Exercise 1. Define if the sentences are true or false

1. Most of American families are very large.

2. Aging parents never live with the family of their children.

3. Marriage is preceded by dating.

4. After the marriage the young couple is not free to decide where to live.

5. The birth rate has been declining steadily in recent years.

6. People are free to get a divorce.

7. Children never share important decision making.

8. Young people are expected to break away from their parental families by the time they have reached their late teens or early twenties.

9. Elderly people often feel useless and lonely.

10. Equality of men and women requires changing the traditional roles of women and men in the home.


Exercise 2. Find In the text the English equivalents for

1) вести раздельное хозяйство;

2) стареющие дедушка и бабушка;

3) считается нежелательным;

4) создавать семью;

5) дело личной ответственности;

6) общее одобрение;

7) уровень рождаемости;

8) получить развод;

9) принимать совместные решения;

10) расставаться с родительской семьей;

11) движение в защиту прав женщин;

12) равенство мужчин и женщин

13) традиционные роли женщин и мужчин в семье;

14) забота о ребенке;

15) обязанности по дому.


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with missing words

1. Most of American families consist of ... living together.

2. Occasionally .. .may live with the family, but it's not considered… .

3. Marriage is preceded by ..., that is, young men and women are going out together.

4. After ... the young couple is free to decide where to live and when ....

5. The ... has been declining steadily in recent years.

6. If the couple finds their marriage was a mistake, they are free to

7. In the American family the husband and the wife usually share

8. Young people are expected ... by the time they have reached their late teens or early twenties.

9. This pattern of independence often results in serious problems for....

10. There are some problems concerning equality ....

11. Many members of ...movement believe that equality of men and women requires changing ...of women and men in the home.


Exercise 4. Insert prepositions or post verbal adverbs where necessary

1 Most of American families consist ...a mother, a father and three or four children living ...home.

2 Marriage ...the US is considered a matter ...individual respon­sibility and decision.

3 It is preceded ...dating, that is, young men and women are going ...together.

4 They plan the number.. .children and the practice of limiting the size .. .families has general approval.

5 Young people are expected to break......their parental families .. .the time they have reached ... their late teens or early twenties.

6 This pattern of independence often results ... serious problems ...the aging parents.

7 They say that men should take ... some of the responsibilities ... child care and household work.


Skill Developing

Make up dialogues discussing the following problems:

1. Teenage marriage.

2. Leadership in the family.

3. Marriage contracts and romantic love.

4. Divorce and one-parent families.

5. A white wedding or no wedding?

Write a composition on one of the following topics. Discuss your composi­tions

In class.

1. Families with Many Children versus Families with One Child.

2. The Effect of Divorce on Children.

3. The Ideal Family of the Future.


Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 521; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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