Упр. 240. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.

1. Твой друг, кажется, очень интересуется древней историей. 2. Он, кажется, пишет новую статью. 3. Вы, кажется, устали. 4. Говорят, чтоон знаетанглийский язык в совершенстве. 5. Говорят, чтоон зналанглийский язык в совершенстве. 6. Говорили, чтоон знаетанглийский язык в совершенстве. 7. Говорили, чтоон зналанглийский язык в совершенстве. 8. Похоже, что он сдаст экзамен успешно. 9. Похоже, что он сдал экзамен успешно. 10. Маловероятно, что он сдаст экзаменуспешно. 11. Маловероятно, что он сдал экзаменуспешно.12. Он обязательно сдаст экзаменуспешно. 13. Он оказался хорошим спортсменом. 14. Он оказался надежным другом. 15. Он оказался высококвалифи-цированным юристом. 16. Говорят, что это здание было построено в 19 веке. 17. Говорили, что это здание было построено в 19 веке. 18. Говорят, что это здание будет построено в следующем году.



Образуются от основы смыслового глагола путем прибавления формы - ing .

Gerund                            Verbal Noun

Значение Выражает факт или процесс действия Выражает процесс действия
Свойства Обладает свойствами существительного и глагола: - имеет формы времени и залога; - не изменяется по числам; - не употребляется с артиклем; - сопровождается наречием: I can’t stand reading aloud; сочетается с существительным в притяжательном падеже, притяжательным местоимением, предлогом: the officer’s detecting, his detecting, after detecting - не имеет форм времени и залога; - изменяется по числам: I like my surroundings; - имеет артикль: Colleges give a special training; - может сопровождаться прилагательным: Ceaseless humming of bees – Непрерывное жужжание пчел  
Перевод именем существительным, неопределенной формой глагола, деепричастием, придаточным предложением отглагольным существительным
Функции 1. Подлежащее: Patrolling is one of the crime preventive methods. Патрулирование – один из методов профилактики преступлений.   2. Часть сказуемого: An arrest is taking a person into custody. Арест – это взятие лица под стражу.   3. Дополнение: I am proud of  being a freshman of the Law Institute of the MVD. Я горжусь тем, что я первокурсник юридического института МВД.   4. Определение (после of, for): There are different methods of solving a crime. Существуют различные методы раскрытия преступления.   5. Обстоятельство: After being identified the criminal was arrested. Преступник был арестован после того, какустановили его линость. 1. Подлежащее: The brushing of her hair is not an easy task. Расчесывание ее волос – нелегкая задача.   2. Дополнение: Colleges give a specialized training. Колледжи предлагают специализированное обучение.



Запомните следующие глаголы и выражения, обычно требующие после себя герундия

to avoid to mind (в вопросит. и отрицат. редложениях) to put off
to deny to give up to practice
to dislike to excuse to postphone
to discuss can’t stand to prevent from
to enjoy to keep (on) to risk
to feel like to miss to thank for
to finish to mention to think of
to hate to involve to understand



Упр. 241. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление герундия.

1. He has finished doing his homework. 2. We stopped playing tennis because it started raining. 3. Did you enjoy visiting the British Museum? 4. My elder sister hates flying, but I love planes. 5. My father has given up smoking. 6. We must do something. We can’t go on living like this. 7. They denied stealing money. 8. He tried to avoid answering my question. 9. Hello! Fancy seeing you here! What a surprise! 10. I’m afraid, there is no denying that. 11. You’ll check it after his leaving. 12. He stopped paying fines. 13. My friend likes telling detective stories. 14. It’s no use proving his guilt. He is innocent. 15. My dream is going to the Black Sea. 16. Do you mind my writing with your pen? 17. He likes swimming and going on excursions as well. 18. Reading books out-of-doors is my favourite way of spending the summer holidays. 19. Watching a good film gives me a lot of pleasure. 20. What do you mean by saying that? 21. He insisted on visiting his friends regularly. 22. Forgive my interrupting you.


Co c ледующими глаголами употребляется как герундий, так и инфинитив

to consider to learn to remember
to forget to like to stop
to go on to mean to teach
to imagine to regret to try


Упр. 242. Завершите предложения, используя герундий.


1. Do you realize the importance of … (learn foreign languages; follow traffic rules; protect nature; master one’s profession).

2. What are your reasons for … (study the law; accuse him of this crime; not tell the truth; change your furniture round; meet on Sunday).

3. Keep on … (be on a diet; study English grammar; get up early; fight crime; do sports; improve your education).

4. He finished … (knock at the door; quarrel with his elder sister; violate the parking rules; collect coins; go hiking).

5. I don’t mind … (spend the holiday with your parents; go out to dances; move to a new flat; rent an apartement; open the windows).


Упр. 243. Выберите и переведите предложения с герундием.


1. Preparing for the seminar I studied a lot of special literature. 2. At lunch we discussed the coming exams. 3. Having finished her work, she went home. 4. Reading judicial books is useful. 5. The boys continued playing football. 6. She was looking at the plane flying overhead. 7. It is no use going there now. 8. My greatest pleasure is travelling by car. 9. Mag will stop for a few weeks at the seaside before going back home. 10. She always helps her parents by doing the rooms and working in the garden. 11. Just imagine his coming first in the race. 12. She doesn’t agree to giving this information. 13. They insisted on coming with me. 14. Writing good compositions is not easy. 15. Asking him about anything is useless now. 15. I don’t mind sleeping with the windows open. 16. He answered without thinking. 17. Coming to the river, the tourists stopped for a rest. 18. While working at the text, I found a lot of mistakes. 19. She is fond of going to the theaters and concerts. 20. I am quite proud of having such relatives. 21. The book is well worth reading. 22. There was no sense in waiting for them any longer.


Упр. 244. Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола. Переведите предложения.

1. I learnt (to swim, swimming) at the age of six. 2. I often help (to prepare, preparing) lunch at weekends. 3. He doesn’t practise (to speak, speaking) English as regularly as he should. 4. I don’t mind (to work, working) late, if it helps at all. 5. I really don’t feel like (to go, going) out tonight. Do you? 6. Do you prefer (to be, being) an investigator or an operative of the CID? 7. They decided (to break, breaking) into the house and (to steal, stealing) the money. 8. I can’t stand people (to cheat, cheating) at exams. 9. I enjoy (to swim, swimming) even though I’m not good at it. 10. I’ve given up (to go, going) to discos, because they’re too noisy. 11. He wanted (to read, reading) books by English writers. 12. My brother is very lazy, he likes (to do, doing) nothing. 13. If you cross the road without (to look, looking), you may be knocked down. 14. She denied (to sell, selling) illegal medicine. 15. Do you mind (to move, moving) your car, please? You’re blocking the road. 16. These young men get tired of (to live, living) in one place too long. 17. I was not surprised at (to hear, hearing) those words.

Упр. 245. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление отглагольных существительных.

1. The performing of those beautiful folk songs impressed me greatly. 2. Such doings can hardly be explained. 3. The building of this house will cost much money. 4. These happenings are remarkable. 5. The cleaning of the room was done by the girls. 6. He spent much time on the copying of his literature lectures. 7. The students found the reading of English newspapers rather difficult at first. 8. The reading of a good book gives me a lot of pleasure. 9. The building of this cottage began early in April. 10. We were in a hurry because only twenty minutes were left before the beginning of the concert.


Упр. 246. Выберите и переведите предложения с отглагольными существительными.


1. Going home from the Institute, the students were discussing the new lecturer they had met. 2. The translating of this article was done by our group. 3. They went out to meet the returning women. 4. You should think before speaking or doing something. 5. It’s good manners to apologize for being late. 6. The previous article was about the training of militia officers in Russia. 7. Sitting by her sleeping child, the worried mother at last began to realize by its peaceful breathing that all danger was over. 8. Collecting is one of the popular pastimes among young people. 9. The important part of her job is looking after the chidren. 10. Their meeting takes place twice a week. 11. He got a specialized training at our Institute. 12. I remember reading this article on literature. 13. This videofilm is about the training of the FBI agents in the USA. 14. I remember reading this article on Criminology. 15. I like being read to. 16. The forest resounded with the hooting of owls and the howling of wolves. 17. I couldn’t help laughing when I heard his answer.


Сложное предложение



I. Сложное предложение состоит из двух или нескольких простых предложений. Все сложные предложения делятся на сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые.

Связь между предложениями, входящими в состав сложного, осуществляется при помощи:

a)  союзов (conjunctions)

Nowadays he was busy and (сочинительный союз «и») he saw few of his old friends. – Теперь он был очень занят и редко виделся со своими старыми друзьями.

b)  союзных слов

She learned to play tennis when she went to school. – Она научилась играть в теннис, когда училась в школе.

a)  бессоюзно (признаком бессоюзной связи придаточных определительных предложений является стык двух существительных или существительное плюс личное местоимение в именительнои падеже)

1. My parents are quite young people, they live their own life. Мои родители совсем ещё молодые люди, у них своя жизнь.

2. The problem of crime prevention the teacher was telling us about is one of the main problems of law enforcement. Проблема предупреждения преступности, о которой рассказывал нам преподаватель, является одной из главных проблем правоохранительной деятельности.


II. В английском языке простые предложения обычно объединяются в сложносочинённые (coordinate clauses) при помощи сочинительных союзов, основными из которых являются “and, but, or, yet, for”, либо бессоюзно. Части сложного предложения являются равноправными и не зависят друг от друга грамматически.


Упр. 247. Прочитайте и переведите английские пословицы, обращая внимание на характер связи между предложениями.

1.  Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear.

2.  Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.

3.  Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

4.  It never rains, but it pours.

5.  The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.


Упр. 248. Прочитайте и переведите сложные предложения, обращая внимание на тип связи между предложениями.

1. John is a pupil, while his brother is a student. 2. You can take a bus, or we can walk together. 3. The days became longer, for it was now spring time. 4. The weather was fine, so there were lots of people on the beach. 5. They asked for food – there was none. 6. I have travelled by both trains and neither train has a restaurant car. 7. Pete went to the Institute, I stayed at home. 8. It was raining but it was warm. 9. Ann had a headache, for she had slept badly last night. 10. Either you apologize or I’ll never speak to you again. 11. She wanted to contact me but she neither wrote nor phoned. 12. Tomorrow I’ll be free; we may go on an excursion. 13. They liked the cottage or they wouldn’t have bought it. 14. You can boil yourself an egg or I’ll make you a cheese sandwich. 15. I began to miss London, yet I was not coming back. 16. I have not much news to convey but there are some things to add. 17. He is not like me, he is like his mother.


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