Упр. 25 2 . Переведите предложения.

1. He says they will go to the top of the hill next week. 2. I don’t think your work was so difficult. 3. The children know the sun rises in the east. 4. I’m afraid you will be ill. 5. He didn’t think the distance was very great. 6. My friend said he was hungry. 7. The person thought he saw a fire. 8. I don’t know where they should go. 9. Bob said he was feeling ill. 10. My parents thought Ann liked Pete. 11. I told her I didn’t have any money. 12. I’ll tell Ann I saw you. 13. They thought I knew a lot of people. 14. Tom said New York was more lively than London.


2) Определительные придаточные предложения.

В английском языке возможно прямое присоединение определительных предложений без слов who , whom , that , which. Такие придаточные предложения переводятся на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением с союзным словом который, например:

The work I am doing now is very difficult. – Работа, которую я сейчас делаю, очень трудна.

Упр . 253. Переведите предложения.

1. The man you saw yesterday is my friend’s father. 2. The girl I knew as a child is our best worker. 3. Let me see the map the teacher gave you. 4. I like the watch my father gave me. 5. Where is the gun I gave you? 6. The way he was doing that was highly effective. 7. This is the man I met yesterday. 8. Here’s the book I was telling you about. 9. The papers you must take away and burn are in these boxes. 10.  This is the DVD I told you about the other day. 11. The woman he fell in love with left him after a few weeks. 12. Are these the keys you are looking for? 13. The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her very well. 14. I gave her all the money I had. 15. I don’t trust him. I don’t believe anything he says. 16. They give the children everything they want. 17. Is there anything I can do? 18. The book I’ve read was the best of all.


Запомните! Если в конце такого бессоюзного определительного придаточного предложения находится предлог, он относится к подразумеваемому союзному слову, например:   The man you were speaking to is our teacher. Человек, с которым вы говорили, наш учитель.

Упр. 254. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на место предлога в предложении.

1. I must buy the book you told me about. 2. The girl you are looking at is a young investigator. 3. The place he works at is quite near. 4. The house the criminal was in was blocked by the police. 5. He often invited, besides his old friends, some people he worked with. 6. The man we are looking for is very dangerous. 7. The houses I had walked by were reconstructed 2 years ago. 8. The room a person lives in has a special meaning for him. 9. Are these the CDs you are looking for? 10. Unfortunately we couldn’t go to the party we were invited to. 11. What’s the name of the hotel you told me about. 12. George is a nice person. He is somebody you can rely on. 13. The concert we went to wasn’t very enjoyable. 14. Who was that man I saw you with in a café? 15. I didn’t get the job I applied for.


Упр. 25 5 . Составьте сложное предложение по образцу. Используйте союзы и союзные слова при необходимости.

Например : The man asked us some questions. He was very impolite and impatient (who). à The man who asked us some questions was very impolite and impatient.


1. I met a man. His mother writes detective stories. (whose) 2. We have the information. I told you about the information. (that) 3. They came to a police station. It wasn’t very far from a crime scene. (which) 4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. (that) 5. We saw some people. Their car had broken down. (whose) 6. The girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. (who) 7. The police found the money. The money was stolen in the robbery. (that) 8. The police station is quite near. He works at a police station. (where) 9. The people at the crime scene made much noise. The police officers couldn’t work. (so … that) 10. A person is considered to be innocent. He is proved guilty. (until) 11. I don’t know. He will prove his alibi. (if, whether) 12. The small towns have a justice of the peace. He handles minor legal matters. (who) 13. The Supreme Court makes the final decision in legal cases. A charge of violation of the Constitution is made. (which) 14. Not everyone is a winner. The case goes before the Supreme Court. (whose) 15. This morning I met Diana. I hadn’t seen her for ages. (whom)


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 335; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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