Take after походить на (отца, мать)



When we speak of somebody's appearance, we mean his (her) figure, hands, feet, hair, face...

In describing the figure we often mention the build.

A man or a woman may be: solidly (heavily) built (of solid (heavy) build), delicately built (of delicate build), well-made,

e. g. The door opened and a large, heavily-built man entered.

 The figure may be: slender or stooping; thin (lean) or stout (fat, plump),

e. g. A very slender figure moving with wonderful grace. He was very lean and his face very brown.

Plump is mostly used when speaking about a very young person or about a woman,

e. g. She was a plump, rosy child.

It is less derogatory to call a person stout than fat, as fat implies the idea of something unpleasant,

e. g. At that moment there walked into the room, supporting him­self by a thick stick, a stout old gentleman. C. Dickens

 At the top of the table, seated in an arm-chair rather higher than the rest, was a particularly fat gentleman with a very round, red face. C. Dickens

Thick in the meaning of толстый is used for objects and parts of the body, but not when speaking of the figure as a whole.

A person may be: tall, short or middle-sized (of medium, average height),

e. g. This was a tall man of about thirty.

Her brother was short, broad-shouldered and strong.

The man was a trifle above the middle size.

Fleur was of medium height.

When speaking of the appearance one should not forget the bearing осанка which may be erect (upright) прямая or stooping сутулая ,

e. g. She carried her slender, shapely figure erectly.

I recognized his tall stooping figure from afar.

The arm — the part between the shoulder and the wrist — may be: short, long, rounded, thin, slender, shapely,

e. g. A woman with shapely arms.

The hand — which is at the very end of the arm — may be: small, large, plump, delicate, bony, thin, shapely,

e. g. His hands were small and plump.

We have five fingers on each hand. This is what we call them: the forefinger (index finger), the middle finger, the ring finger ( безымянный палец ), the little finger and the thumb. At the ends of the fingers are the nails.

The fingers may be: fat, thick, thin, tapering,

e. g. I remember her hands with the long tapering fingers.

The leg — the part of the body from the hip to the ankle — may be: short, long, fine (shapely), slender. Some people are bow-leggedкривоногий ,

e. g. He was short for his age and rather bow-legged.

The feet — which are at the very end of the legs — may be: small, large, flat, narrow, pretty. We have five toes on each foot.

e. g. Her feet were small and pretty and her toe-nails were pink.

The manner of walking is called the walk (gait). One's steps may be: light, heavy, firm,

e. g. She moved with a swaying gait.

I heard her light steps on the terrace.

Old people often shuffle their feet, have a shuffling gait,

e. g. An elderly clerk entered shuffling his feet.

The upper and the lower limbs are attached to the trunk. The head and the neck are poised on the shoulders,

e. g. Her shoulders, neck and arms were still rounded and beautiful.                                                                  J. Galsworthy

The head is covered with hair. The hair may be: short, long, thin, thick, straight, curly, wavy, crisp,

e. g. I knew that my straight hair would never look nice.

 As to the colour the hair may be: black, dark, red, chestnut, brown, auburn, fair (blond), golden, grey (sil­ver), white,

e. g. He was a heavy, paunchy man of 45, auburn-haired.

Fleur had short dark chestnut hair.

According to the fashion women's hair may be: bobbed, shingled, urchin cut, plaited, waved, put up (done in a knot). One can wear one's hair long, short; some people have a fringe,

e. g. Her hair was bobbed and dark.

She had faded red hair done into a careless knot at the back of her neck.                                                         

t. Dreiser

Women have their hair done in various (hair) styles at the hairdresser's. Men go there to have a shave and have their hair cut (have a haircut) and have their beards and moustaches trimmed,

e. g. The girl had silky hair cut short.

The men lathered themselves and the barbers shaved them at the rate of a minute to a man. A haircut took a trifle longer. J. London

Some men lose their hair and go bald,

e. g. He is a stout little man, with a funny, bald head.

The face may be: square, oval, round, long. It may be thin (lean), plump,

e. g. His face was round and plump.

His face was lean and angled.

The complexion, that is, the colour of the skin, espe­cially that of the face, may be: dark, fair, olive, ruddy,

 e. g. My father had a dark complexion.

Miss Miller was more ordinary: ruddy in complexion though of a careworn countenance. C. Bronte

A person may have regular, small, large (massive) or delicate, clean-cut or finely-cut features.

e. g. A clean-shaven man with finely-cut features.

The upper part of the face — the forehead—may be: large, broad or narrow, high or low,

e. g. His forehead was very high and large.

The eyebrows may be: thin, thick, bushy, pencilled, arched, dark or fair (light),

e. g. An old man with clear blue eyes overhung by bushy eye-brows stood at the entrance to the house.

The eyes are protected by the eyelids (lids). When we are tired or sleepy, they feel heavy and droop,

e. g. He lifted his heavy eyelids.

The eyelids are fringed with eyelashes (lashes), which may be: thin, thick, long, short, straight, curving, curly,

e. g. Galsworthy describes Fleur as having very white blacklashed lids.

The eyes may be different colours: dark, black, hazel, brown, violet, blue, grey, green.

They may be: close-set, wide-set, deep-set, sunken or bulging.

e. g. His dark-grey eyes were small and deep-set.

He had a small face with large, bulging eyes.

The cheeks may be: rosy, pink, red, ruddy, pale, plump,

e. g. His cheeks were pale and touched with freckles.

Old or sick people may have hollow cheeks. Children's cheeks are often chubbyпухлый .

The cheekbones may be: high, prominent, wide-apart,

e. g. His broad forehead and prominent cheekbones seemed ugly.

The nose may be: straight, flat, hooked, aquiline; a person may be snub-nosed,

e. g. He was a snub-nosed, flat-cheeked, common-faced boy.

The parts of the mouth are: the lips — upper and lower, and the teeth.

 The mouth may be: big (large), small, wide, narrow. The shape of the lips makes it well-cut, firm, thin.

The cheeks may be: rouged or painted, the lips paint­ed, and the hair dyed,

e. g. There was a peculiar orange rouge on her cheekbones and her lips were delicately painted with the same colour.

H. Ashton

The teeth may be: even, uneven, large, small, tiny, pearly. All the upper and lower teeth together are called a set of teeth,

e. g. The girl showed a set of tiny square teeth when she smiled.

The chin may be: round or protruding, small or large,

e. g. He had a hooked nose and a large chin.

The soft line of her round chin was very pretty.

Stout people often have a double chin двойной , под ­ бородок .

When a woman's face and figure delight us, we say: she's beautiful (handsome); she's good-looking — красивая , прекрасная .

We call her a real beauty настоящая красавица , and we talk about her beauty (good looks) — красота ,

e. g. Her  face came round in the light, and Soames saw it, still beautiful, perhaps more beautiful. J. Galsworthy

Beatrice was tall, broad-shouldered, very handsome.

The words handsome, good-looking (but not beautiful) are also used of a man,

e. g. Yes, he was certainly wonderfully handsome.

The words attractive — привлекательный and pretty — хорошенький help us to describe a person pleasant to look at,

e. g. The clerk returns, showing in a very attractive lady.

B. Shaw

If there is nothing particular in one's appearance, we call it common заурядный , простой .

To characterize somebody's appearance in a negative way we use the words: plain (Am. homely) некрасивый or even uglyуродливый .

When we ask for a description of a person we do not know we say:

What does he (she) look like?, or: What is he (she) like? Как он ( она выглядит )?

If we are interested in the person's character, we say:

What is he (she) like? — Какой он ( она )?

If we ask after a person whom we know but have not seen for a long time, or since an illness, we say:

How does he (she) look? — Как он ( она ) выглядит ?

e. g. How does he look after his holiday? He looks quite all right again.

A person may lose weight похудеть or put on (gain) weight пополнеть , поправиться , прибавить в весе ,

e. g. How does she look now? Has she lost weight?

No, on the contrary, she has put on a lot and is now quite stout.

If a person resembles somebody, we say:

He looks like his father (mother) or: He takes after his father (mother) — он похож на своего отца (мать) or: Не is the very image of his father (mother) —он вылитый отец (мать).

We say that a person looks his age when he looks neither older nor younger than he is in reality — ему можно дать его годы , but if he looks younger or older we say, he looks young (old) for his age — он выглядит моложе ( старше ) своих лет .

e. g. I wouldn't give her forty — she looks young for her age.

When a person looks younger than he is, we say that he is well-preservedхорошо сохранился .

When a person takes great care of his appearance we sometimes find it said that he (she) is well-groomedвы ­ холенный .

We may also speak of a groomed (well-groomed) face, hands, etc.

e. g. She had soft, well-groomed hands with manicured nails.

In conclusion here are some proverbs and sayings which may prove useful when speaking of somebody's appearance:

Appearances are deceptive. — Внешность обманчива.

The face is the index of the mind. — Лицо — зеркало души.

A fair face may hide a foul heart. — За красивой внеш­ностью часто скрывается низкая душа.

Besides this, here are some phraseological units which may prove useful when making a comparison:

As tall as a maypole. — Высокий как каланча.

As thin as a lath. — Худой как щепка.

As stiff as a poker. — Как аршин проглотил.

As like as two peas. — Похожи как две капли воды.



ALICE: I say Mike, I've just had a wire from Mary. She's coming with the 5.30 train. And I have a meeting at 5. Will you do me a favour and meet her at the station?

MIKE: I've never seen her, how could I possibly recognize her?

ALICE: Oh, it's quite easy, she's just like her mother.

MIKE: Most helpful I'm sure, but the trouble is I've never seen her mother either.

ALICE: I'm sorry, I forgot. And I'm afraid I haven't any photos of her.

MIKE: Try to describe her. What does she look like?

ALICE: A tall slender girl of 18 with an oval face.

MIKE: Complexion?

ALICE: Rather pale.

MIKE: Hair?

ALICE: Fair and bobbed. Light grey eyes, deep-set, a small straight nose, a big mouth with white, even teeth and a pleasant smile.

MIKE: I'm sure there'll be at least a dozen girls like that at the station.

ALICE: Oh, I'd clean forgotten! There's a mole as big as a pea on her left cheek!

MIKE: That'll help me for sure. Go to your meeting, I promise to be on the platform at б sharp in search of a slender girl with a mole on her left cheek.



CUSTOMER: I want a shave, please.

ASSISTANT: Yes, sir.

CUSTOMER: And a haircut, please, but don't cut my hair too close.

ASSISTANT: Just as you like, sir. Your hair is getting rather thin, sir, may I advise you to change your part­ing? Would you like it on the right side, sir?

CUSTOMER: Good. And you can trim my moustache too.

ASSISTANT: Very good, sir.

CUSTOMER: I want my hair shampooed and set.

ASSISTANT: Very well, madam.

CUSTOMER: And have you any pictures of new hairstyles? I'd like to try something new.

ASSISTANT: Yes, madam. Here are the latest styles. Look at that one. It's very much in vogue now. Your hair is long and such a lovely auburn that it'll look per­fect in a knot at the back.

CUSTOMER: But won't it make" my face look too round?

ASSISTANT: Oh, no, I'm sure it'll look quite nice on you, madam.

CUSTOMER: All right, do my hair like that, and if it doesn't suit me you'll simply have to restyle it.

ASSISTANT: Very well, madam.


GRACE: Why don't you dance with Henry?

BEATRICE: Because we make such a funny pair: he's short and broad and strong, and I'm tall, thin and pale.

GRACE: Nonsense, my dear. He isn't short, only medium, height, and you are just a trifle above the middle size. And he dances perfectly, I can tell you.

BEATRICE: I know he does. But I prefer dancing with Billy. For all his long legs and lean figure Billy's a very good dancer, isn't he?

GRACE: Yes, he is, and I like his face. It may be ugly, but there's something awfully nice about it. BEATRICE: But he isn't ugly at all, especially when he smiles and shows those perfect teeth of his. GRACE: Still, Henry's decidedly handsome, which Bill is not.

BEATRICE: But there's something unkind in the look of his grey eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me.


GALYA: Inna is a regular beauty!

VERA: And she knows it well, does Inna.

GALYA: She's got such a superb figure and such regular features!

VERA: and her hair's so thick.and looks quite golden in the sunshine!

GALYA: Isn't it strange that her twin sister is quite a plain girl?

VERA: Yes, it is. To have such good-looking parents, and be so different!

GALYA: They say Olga takes after their grandfather and Inna has inherited her good looks from her parents.

VERA: Olga's certainly plain, but when she sings you for­get her common face.

GALYA: You are right, Vera.


I. Head and Hair — Голова и волосы

1. blond(e) блондин(ка)

2. braid (plait [plæt]) коса

3. brunette [bru:ˈnet ] брюнетка

4. curl локон

5. hair  волосы

(In the meaning — волосы, волосяной покров—the noun hair does not take the plural form),

e. g. Her hair is long.

auburn hair рыжевато-каштановые волосы

e. g. She was a tall, auburn-haired girl.

(Instead of saying "His hair is auburn, black, etc." the com­pound adjectives: auburn-haired, black-haired, etc. — рыжеволо­сый, черноволосый, и т. д. are often used. Compound adjectives of this type are used extensively in the English language.)

banged hair волосы, подстриженные челкой

black hair черные волосы

bobbed hair коротко остриженные волосы

braid ( plait ) one ' s hair заплетать волосы в косы

brush one ' s hair причесывать волосы (щеткой)

е . g. His hair was brushed back from his forehead.

close-cut (close-cropped) hair гладко-остриженные волосы

comb one ' s hair расчесывать волосы (расческой)

crisp hair вьющиеся волосы

curled hair завитые волосы (локонами)

curly hair кудрявые волосы

cut somebody ' s hair остричь (кому-либо) волосы

е . g. She wanted to have her hair cut short.

dark hair темные волосы

dishevelled hair растрепанные волосы

do one ' s hair причесываться, делать прическу

do one's hair in a knot укладывать волосы узлом

e. g. Her lovely hair was done in a knot at the back of her head.

dye one ' s hair красить волосы

dyed hair крашеные волосы

fair hair русые волосы

golden hair золотистые волосы

gray ( grey ) hair седые волосы

grizzling ( grizzled ) hair седеющие волосы

e. g. His hair and beard were slightly grizzled.

grow one's hair отращивать волосы

have one's hair cut остричь волосы ( в парикмахерской )

jet - black hair черные как смоль волосы

long hair длинные волосы

lose one's hair (go bald) лысеть

luxuriant [ lʌɡˈzjuərɪənt ] hair пышные волосы

mop of hair копна волос

e. g. A mop of jet-black hair.

part one's hair (in the middle, on one side) делать пробор (прямой, косой)

е . g. The man wore his hair parted in the middle.

red hair (red-haired, red-headed) рыжие волосы (рыжеволосый)

reddish hair рыжеватые волосы

roots of one's hair корни волос

e. g. She blushed to the roots of her hair.

rumpled (tousled) hair взъерошенные волосы

sandy hair рыжеватые волосы

set one's hair укладывать волосы

e. g. You must have your hair cut and set.

short hair короткие волосы

silky hair шелковистые волосы

silvery ( silver ) hair серебристые волосы

sleek ( smooth ) hair приглаженные волосы

straight hair прямые волосы

strand of hair прядь волос

thick hair густые волосы

thin (scanty) hair редкие волосы

e. g. The man was small and slight, with scanty black hair.

trim one's hair подстригать волосы

e. g. I have my hair trimmed twice a month.

tuft of hair клок волос

wash (shampoo) [ʃæmˈpu: ] one's hair мыть голову

e. g. Do you want your hair shampooed and set?

waved hair завитые волосы (волнами)

wave one's hair (have one's hair waved) завивать волосы

wavy hair волнистые волосы

wear one's hair long (short, braided) носить короткие волосы (длинные волосы, косы)

е . g. The girl said she was not going to wear her hair braid­ed any more.

white hair седые волосы

wisp of hair прядь волос

6. haircut стрижка, прическа ( мужская )

7. hairstyle (hairdo, way of doing one's hair; Am. haircomb ) прическа ( женская )

8. head голова

back of the head затылок

e. g. She complained of a sharp pain in the back of her head .

bald-headed (bald) [bɔ:ld] лысый

big head большая голова

bullet [ˈbulɪt ] (round) head круглая голова

small head маленькая голова

square head квадратная голова

top of the head темя

e. g. He was already bald on the top of his head.

9. lock локон, завиток

10. neck шея

slender neck тонкая (стройная) шея

thick neck (thick-necked) толстая шея (с толстой шеей)

11. parting пробор

parting in the middle прямой пробор

parting on one side косой пробор

12. pigtail косичка

13. temple висок

e. g. The veins in his temples were swollen and blue.


II. Face — Лицо

1. beard [ bɪəd ] борода

grow a beard отращивать бороду

e. g. "...he had grown a short, fair beard, which was just beginning to grizzle..." J. Galsworthy

luxuriant [lʌɡˈzjuərɪənt] beard пышная борода

small beard бородка

shave one's beard брить бороду

trim one ' s beard подстригать бороду

2. bearded бородатый

3. beardless безбородый

4. cheek щека

chubby ( plump ) cheeks пухлые щеки

clean - shaven cheeks гладко выбритые щеки

dimples in one's cheeks ямочки на щеках

hollow (sunken) cheeks впалые щеки

pale cheeks бледные щеки

pink cheeks розовые щеки

rouged [ru:ʒd ] cheeks нарумяненные щеки

ruddy cheeks румяные щеки

stubbly cheeks небритые щеки

wrinkled cheeks морщинистые щеки

e. g. Tears rolled down her pale wrinkled cheeks.

5. cheekbone скула

high (prominent) cheekbones высокие скулы

6. chin подбородок

double chin двойной подбородок

pointed chin острый подбородок

protruding chin выдающийся подбородок

round chin круглый подбородок

7. complexion цвет лица

dark - complexion ( dark - complexioned ) темный цвет лица

e. g. Black-haired people are usually dark-complexioned.

fair complexion бело-розовый цвет лица

olive complexion оливковый цвет лица

sallow complexion болезненно-желтый цвет лица

swarthy [ˈswɔ:ðɪ] complexion смуглый цвет лица

8. ear ухо

(The word ear may denote both the organ of hearing — ухо and (in some cases) the faculty for discriminating sounds, the sense of hearing — слух.)

deaf in one ear глухой на одно ухо

delicate ear тонкий слух

dull ear (hearing) плохой слух

e. g. Her eyesight is weak and her ear is rather dull.

good ear хороший слух

(Good ear or good ear for music may be used when speaking of musical abilities — музыкальный слух.) e. g. The little girl had a very good ear (a very good ear for music). She could repeat a tune she had only heard once.

lobe of the ear (ear-lobe) мочка уха

lop-eared лопоухий

play (sing) by ear играть (петь) по слуху

e. g. The girl has never been taught music but she can play by ear.

sharp (keen) ear острый слух

9. eye глаз

bloodshot eyes налитые кровью глаза

blue eyes ( blue - eyed ) голубые глаза (голубоглазый)

brown eyes темно-карие глаза

bulging ( prominent ) eyes глаза на выкате

e. g. A frog sat under the tree looking at us with its big bulging eyes.

close - set eyes близко поставленные глаза

e. g. She would be pretty if her eyes were not a bit too close-set

cross-eyed косоглазый

dark eyes темные (черные) глаза

deep - set eyes глубоко сидящие глаза

drop one's eyes опустить глаза

e. g. She dropped her eyes modestly and said nothing.

gray eyes серые глаза

green eyes зеленые глаза

hazel eyes светло-карие глаза

one-eyed одноглазый

screw up one's eyes прищурить глаза

slant eyes раскосые глаза

steel - gray eyes глаза стального цвета

sunken eyes запавшие глаза

tail of one ' s eye внешний угол глаза

e. g. She ran on casting fearful glances from the tail of her eye at the big black dog that was overtaking her.

tears well up into one's eyes слезы навертываются на глаза

wide-open eyes широко раскрытые глаза

wide - set ( apart ) eyes широко расставленные глаза

10. eyeball глазное яблоко

i ris [ˈaɪərɪs] радужная оболочка

11. eyebrow [ˈaɪbrau ] бровь

arched eyebrows брови дугой

bushy [ˈbuʃɪ ] eyebrows густые брови

knit one's eyebrows (frown) хмурить брови

e. g. He knitted his eyebrows and looked at me angrily.

pencilled eyebrows тонко очерченные брови

raise one's eyebrows поднять брови

e. g. He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

shaggy eyebrows косматые брови

12. eyelash (lash) ресница

curving eyelashes загнутые ресницы

short eyelashes короткие ресницы

straight eyelashes прямые ресницы

thick eyelashes густые ресницы

thin eyelashes тонкие ресницы

13. eyelid (lid) веко

heavy (drooping) eyelids тяжелые веки

14. eyesight (sight) зрение

far-sighted (long-sighted) дальнозоркий

keen sight острое зрение

near-sighted (short-sighted) близорукий

sharp-sighted зоркий

weak sight слабое зрение

15. face лицо

(There are two synonyms of the word face; they are — counten­ance [ˈkauntɪnəns ] and visage [ˈvɪzɪdʒ]. Both are much more elevated words than face, besides which both imply the ideaof facial expression.)

angular face угловатое лицо

charming face обаятельное лицо

clean-shaven face гладко выбритое лицо

disfigured face обезображенное лицо

expression on the face выражение лица

e. g. There was an expression of annoyance (irritation, etc.) on his face.

fleshy face мясистое лицо

gaunt (haggard) face изможденное лицо

in the face в лицо

e. g. He looked her straight in the face.

make a face сделать гримасу

e. g. The boy was making faces at the passers-by.

oval face овальное лицо

pasty (sallow) face болезненное лицо

pimpled face прыщеватое лицо

pock-marked face рябое лицо

puffy face одутловатое лицо

pull a long face вытягиваться (о лице)

e. g. He found his sister at home, and pulled a long face, as if annoyed and surprised.

round face круглое лицо

screw up one's face сморщиться

e. g. The boy screwed up his face and began to whimper.

square face квадратное лицо

sunburned (brown, tanned) face загорелое лицо

swarthy [ˈswɔ:ðɪ ] face смуглое лицо

tear-stained face лицо со следами слез (заплаканное лицо)

thin (lean) face худое лицо

to one's face в лицо

e. g. I said that straight to her face.

wrinkled face морщинистое лицо

16. features черты ( лица )

chiselled features точеные черты лица

clean-cut features резко очерченные черты лица

delicate features тонкие черты лица

forceful features сильные черты лица

irregular features неправильные черты лица

large (massive) features крупные черты лица.

regular features правильные черты лица

small features мелкие черты лица

stern features суровые черты лица

17. forehead [ˈfɔrɪd ] лоб

(In poetry and in certain word-groups the word brow [brau] is used. Brow is a more elevated word than its synonym forehead and is best rendered in Russian by the word — чело .) e. g. "And sorrow has set her seal upon his brow." O. Wilde

broad forehead широкий лоб

domed forehead выпуклый лоб

high forehead высокий лоб

e. g. When she brushed back her hair, a high domed fore­head was displayed.

large (open) forehead широкий (открытый) лоб

low forehead низкий лоб

narrow forehead узкий лоб

retreating (sloping) forehead покатый лоб

18. freckle веснушка

freckled веснушчатый

e. g. The door was opened by a red-haired boy with a freckled face.

19. full face анфас

20. furrow [ˈfʌrəu ] глубокая морщина

21. gum десна

22. jawчелюсть

lower jaw нижняя челюсть

square jaw квадратная челюсть

strong jaw крепкая челюсть

upper jaw верхняя челюсть

23. hearing (sense of hearing) слух

dull hearing плохой слух

keen hearing острый слух

24. lip губа

e. g. Don't wipe your lips with the back of your hand.

bite one's lip кусать губы

e. g. She bit her lip till the blood came.

compress (purse) one's lips сжать губы

curl one ' s lips презрительно кривить губы

full lips полные губы

lower lip нижняя губа

paint one ' s lips красить губы

painted lips накрашенные губы

parched lips запекшиеся губы

parted lips полуоткрытый рот (губы)

e. g. The children were listening to the tale with parted lips,

rosy lips розовые губы

thick lips толстые губы

upper lip верхняя губа

well-cut lips хорошо очерченные губы

25. mole (birth-mark, strawberry mark) родинка, родимое пятно

Mouth рот

firm mouth твердо очерченный рот

large ( big , wide ) mouth крупный (большой) рот

narrow mouth узкий рот

small mouth маленький рот

stern mouth сурово очерченный рот

toothless mouth беззубый рот

twist one's mouth кривить рот

e. g. When he sang he slightly twisted his mouth.

27. moustache [məsˈtɑ:ʃ ] усы

close-cropped moustache коротко подстриженные усы

drooping moustache висячие усы

grow a moustache отращивать усы

pointed moustache остроконечные усы

trim a moustache подстригать усы

e. g. He wanted to have his moustache and beard trimmed.

28. nose hoc

aquiline [ˈækwɪlaɪn] nose орлиный нос (нос с горбинкой)

bridge of the nose переносица

flat nose ( flat - nosed ) приплюснутый нос (с приплюснутым носом)

hooked nose ( hook - nosed ) крючковатый нос (горбоносый)

snub nose ( snub - nosed ) вздернутый нос (курносый)

tip of the nose кончик носа

e. g. Aunt Polly wore her spectacles on the tip of her nose.

29. profile [ˈprəufaɪl] профиль

30. pupil (pupil of the eye) зрачок

e. g. The pupils of his eyes narrowed and became the size of a pin-point.

31. scar шрам

32. skin кожа

delicate skin нежная кожа

rough [ rʌf ] skin грубая кожа

skin peels кожа сходит (шелушится)

e. g. The skin on her back and shoulders began to peel.

33. tongue язык

furred (coated) tongue обложенный язык

e. g. The patient's furred tongue worried the doctor.

stick out one's tongue высунуть язык

tip of the tongue кончик языка

e. g. The word was on the tip of his tongue.

34. tooth (pl. teeth) зуб

brush (clean) one's teeth чистить зубы

clench one's teeth сжать зубы

e. g. He clenched his teeth so as not to utter a groan.

close-set teeth частые зубы

even teeth ровные зубы

front teeth передние зубы

large teeth крупные зубы

e. g. When he opened his mouth he revealed large and even teeth.

milk teeth молочные зубы

molar teeth коренные зубы

e. g. One of his front teeth and three molar teeth were mis­sing.

perfect teeth превосходные зубы

sparse teeth редкие зубы

uneven teeth неровные зубы

35. wart [ wɔ:t ] бородавка

36. white (white of the eye) белок глаза

e. g. The whites of his eyes glinted in the dim light.

37. wrinkle морщина

III. Limbs — Конечности

1. ankle лодыжка

2. arm рука (от плеча до кисти)

carry in one's arms носить на руках

hold in one's arms держать в руках

e. g. The woman was holding a baby in her arms.

left arm левая рука

right arm правая рука

rounded arm полная рука

shapely (well-shaped) arm рука красивой формы

3. armpit подмышка

4. calf икра ноги

5. elbow локоть

6. finger палец руки

bony fingers костлявые пальцы

deft fingers ловкие (искусные) руки

e. g. The knitting needles moved quickly in the girl's deft fingers.

finger tips (ends) кончики пальцев

e. g. The baby touched the kitten with his finger tips.

forefinger (index finger) указательный палец

little finger мизинец


S. shoulder E. elbow H. hand                                                              Fingers

1 — the thumb

2 — the  forefinger

(or index) finger

3 — the middle finger

4 — the ring finger

5 — the little finger

6 —the finger-nail



long fingers длинные пальцы

middle finger средний палец

plump (fat) fingers пухлые пальцы

ring finger безымянный палец левой руки

short ( stumpy ) fingers короткие пальцы

stiff ( numb ) fingers окоченевшие пальцы

e. g. My fingers were quite stiff with cold.

tapering fingers тонкие и длин­ные пальцы

7. foot ( pl . feet ) нога (ниже щиколотки), ступня

flat feet ( flat - footed ) плоские ступни  (с плоскими ступнями)

footsore со стертыми ногами

e. g. David Copperfield got to his aunt's house at Dover exhausted and footsore.

large feet большие ноги

narrow feet узкие ступни

pretty feet красивые ноги

rise to one ' s feet подняться на ноги, встать

e. g. He rose to his feet and left the room.

small feet маленькие ноги

8. hand рука (кисть)

bony hands костлявые руки

calloused [ ˈkæləzd ] hands огрубевшие, мозолистые руки

clap one's hands бить в ладоши

e. g. The children clapped their hands with joy.

delicate hands нежные, тонкие руки

hairy hands волосатые руки

hold out one's hand подавать руку

e. g. She held out her hand to the stranger.

large hands большие руки

left hand левая рука

plump hand пухлая рука

raise (put up) one's hand поднять руку

e. g. Raise your hand when you want to ask a question.

right hand правая рука

rub one's hands потирать руки

e. g. On hearing the news he rubbed his hands with pleasure.

shake hands ( with ) здороваться за руку

e. g. Don't you want to shake hands with your uncle?

small hands маленькие руки

soft hands мягкие руки

stretch out one's hand протягивать руку

e. g. The little girl stretched out her hands to her mother.

supple hand гибкая рука

wave one's hand махать рукой

e. g. She waved her hand to me from the window.

9. heel пятка

e. g. A big dog followed at his heels.

10. instep подъем ноги

11. joint сустав

12. knee колено

(The Russian word колено is sometimes translated into English by the word lap, as in to hold in one's lap держать на коленях , or to sit in somebody's lap сидеть на ко ­ ленях .

Knee denotes the joint, or the region of the joint in the middle part of the leg, between the thigh and the lower leg. Lap is the part of the body and clothes of a seated person from the waist to the knees.)

stand on one's knees (kneel) стоять на коленях

e. g. She walked over to the arm-chair and knelt on it.

13. knuckle сустав пальца

14. leg нога (от бедра до ступни)

 bow-legged [ bau legd] кривоногий

cross one ' s legs положить ногу на ногу

long legs длинные ноги

shapely ( fine ) legs ноги красивой формы

short legs короткие ноги

slender legs стройные ноги

15. limb [lɪm] конечность

lower limbs нижние конечности

upper limbs верхние конечности

16. nail ноготь

do one's nails делать маникюр

e. g. I want to have my nails done.

finger nails ногти на пальцах рук

toe nails ногти на пальцах ноги

17. palm [pa:m] ладонь руки

18. shin голень

19. sole подошва

20. thigh [[θaɪ ] ( hip ) бедро

21. toe [təu ] палец ноги


A. leg  

Н . hip

К . knee

S. shin

С . calf

Т . toes An. ankle He. heel

on tiptoe на цыпочках

e. g. She stood on tiptoe trying to peep into the room through

the window.

22. wrist запястье


IV. Build, Figure and Bearing — Сложение, фигура и осанка

1. back спина

2. belly (paunch) [pɔ:ntʃ ] живот, брюшко

3. blade (shoulder-blade) лопатка

4. body тело

5. breast [brest ] (bosom [ˈbuzəm ] ) грудь

(Bosom may also mean пазуха . The word is also used figurative­ly when the breast is considered the seat of the passions, affec­tions, etc.)

e. g. Her bosom heaved with suppressed sobs.

6. build (frame) телосложение

delicate build (delicately-built) хрупкое сложение (хрупкого сложения)

e. g. A woman of delicate build.

heavy build ( heavily - built ) грубоватое сложение (грубоватого сложения)

e. g. A heavily-built stocky man.

powerful build мощное сложение

solid build плотное сложение

spare frame сухощавое сложение

strong build крепкое сложение

7. carriage (bearing, poise) осанка

erect (upright) bearing прямая осанка

e. g. His tall figure and erect bearing attracted everybody's attention.

8. chest грудная клетка

broad chest (broad-chested) широкая грудь (с широкой грудью)

hollow chest впалая грудь

9. constitution организм, конституция, сложение

frail (delicate) constitution хилый организм

strong (vigorous) constitution, сильный,крепкий организм

weak (poor) constitution слабый организм

e. g. Her weak constitution made it impossible for her to in­dulge in sports.

10. figure фигура

fat figure тучная фигура

graceful figure изящная, грациозная фигура

lean figure худощавая фигура

neat figure изящная, стройная фигура

е . g. The neat and graceful figure of the young woman.

paunchy figure (with a paunch) с брюшком

e. g. The big paunchy figure of Mr. Smith appeared in the distance.

plump figure полная фигура

slender (slim) figure тонкая, стройная фигура

e. g. A slender youth stepped forward.

slight figure тонкая, хрупкая фигура

stocky figure приземистая, коренастая фигура

stout figure дородная, тучная фигура

superb figure прекрасная фигура

well - made figure хорошо сложенная фигура

e. g. He was well-made, though a bit too plump.

11. gait (walk) походка

halting gait (walk with a halt) прихрамывающая походка (при­храмывать)

e. g. The old man walked with a halt.

heavy gait тяжелая походка

light gait легкая походка

e. g. The light gait of an athlete.

limping gait (lameness) хромота

shuffling gait шаркающая походка

e. g. The heavy shuffling gait of old people.

stooping gait (walk with a stoop) сутулость при ходьбе (хо­дить сутулясь)

swaggering gait щегольская походка

swaying (rolling) gait раскачивание при ходьбе

e. g. The swaying gait of a sailor.

12. hunchbacked (humpbacked) горбатый

13. joint сустав

14. muscle мускул

15. shoulder плечо

broad shoulders (broad-shouldered) широкие плечи (широко­плечий)

round shoulders округлые плечи; сутулость

shrug one's shoulders пожимать плечами

e. g. He shrugged his shoulders as if in vexation and stepped aside.

sloping shoulders покатые плечи

6. stature [ˌstætʃə ] (height, size) рост

diminutive stature миниатюрный рост

e. g. Dora was a frail girl of diminutive stature.

high (in height) ростом

e. g. He was 6 feet high (in height).

middle-sized or medium (average) height (size) среднего роста

e. g. Onopening the door I ran into a middle-sized man who was evidently leaving the house.

short низкий, низкого роста

e. g. His mother was short and rather stout.

tall высокий

7. step шаг

firm step твердый шаг

footsteps шаги (звук шагов)

e. g. The young man's measured footsteps were heard.

heavy steps тяжелые шаги

light steps легкие шаги

rapid steps (with a rapid step) быстрые шаги (быстрым шагом)

slow steps (with a slow step) медленные шаги (медленным шагом)

8. stride крупный шаг

e. g. In two strides he caught up with us.

9. trunk туловище

10. waist талия

slim waist ( slim - waisted ) тонкая талия (с тонкой талией)

V. Manners, Voice, Smile — Манеры, голос, улыбка

1. awkward неловкий

e. g. With one awkward movement he upset the little table.

2.  bashful застенчивый

e. g. At first Jon felt bashful in the presence of Fleur.

3. behave вести себя

(The reflexive pronoun is used after the verb to behave when referring to the politeness of one's demeanour.)

e. g. Children, don't fidget. Behave yourselves!

4. behaviour поведение

5. clumsy неуклюжий, неповоротливый

(The difference between the words awkward and clumsy lies in the fact that clumsy implies heaviness and stiffness of body in general, and awkward implies lack of grace in one's move­ments or actions. A clumsy person is usually awkward in his movements; whereas a person may do something awkwardly without being clumsy by nature,

e. g. His clumsy fingers would not obey him.)

6. conduct [ kən'dʌkt ] oneself вести себя (In formal style).

e. g. A young girl should conduct herself with modesty.

7. conduct [ kən'dʌkt ] поведение

(Behave and behaviour are used when speaking about our actions in the presence of others or towards them, and usually refer to external relations. Conduct (v) & (n) are used to characterize the general trend of our actions in more serious instances, espe­cially when the idea of the moral aspect of the action is impor­tant, e. g. We did not approve of his conduct towards his son.)

8. gesture жест, телодвижение

9. grin усмешка

e. g. His mouth widened in a grin.

10. grin усмехаться, ухмыляться

e. g. The man grinned at the boy calmly.

11. manners манеры

(The noun manners in the plural has the meaning of rules of social conduct,

e. g. Children must be taught table manners.)

good manners хорошие манеры

have no manners иметь плохие манеры

quiet manners спокойные манеры

refined manners изящные манеры

12. pert развязный, дерзкий

e. g. The girl's pert reply puzzled the old lady.

13. polite вежливый

14. prim натянуто формальный, чопорный  

e. g. David's aunt was prim and stern with people she did not respect.

15. self-confident самоуверенный

e. g. He spoke with a self-confident air.

16. self-conscious неловкий, застенчивый

e. g. I cannot speak in public. I always feel self-conscious.

17. shy застенчивый

(A shy person is not sure of himself in the presence of other people because he is reserved by nature. A person not shy by nature may become self-conscious because he feels embarrassed. Bashful is generally applied to characterize the behaviour of young people, e. g. He felt shy when people praised his pictures.)

18. smile улыбка

bright smile веселая улыбка

e. g. She gave me a bright smile.

broad smile широкая улыбка

e. g. A broad smile lit up his face.

charming smile прелестная улыбка

cunning smile хитрая улыбка

engaging smile обаятельная улыбка

faint smile чуть заметная улыбка

e. g. A faint smile curved her lips.

happy smile счастливая улыбка

ironical smile ироническая улыбка

pleasant smile приятная улыбка

e. g. The man had quiet manners and a pleasant smile.

pleased smile довольная улыбка

e. g. His pleased smile showed that he was quite satisfied.

sad smile печальная улыбка

strained smile деланная улыбка

e. g. A strained smile appeared on her face.

sweet smile ласковая (милая) улыбка

wear a smile иметь улыбку на лице

e. g. He wore an ironical smile on his face.

wry [raɪ ] smile кривая улыбка

e. g. The man wore a wry cunning smile.

19. smile улыбаться

e. g. He smiled at her across the table.

She smiled her usual sweet smile.

20. stiff принужденный, чопорный

e. g. Miss Ingram gave Jane Eyre a stiff nod.

21. voice голос

at the top of one's voice во весь голос

e. g. We heard a man shouting at the top of his voice.

clear (ringing) voice звонкий голос

deep voice низкий голос

drop one's voice понизить голос

e. g. He dropped his voice to a whisper.

high-pitched voice высокий голос

e. g. The sound of her high-pitched voice still rang in my ears.

hoarse voice хриплый голос

in a voice голосом

e. g. He gave the command in a clear voice.

in bad voice не в голосе

e. g. She said she could not sing as she was in bad voice that day.

in good voice в голосе

loud voice (loud-voiced) громкий голос (с громким голосом, громкоголосый)

e. g. All the family were loud-voiced.

low voice тихий голос

pleasant voice приятный голос

e. g. She spoke in a low, pleasant voice.

raise one's voice возвысить голос

e. g. He raised his voice in anger.

shrill voice резкий голос

soft voice нежный голос

strain one's voice сорвать голос

e. g. Don't shout so loudly, you'll strain your voice.

sweet voice милый (сладкий) голос

thin voice тонкий голос

toneless voice глухой голос

e. g. The sick man said something in a thin, toneless voice.

weak (feeble) voice слабый голос

22. well-bred благовоспитанный

e. g. She wanted her children to be well-bred.

23. whisper шепот

in a whisper шепотом

e. g. Don't speak in a whisper, nobody is asleep.

24. whisper шептать(ся)

VI. General Appraisal of a Person's Appearance — Общая оценка внешности человека

1. air ( look ) 1) внешний вид; 2) аффектация, важничание

(When outward appearance is meant both words air and look may be used, e. g. He spoke about it with an air (look) of secrecy. When affected manners are meant the word air is used,

e . g . Give oneself (put on) airs — важничать, держаться высокомерно.)

2. attractive привлекательный, интересный

e. g. Her jet-black hair and bright blue eyes made her  very attractive.

3. bear ( carry ) one ' s age well хорошо выглядеть для своих лет

e. g. Look how well he bears his age, nobody would ever think he was fifty.

4. beautiful  красивый, прекрасный

5. beauty 1) красавица; 2) красота

e. g. His sister has always been a beauty.

His sister's beauty produced a great impression on me.

real beauty настоящая красавица

6. common простой, заурядный

common appearance заурядная внешность

common face заурядное лицо

7. gain weight  (put on weight) пополнеть, прибавить в весе

e. g. She has gained weight and looks quite healthy

8. good-looking красивый

9. good looks красота

e. g. He took great care with his appearance so as not to lose his good looks.

10. groomed (well-groomed) холеный, выхоленный

groomed (well-groomed) hands холеные руки

groomed (well-groomed) face холеное лицо

11. handsome красивый, интересный

12. how does somebody look? как выглядит... ?

(This question is asked about a person whom the inquirer knows but has not seen for some time.)

e. g. Is it true that she has been seriously ill, how does she look now?

13. image  копия (кого-либо)

the very image (of) точная копия

e. g. The girl is the very image of her mother.

14. look as if ... выглядеть как будто...

e. g. She looks as if she were ill. look like быть похожим

e. g. The child looks very much like his elder brother.

look old for one's age выглядеть старше своих лет

e. g. Being stout, he looked rather old for his age.

look one ' s age выглядеть ни моложе, ни старше своих лет

look oneself again оправиться, принять обычный вид

e. g. I was glad to see that she looked herself again.

look not a day older than выглядеть не старше, чем

e. g. She looked not a day older than thirty, though I knew that she must be much older.

look young for one ' s age выглядеть молодо для своих лет

15. lose weight худеть, терять в весе

e. g. She has lost weight and looks quite young for her age.

16. plain (Am. homely) некрасивый

e. g. A plain common face.

17. pretty хорошенький

18. remind one of (somebody, something) напоминать (кого-либо, что-либо)

e. g. Her face reminds me of her mother's.

Resemble быть похожим

e. g. She did not resemble anybody in the family.

20. something about one's face (eyes, etc.) что-то в лице, и т. д.

e. g. There was something strange about her eyes.

take after походить на (отца, мать)

e. g. We all agreed that the boy took after his papa.

22. ugly уродливый

23. well - preserved хорошо сохранившийся

e. g. He looks well-preserved for his age.

24. what does somebody look like? как выглядит... ?

(This question is asked about a person whom the inquirer probably does not know. In answer to this question the inquirer expects a description of the person's appearance.)

e. g. What does her brother look like? He is tall and dark-haired.

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