15. If you had let me know yesterday, I (bring) you my notebook. 16. If only I (have) more pocket money, I could buy some new computer programs. 17. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time. 18. You (not miss) the teacher’s explanation if you have arrived in time. 19. You would have understood the rule if you (not miss) the teacher’s explanation. 20. If you (understand) the rule, you would have written the paper successfully.

Упр. 27 0 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If I didn’t feel so tired, I (come) out with you. 2. I could have repaired the car if I (have) the right tools. 3. If I were you, I (apply) for the job. 4. If I (win) a lot of money, I (stop) working. 5. If the weather (be) nice, I’d go to the beach with my friends. 6. If my father (not smoke), he would not feel so bad. 7. He wouldn’t be late for work if he (get) earlier. 8. If we (not control) pollution soon, it will be too late! 9. Pollution (increase) if we use more oil and coal. 10. My parents will be very glad if I (pass) my final exams successfully. 11. If I had a lot of money, I (travel) around the world. 12. If I (get) the recording of this song, I will be happy. 13. If I’d had time, I (go) shopping. 14. I (not have) an accident if I had been more careful. 15. She would have gone to university if she (have) the opportunity. 16. If you (see) the film, you would have enjoyed it. 17. If she (phone) me yesterday, I should certainly told her about this event. 18. If he is not very busy, he (agree) to go to the stadium with us. 19. If I (not be) present at the lecture, I would not have understood this difficult topic. 20. If a dog (bite) in her leg, she would go straight to hospital. 21. If he had known it was going to rain, he (take) his umbrella to work today. 22. If she hadn’t missed the bus, she (not be) late for work.

Упр. 27 1 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If I (live) two hundred years ago, I couldn’t have spoken on the phone. 2. If my daughter did her homework carefully, she (get) much better marks. 3.  If his friend (be) in the mood to see a film, they would have gone to the cinema last night. 4. If my cactus plant (not have) a rare disease, it wouldn’t have died. 5. If they had remembered your address, they (send) you a postcard. 6. If Tom saw a car crash, he (telephone) the police and (help) the people in the cars. 7. Careful! If you touch that, you (burn) yourself. 8. If she (not be) very ill, she wouldn’t have been absent from English class last week. 9. If my parents had had good seats, they (enjoy) the play last night. 10. If a robber (attack) him in a dark street, he would defend himself. 11. If he hadn’t been so careless, he (not fall) into this trap. 12. If her alarm-clock (ring), she would have been on time for work this morning. 13. If you (not smoke), you will feel more energetic. 14. If you were on a hijacked plane, you (attack) the hijackers? 15. If they were on a hijacked plane, they (stay) calm and probably (survive). 16. If I (live) in 1758, I wouldn’t have had a computer. 17. If she (be invited), she would have come to the party last night. 18. If the driver in front hadn’t stopped suddenly, the accident (not happen). 19. If you (not know) how to play, my sister will explain the rules to you. 20. If she had told them it was her birthday, they (give) her a present. 21. If he had more time, he (read) more books. 22. If their TV set had been working, they (watch) the President’s speech last night. 23. If she had been feeling well, she (be) in class last Monday.


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