VI Перескажите текст “Our University”.




Students ’ Life


I Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

higher education – высшее образование

institutions of higher education – высшие учебные заведения

general science – общеобразовательные предметы

graduating – окончание ВУЗа

to receive diplomas – получать дипломы

to master the program material – усвоить программный материал

to cultivate habits of researches – развивать навыки исследований

rest and recreation facilities – условия для отдыха и развлечений

to participate in – принимать участие в

to go in for sports – заниматься спортом

to make the best of something – использовать наилучшим образом


II Прочтите и переведите текст.

The demand for competent specialists grows in our time so all governments pay great attention to the development of higher education. Thousands of students study at institutions of higher education and their knowledge will determine the country’s future.

The Latin word “student” means “one devoted to learning”. Indeed, the chief task of a student is to learn. Students are very busy people, they work hard to become good specialists.

Higher education is provided by universities, academies, specialized and polytechnical institutes. Tuition combines lectures on theory with practical classes. The first and second years are devoted to general science. Specialization usually begins in the third or fourth year. There are foreign languages and physical training classes at all institutes and universities. At the end of each term students take examinations on theory and tests on practical work. After graduating all students receive diplomas.

At the classes students do not only master the program material. They also cultivate habits of researches.

Our students do not only study, they also take part in public life. Student councils and societies arrange social activities of students, rest and recreation facilities.

Students organize auctions and fairs, participate in amateur concerts. There are political, sporting, foreign languages and drama societies. Students take part in debates and forums, reflecting what the youth is thinking and feeling. Students often go on excursions. They are fond of visiting different places of interest. Almost all students go in for sports. Many institutions of higher education have stadiums, gyms, swimming pools and game areas. Some students work in summer to earn money and get experience.

So, young people try to make the best of their student years.


III Найдите синонимы к выделенным словам.

Teaching, a document that shows you have completed the course of study, to use as good as possible, to have an effect, non-professional, a tendency to do certain things, main, knowledge and skills


IV Задайте вопросы к предложениям из текста.

1. The demand for competent specialists grows greatly in our time. (how much) 2. Thousands of students study at institutions of higher education. (how many) 3. Their knowledge will determine the country’s future. (what) 4. The chief task of a student is to learn. (what) 5. Universities, academies, specialized and polytechnical institutes provide higher education. (what institutions) 6. Specialization usually begins in the third or fourth year. (when) 7. All students receive diplomas. (what) 8. There are political, sporting, foreign languages and drama societies. (what kind of) 9. They are fond of visiting museums and art galleries. (what … of) 11. Some students work in summer to earn money and get experience. (why)


V Ответьте на вопросы :

1. What does the word “student” mean? 2. What is the chief task of a student? 3. What institutions provide higher education? 4. What are the first and second years devoted to? 5. When does specialization begin? 6. What do students take at the end of each term? 7. What do students receive after graduating? 8. What do student councils and various societies arrange? 9. What societies and clubs are there? 10. What do some students do in summer?


VI Перескажите текст “Students’ Life”.


National System of Education


I Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

preschool education – дошкольное образование

secondary education – среднее образование

vocational education – профессионально-техническое образование

higher education – высшее образование

postgraduate education – последипломное образование (аспирантура)

establishment – учреждение

primary school – начальная школа

basic school – базовая школа

secondary school – средняя школа

knowledge evaluation system – система оценки знаний

certificate of basic or secondary education – аттестат о базовом или среднем образовании

qualified labour training – подготовка квалифицированных специалистов рабочих специальностей

extra-mural programs – программы заочного обучения

to offer – предлагать

to be engaged in – быть вовлечённым в

to confer the degree of Certified Specialist – присуждать звание дипломированного специалиста

defense of a degree work – защита научной работы (диплома)

completed secondary education – законченное среднее образование

entrance examinations – вступительные экзамены

compulsory subjects – обязательные предметы

to be admitted – быть зачисленным (в ВУЗ)

to get scholarship – получать стипендию

to pay tuition fees – платить за обучение

graduate with honours – закончить ВУЗ с отличием


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 387; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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